short answer: no
long answer: yes, it is possible. First you need to get your hands on a couple gravity drives. Engage those drives and bend time itself so the curvature becomes a loop of about .2 seconds for everyone except you. Everyone will just be repeating themselves every .2 seconds, which is long enough for people to notice you, but not long enough for them to react. It will also be long enough so the space-time continuum doesn't get disrupted by static time. You'll have to start the gravity drives in japan, because you'll need to infiltrate sony headquarters, particularly the division with the labs that are still testing PS3's. Run in there, get the "construction manual", grab the CPU and GPU and the case and all the hardware necessary. Get the hell out of there before the gravity drives collapse on themselves. If this happens, then it will slowly become a black hole as the gravity drives become infinitely small but still retaining their mass. YOU CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN.
Then as soon as you disengage the gravity drives, just take all your stolen PS3 stuff home with you and try to build it. you'll also need a couple screwdrivers. get both standard and phillips.
Don't worry aboutt he people who think they saw you. They'll think it was just their eyes playing tricks on them. it will be really awesome to know that everyone saw you, but they won't really remember. HOW SWEET IS THAT? ALMOST AS SWEET AS THE NEW PS3 YOU JUST BUILT. PEACE!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. November 2005 @ 22:53