I'm tired of all this hatred that's brought forth over the consoles by their respective fanboys.. This is the 360 - General Discussion part of the forums, why is there so much talk about the Ps3? Wait for the Ps3 if you want to, no ones going to hate you for it.. Buy an 360 if you want to, no ones going to hate you for it.. Leave people the hell alone and just let them choose whatever they want to.. There's no reason that everyone has to bitch over what one person's choosing versus the other person. Just let it happen.. Damn..
I get so annoyed because all people do is talk trash about the people buying the 360, calling them idiots and what not just because they want to buy one when it's released.. If they're idiots then I'm one of those idiots.. I bought one because I wanted one.. Not because I gave into hype or what the hell ever.. I've owned and Xbox since November 15th, 2001, I've owned an Xbox 360 since November 22nd, 2005.. Nothing anyone will say can change my mind on what system I prefer.. It's just preference..
Another thing, specs.. Almighty specs.. I'll be the first to admit it, Hell yeah the Ps3 looks impressive, but that stil doesn't mean that I'm going to stray away from what I've known.. I was impressed by the Xbox, it had better games(for me) and better graphics than the Ps2, no one can argue that even though I know a lot of people will.. But it had better graphics, there's no disputing it.. It came out a year later than the Ps2, and this time the Ps3 is coming out a year after the 360.. Therefore it'll probably have plenty more advancements than the 360.. It's time for it to.. 360 fans shouldn't become so offended by what Ps3 fans say because regardless of what happens, you know what you want.. Get what you want, trust me, the earths not going to shift..
When it comes down to everything, I'm a hardcore gamer.. I love playing video games, it helps me deal with stress, fight boredom, and it keeps me off of drugs.. So I'm probably going to buy both.. Please, stop all the damn fussing and just do what you want.. You want to know my personal ratings..
XboX 360: Two Thumbs Up..
Ps3: Two Thumbs Up..
That's all there is to it.. Live with it and quit being bitches about everything..
Thank you.. If I'm hated, whatever.. I don't care anymore.. There's no way to explain the feelings behind all this stupid bull that everyones bitching about.. It's going to happen, even after I post this.. There's no stopping it so.. wTf ever.. But I know some of you out there are tired of it to and will agree with me..