PSU blew up!
5. December 2005 @ 08:22 |
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My PSU blew up the other day after changing my hardware into a new case, I found out what the problem was, a small metal plate came loose in the PSU and I watched it spark when I moved the computer.
I bought a new PSU and now get nothing from the motherboard (only a burning plastic smell) so I turned it off quickly. The strange thing is I have a thermaltake 13 fan monitor which bleeps a loud alarm when plugged in at the same time as if there is a problem with the power being supplied.
I have ordered a new PSU online (a better one) and will replace the motherboard if I get no joy when connecting the new PSU up.
I looked at the CPU and it looks fine, however it could be something else.
Anyone experienced anything similar and can advise? What would you look for and what would you replace first?
Thanks guys.
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5. December 2005 @ 08:25 |
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If your PSU shorted out then it could have damaged your mobo/cpu or any other part of your pc , best bet would be to drop it of at a pc repair shop & let them check the system out ....
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5. December 2005 @ 08:26 |
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sometimes when those power supplies go bang they f--k up everything,others are all your transistors?are they cone shaped or flat on top?if they are coned you blew up that mobo to.some mobo have fuses on them.look aroung on the board.that fan sounds bad not that the heatsink fan?...peace
hey jonni3 deathmatch thats the work for the
thermaltake tsunami dream case windowed-all aluminium
ENERMAX EGA850EWL GALAXY ATX 12V 850W SLI..sweet huh??
amd64 3700+ san diego 64 bit
corsair 3500LLpros ddr500
evga 7800 gtx 512 mb card
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5. December 2005 @ 08:29 |
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theres a chance that the surge caused by blowing the psu could have blown the motherboard and cpu. the only way to test this is trying a new cpu in ur mobo and a new mobo with ur CPU.
or if you havent had it long and you bought the reatil boxed version of the cpu and mobo - take them back to where you got them and say it just blew up on you (dont explain how you really did it) they should just swap the CPU and MOBO for new ones or give you your money back. (id suggest not taking the psu though lol) also dont tell them that you were changing the case just say you switched it on, it blew up, you have no idea why etc etc (basically lye thru ya teeth)
it worked for me and i hope it works for you 2 ;P
Studio Comp: AMD Athlon XP 3200+ OC ~ 2.35GHz runs at 40 celcius idle and 48 under stress (aerocool GT1000 really works!), Asrock K7VT4A , 1024MB Dual Channel DDR 400, MSI Nvidia FX5200 128MB OC ~ 600MHz mem 350MHz core,80GB SATA + 200GB SATA + 120GB IDE, 7.1 Channel Soundblaster Audigy 2 Platinum EX sound and midi interface. 19" Sony SDM-HS95 TFT monitor - sweeet
Comp2: AMD Sempron 2400+ OC ~ 2.0GHz (Stable), Asrock K7S41GX, 512MB DDR 333, Onboard Graphics, 40GB Maxtor IDE
set of monitors on the way soon :P
Google is your friend...
WorkComp: LAPTOP, intel celeron D 2.4GHz, 256MB DDR, 20GB hd. NO SCREEN IT WAS SAWN OFF :S (bag of crap)
5. December 2005 @ 08:39 |
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Hi, thanks for the quick replys!
I cant see any transistors on the motherboard that looks like they have burnt out. I am just concerned by the smell of burning when I turn my new PSU on.
I will look for a fuse but I dont think the motherboard would be burning if the fuse was blown.
The motherboard is a FIC P4M 800T. There is one on ebay at the moment for £29 so no bother there, just dont want to waste too much money troubleshooting a problem you guys could solve!
Will await the new PSU.
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5. December 2005 @ 08:49 |
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definitly a beat mobo....that board is burnt to get new...luckly the house didnt catch fire....peace
thermaltake tsunami dream case windowed-all aluminium
ENERMAX EGA850EWL GALAXY ATX 12V 850W SLI..sweet huh??
amd64 3700+ san diego 64 bit
corsair 3500LLpros ddr500
evga 7800 gtx 512 mb card
5. December 2005 @ 18:05 |
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rugripper, not transistors but capacitors which are the can shaped objects.
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5. December 2005 @ 19:16 |
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oh i remember you said that a million man...forgot i tried
thermaltake tsunami dream case windowed-all aluminium
ENERMAX EGA850EWL GALAXY ATX 12V 850W SLI..sweet huh??
amd64 3700+ san diego 64 bit
corsair 3500LLpros ddr500
evga 7800 gtx 512 mb card
5. December 2005 @ 19:22 |
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teach & learn
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5. December 2005 @ 19:24 |
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thx bro.....peace
thermaltake tsunami dream case windowed-all aluminium
ENERMAX EGA850EWL GALAXY ATX 12V 850W SLI..sweet huh??
amd64 3700+ san diego 64 bit
corsair 3500LLpros ddr500
evga 7800 gtx 512 mb card
13. December 2005 @ 11:06 |
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I have now replaced the PSU and the motherboard and there is no power at all to the motherboard.
No fans, no lights.
Any ideas???
13. December 2005 @ 13:04 |
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disconnect all drives & stuff til just psu, bare motherboard & power switch to see if power comes on. if comes on than replace 1 item at atime til either everything is attached & working or stops working which means that component is defective. also check that the cmos jumper is in default mode, the board power switch is located properly, the right voltage on the psu is selected for your country as in 115v for north america & 230v for rest of world.
13. December 2005 @ 13:38 |
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Hey, thanks for your reply!
Is it possible for the PSU to run without the CPU or memory installed?
I just tested the PSU by jumping the green to the black wires on the main motherboard power connection and the PSU tested ok.
I tried PSU, Motherboard (Power with jumper) without anything plugged in and nothing happened.
The Cmos jumpers are set to 1-2 (Default) on both motherboards (FIC P4M 800T).
Any other ideas?
13. December 2005 @ 14:12 |
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try the board out of the case as possible grounding is causing the problem.
13. December 2005 @ 21:47 |
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I have done but not with the memory and the CPU in, will try that.
I transfered everything over to a new case, all worked fine then a small plate in the PSU came loose and blew.
Hope it didnt take the CPU with it!!
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14. December 2005 @ 02:36 |
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my power supply will not work unless all ram is installed on mobo and ps is pluged into can buy a tester to see if any voltage is coming out of wires.if the power is coming out,then it could be ram or it could be your could be many things with a power surge like have to try in another pc if it is compatable and if your have another one,dont know......i hope this helps you alittle bit....peace
thermaltake tsunami dream case windowed-all aluminium
ENERMAX EGA850EWL GALAXY ATX 12V 850W SLI..sweet huh??
amd64 3700+ san diego 64 bit
corsair 3500LLpros ddr500
evga 7800 gtx 512 mb card
14. December 2005 @ 02:56 |
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Hi, thanks for that, I have 2 new PSUs so I know there is no problem there.
It may be that it took the memory with it. I will buy another 512 stick and see if that is the problem.
17. December 2005 @ 12:07 |
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I have now tested everything. It may be that the new motherboard is also faulty but I find that odd.
What tests can I do to make sure the motherboard works?
I have tested my CPU in another computer and also used RAM from another computer, Have 2 x PSUs which both give the same result (nothing!).
I am very confused!
17. December 2005 @ 12:15 |
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did you check to see if cmos jumper is in default or normal mode & not clear mode? if ram, cpu, videocard & psu tests ok on other computer than board is the problem. return it for replacement board.
18. December 2005 @ 09:12 |
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It should be the RAM becose if you have replaced the PSU then there shouldnt be any problem with the computer so i recomend you to farst borrow some RAM to see if it will work.
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18. December 2005 @ 10:58 |
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i would get a stick of ram that is compatable with your stick....then read the manual to see which slot one ram stick goes...on mine its either the one closest to the cpu and the one futhest from the cpu.....if it stiil does start....ddp has said several times clear cmos....this is a jumper usally right next to battery...3 little pins with a jumper cap over two of them....move the cap and cover the pin thats open and the one next to it[center pin]1st pin should be open now]then let stay for a couple of put back to the original...thats how you clear cmos if you didnt know.....try ram in other pc to see if it works first....if ps works and ram is good the fans will spin and lights will come video could be card or much can happen....i hope i get this right....the capacitors are flat not coned,no prob right?...hope this helps....peace
thermaltake tsunami dream case windowed-all aluminium
ENERMAX EGA850EWL GALAXY ATX 12V 850W SLI..sweet huh??
amd64 3700+ san diego 64 bit
corsair 3500LLpros ddr500
evga 7800 gtx 512 mb card
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18. December 2005 @ 10:58 |
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server screwup
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18. December 2005 @ 10:58 |
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server screwup
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18. December 2005 @ 23:13 |
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Your RAM slot may also be faulty so try it with only one memory ....
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19. December 2005 @ 14:37 |
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A cheap and effective way is to buy a poer supply tester, you can find them for around $10. they plug into the atx plug on your psu and there is a switch on it, which allows you to turn on the psu and test it, without using anything in the system. also i would take each part out of the system, and swap it with a known-good replacement. Also, take a quick look at all the wires in the system and make sure none are short circuiting the psu.
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