Hi, I'm working my way through Diablo 2, and am wanting to get myself a trainer, because to be honest, I'm just interested in getting the idea of the story; I don't want to try find rare items, and spend hours fighting monster after monster...BUT, I have version 1.11 and haven't had much luck with any of the trainers out there, probably designed for earlier versions. Does anyone know of a trainer that defintely works for 1.11?
hows it going man. I seem to be having the same problem you do. I have 1.11 and cant find a trainer that will work for it. It's a big pain in the ass. I searched everwhere, even tried paying for one, but thought about it and I dont think I want one that bad. If you ever get your hands on one please let me know, and I'll do the same for you. Good luck
yo, thanks dude. Will defintely keep you in mind if I come across anything - it seems all the trainers were written before v 1.11 was released, and so as to also cover the expansion pack. Good call on the pay-version - but doubtful something will be released this late unfortunately - hack and slash away my friend, that game never lets up...
hey, you may be well and truly done by now - but in searching for something entirely different, I came across an excellent trainer for DII 1.11 - does just about everything you can think of - well worth a look if you're still hacking and slashing the masses
Shadow_clan, though they kicked me out becuase i went rouge and started killing members and taking gold, i would still recommend them, they give you a map hack at lvl 80 too
haha. i always wanted a maphack :( i just didnt wanna get banned.. lmao. i dont play D2 anymore tho, i play guild wars now :D i had a pretty good trainer too. i cant remember what it was called tho.