Polk Subwoofer settings
Junior Member
14. December 2005 @ 01:28 |
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Just got my Onkyo 603 receiver, Polk Monitor 30 fronts and surround, Polk CS1 Center, and PSW505 sub. Was wondering what my settings should be on my speakers? Also, if I just use the Sub cable, do I still use the crossover and phase switch? Confused, please explain. Thanks
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15. December 2005 @ 06:07 |
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rule of thumb...... (i have the 404 sub)
turn the gain all the way up, the frequency all the way down and use the 'filtered' jack for the cable from the AVR.
your other speaker settings are adjusted to taste.
i am not sure if that onkyo has auto set up, i dont think it does, but the 702 does....
set your towers to small, surrounds to small, center to large (for dialouge) and keep the settings (frequencey wise) in a wave pattern.
i'll tell you more when you respond.
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
Junior Member
16. December 2005 @ 18:22 |
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I got a Monster 400 cable to hook my sub up with. I hooked to the sub out on my AV Reciever and into sub-in on the sub. It says unfiltered. Now, my cable came with a Y cable also where I can hook into the red and white input on the sub I suppose? Also there is something called a phase switch? Thanks gear79
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16. December 2005 @ 18:34 |
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yeah, i have my phase swith to 0... the other is 180... that is like reversing the polarity of the sub. instead of pushing its pulling.
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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17. December 2005 @ 01:38 |
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Hi Gear...Gear, what purpose does the phase switch serve? ...I read what you wrote about pushing/pulling but I notice no audible difference (perhaps my AVR has something to do with this?). Thanks.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. December 2005 @ 01:40
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17. December 2005 @ 03:37 |
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it makes the woofer's cone either push the speaker or pull the speaker.
no major difference, i always have mine at 0.
unless your volume is way loud, you may hear the difference.
but most subs now a days have a long throw voice coil, so set them to 0 instead of 180
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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17. December 2005 @ 09:19 |
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Will do; thanks gear!
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17. December 2005 @ 09:24 |
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hey gerry, just out of curiousity, do you have all your power wires, speaker wires and cables seperated?
i have mine in that spiral wrap plastic stuff in channels. one cable per cord, in other words, all my power cables run down one channel, then, my speaker wires are in another, and so on.....
except for my sides and surrounds... the wires are in wall and through my attic. i do hear a rat up there, the past few night that pecker has gotten on my nerves... the pitter patter of rat feet running around. i need to climb up there and see if that rat b@stard has chewed on my cables....
anyway, the point of this sewperation of cables leaves you no tolerance for interfearence.......
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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17. December 2005 @ 10:10 |
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You can still get interference if you're using good cables? (You don't seem to be the sort to take out a second mortgage to buy cables but I'm sure you use good stuff that does the job right!) Interference never occured to me when I sorted mine ... I have all the speaker wires bundled together and labeled and pretty much the same with everything else but I did it to make things neater, easier to find and to avoid that inevitable cluster-f*** of cables; they're seperated from each other for organization but they're not insulated from each other in any way. You've got me curious. What is this "Spiral wrapped plastic stuff in channels" that you mentioned. I may not be using the most expensive cables and wires around but I use damned good stuff all the same specifically to guard against interefrence problems. If there's more than that, I'd really like to hear it; it wouldn't be all that difficult for me because at least they're all seperated, labeled and in good order. Thanks for the heads up on this!
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17. December 2005 @ 11:36 |
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scroll down to the larger image...
my cables were not bottom end nor top of the line... but in between.
i have various wires too...
some accoustic research, monster, home depot speaker wire, and the ones that are rated for in wall wiring, the fire retardant ones.
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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17. December 2005 @ 14:15 |
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Hi gear, thanks for the link. I know what you're talking about now that I see it. It wouldn't be a very expensive project. I take it it doesn't so much insulate but seperates them keeping them out of the electromagnetic field of the others? O.K. so you said you use one channel for all the speaker wire & you use a channel for each power cord. What about cables like optical, component, RCA etc. I know there's less current running through those, did you use this stuff with them too? Thanks
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17. December 2005 @ 14:26 |
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yup, all are seperated... speaker wires have their own tube, power cables in one, my opticals and HDMI cable are together and so on and so on. all my speaker wires are numbered and banana plugged tips, even my sub cable has its own tube !
1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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17. December 2005 @ 14:30 |
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Cool! Not an expensive project, I'll give it a shot. Thanks!
5. March 2006 @ 13:32 |
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center to large? why would you ever set a cs1 to large its not a large center channel. refer to your manual i am certain it will tell you to set it to small . when you set it to large you allow bass to go to the speaker .. that is what the sub is for(assuming of course you have one) even then it should not be set to large for a center of this size.
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5. March 2006 @ 14:27 |
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You're addressing Gear79...he's been gone from aD for some time now.
5. March 2006 @ 22:20 |
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oh yes .. i see that now .. my apologies.