I have encounted the new problem after upgradeing from Nero 6 Ultra to Nero 7. I get an error when trying to burn a DVD from programs recorded from Cable TV. I have narrowed the problem down to the case where I add chapters to the project. When I add chapters I get the error
[06:15:10] DVDEngine cause: 25 (dvdvideo_spec_violation)
[06:15:10] DVDEngine source: VOBU_S_PTM is 0, but shall be equal to VOBU_E_PTM (10087077) of preceeding VOBU.
[06:15:10] DVDEngine description: _DVDProcessor::VerifyDesc()
If I remove ALL of the chapters then I am able to burn a DVD with no problems. I have tried it with multiple programs recorded from cable TV. It pretty much behaves the same way each time. If I add chapters, the error occurs. If I do not add chapters, there is no error.
I upgraded from Nero 6 Ultra to Nero 7 Ultra and the problem did not exist with Nero 6. I record and burn programs every day, and have been for months. The problem started occuring when I upgraded to Nero 7. Additionally I installed Nero 7 on a fresh system for testing and got the same results.
Chapters are very important and I would appreciate any pointers anyone can provide. Thanks in advance, BBBurns
I am having the exact same problem. Anyone have any suggestions?
Nero 7 on Windows XP SP2, AMD Athlon 64 3000, 1 Gig Mem, 500 gig hard drive space.
Note: I was running Nero successfully. I updated my ATI 9800 Radeon AIW 128 video and multimedia drivers. Also updated to the new Nero 7 update. Now, when burning to hard drive, I get the error below when Chapters are selected. Burns fine without chapter selection.
[09:08:35] DVDEngine ERROR
[09:08:35] DVDEngine cause: 25 (dvdvideo_spec_violation)
[09:08:35] DVDEngine source: VOBU_S_PTM is 15495480, but shall be equal to VOBU_E_PTM (4057405594) of preceeding VOBU.
[09:08:35] DVDEngine description: _DVDProcessor::VerifyDesc()
Have you try leting Nero do it's anylize for chapter marks. Sense you are capturing in Nero and creating the dvd in Nero that might work.
I am of the same thinking as you though. Manual chapter setting should work right. I say send a support request to Nero to be sure they are getting these type of problems requested to be fixed. I would think they are getting many but ya never know.
Hi whompus,
Thanks for the reply. I actually capture my tv using the ATI capture program. I use the DVD High with heavy video soap option and the results are outstanding. I have had no problems using the ATI mpeg capture with Nero 6 Ultra or Only after updating the ATI software and Nero did I start having this problem.
Yes, I let Nero analyze my chapter marks. I have never set the chapter marks myself.