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denon 2805 6 channel direct inputs
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15. December 2005 @ 13:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just bought my 2805 and I love it but it wanted to run ext inputs in 6 channel for surround sound from my dvd player but still be able to use the 8 channels frnts,center,sub surround spks and surround back speakers. I find that with the dvd player it does not have 8 channels only 6 . My question is can I hook up the dvd player in 6 channel and the 2805 be able to process the other 2 channels that I'm missing.from the dvd player to the reciever is front L,R
Center, Surround L,R...I want the reciever to process the last 2 channel the Surround back L,R ...Will the denon 2805 do this and if yes how because I cant figue it out for the life of me. I hook up the surrround back and I was only gettting sound through the in optical mode but I prefer analog 6 or 8 channel since its much cleaner a disticted

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16. December 2005 @ 06:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The 6 channel outputs on the back of the dvd player, is really meant more for listening to the High Resolution surround tracks of SACD and DVD-A music discs. You can listen to movies through these outputs too, but the digital output (optical or digital coax) is better for movies. When using the 6 analog outputs, you're using the player's processor for the sound, and using the digital outputs, you're using the receiver's processor, which is usually better. When listening to sacd or dvd-a discs, use the EXT. IN setting (Denon's way of saying Multi-Channel).

I hope this helps you understand the analog outputs and inputs better.
Good luck!
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16. December 2005 @ 07:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
JVC is right on this one....... let the receiver decode all your formats (sounds) via optical or coax cable... the denon you have will figure it all out for you. no set up needed for that part !

just make sure your inputs and outputs are connected accordingly !

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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16. December 2005 @ 09:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Howdy guy! I've got a Denon 3805 and can tell you with certainty that your AVR won't do what you're asking from the external inputs. I guess you should try the external inputs for yourself if your player has decoders (Just to satisfy your curiosity ...I tried it just for the hell of it) but it was a huge waste of effort and a big clutter or wires for nothing. Your AVR and mine have different decoders but still, I've got to believe that the externals won't even come close to the capabilities of the 2805.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. December 2005 @ 09:44

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22. December 2005 @ 15:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So what you guys are saying it is better to let a bunch of engineers who design recievers for DEnon to decode a movie in digital and be kind of accuarate rather that han to rely on the milllions of dollars movie make spend on sound ,audio to make movie as true to life as possible... I sorry for being off the cuff but you peop[le are misss informed about digital..I order to full get the true feel what the movie sound designer whated to show in a digital format you need to puchure a optical cable with a glass head and pay 900 dollars and more....Look at it this way have you ever been to a movie theater the sound in a theater is proccessed in analog to each of the apposing speakers...the denon still has to process the signal but it a pure to what was recorded on the DVD a possible though analog or are you going to tell me you listen to music through a digal signal as well ...

Just disapointed and confused
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22. December 2005 @ 16:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you were operating the AVR in the manner intended, you would achieve the results you're looking for assuming you're using good speakers and appropriately matched to their function (though I'm more familiar with the 3805, I believe they have the same features in this regard). Rather than operate the unit with the built in decoders, you're looking to use the external ins ... the unit can only give you the signals that you put through it ... you said it yourself in your post regarding processing "the other two channels that I'm missing" how can you process what isn't there? The 2805 is a nice piece of equipment; it's only being "kind of accurate" because you're bypassing some very sophisticated decoding in favor of an outside source intended for an altogether different purpose. We know what optical cables are for, we use them, but when you hit that "EXT IN" button, you turn it off and you've bypassed the very decoders which would give you what you're looking for, you give it only six channels to process and you expect eight in return...and then you say the three of us are misinformed? Why did you even buy the 2805 if only to bypass it's most critical elements?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. December 2005 @ 01:52

Suspended permanently
22. December 2005 @ 17:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@ mrstern...........i'm confused just reading your post !!
your initial post seemed inquisitive enough, now you come back like you some kind of pro......... pardon this for sounding harsh.
but was it information that you were looking for in the first place?
were you not seeking out opinions, help, guidance?

re-read what you posted, then get back at us with some good info !
peop[le are misss informed about digital..I order to full get the true feel what the movie sound designer whated to show in a digital format you need to puchure a optical cable with a glass head and pay 900 dollars and more...
come listen to mine some day, with what i have, how it's set up, and the amount of money i spent (which was not un-real)... you'd swear you were in a theater.

that's all i gotta say.

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69 > forums > home theater > receivers and amplifiers > denon 2805 6 channel direct inputs

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