When you have that figured out, and you are ready for Batch Processing (a wonderful feature!):
Assuming you already have RB configured to your liking:
1. Rip file to HD (DVDFabDecrypter_Temp/name of DVD on my G Drive)
2. Select ?Source? (DVDFabDecrypter_Temp/name of DVD/DVD on my G
Drive) and setup ?Destination? (Movies/name of DVD on my H Drive)
and ?Work Path? (RBBatchTEMP on my G Drive) folders
3. Remove additional Audio/Subtitles if desired
4. Select encoder in ?Mode? menu
5. Choose encoder and run ?Prepare? phase (about a 7 minute process)
6. Go to ?File? menu and select ?Skip PREPARE Phase in Batch?
6a. Use the ?Preview /Edit? feature if you want and use the button
7. In ?File? menu select ?Save Project? (I created a folder called
RBBatch on my H Drive for batch processing)
8. Name file in Batch folder and Save (It should get a ?.rbd?
9. Repeat above steps for additional projects
10. IF you are running more than one project in Batch, complete step
10a. If not, skip to step 11.
10a. In ?Mode? menu go to ?Select ISO Output Options? and deselect ?Automatically Burn? and any other selected options in ?ISO Output Options? if you have RB configured to ?Output to ISO Image File?
11. In ?Mode? menu Deselect ?One Click Mode?
12. Click on ?Batch? tab (near top on right half of window)
13. Click ?Add? (near the middle of right half of window you will see Add/Delete/Start)to add projects to ?Projects to be processed? window
14. Click ?Start? when all projects are added. Don?t forget to put a blank disc in burner if you are only running one project and have ?automatically burn with DVDDecrypter or Imgburn? selected.
15. Once batch processing is completed, burn desired file(s) or image(s)?
@korso55 - you've already been advised about multiposting and i see you've been doing it again. stick to this one thread now. you've been given some great info already. Pls read the info you've been given and have some patience also.