Hi Guys,
I have a feeling that this is a stupid
question,but I don't know why.
Q1) My tv is a widescreen LCD (Sony
KDF-E42A10 42")and a guy at work
said that a lot of so called
wdescreens aren't really wide screen.
He said that the only way you can
tell that it isn't a true widescreen
is by puting in a 16:9 aspect ratio
dvd and if you see black bars on the
top and bottom of the screen then
you just got ripped off because your tv
isn't really widescreen.
Needless to say,I'm upset because
what he said turned out to be true
about my tv.I do have black bars
at the top and bottom of the screen
when I put on a dvd that said :
"widescreen version enhanced for
16:9 tv's".So how come I see black
black bars if My tv is widescreen?
Q 2) This same guy also said that many
tv's are being sold as HDTV's and they
really aren't.He said the only way to
tell is when you get an HD Satellite
box like Star Choice for example,that's
sending an image at 1080i and you see
black bars at the top and bottom,then
you will know that your tv really isn't
a high definition tv.He said that Sony
is one manufacture that is really guilty
of telling the consumer that a tv is HD
when it really isn't.This doesn't make
sense to me,but is he right?
I just bought this tv last week so if I have
been ripped off then I can still return it.
At present my dvd player is an Hd dvd player
but my satellite box is only digital and not
HD.I was planning on getting an HD box next
week,but if my tv isn't really a true wide screen
I will hold off until I can find a real HDTV.
Does any of the above crap make any sense to anybody?
I would really appreciate some knowledgeable help
in this matter.
Thank You
Sony HDTV KF-E50A10
PS3 ( 60gb)
Toshiba DVD Player SD-4980SC ( upconverting)