- PS2 Save Builder 0.8x (but older versions should work too)
- two files called icon.sys and static.ico
- a memory card with up to 3MB free space
- a CD-R, a CD-burner and a burning software (I recommend Nero Burning Rom for this)
1. Open Notepad (Start->Programs->Accessories->Notepad)
2. There paste the following:
TITLE Tekken Tag Tournament
(Hit Enter after Pasting to begin a new line after the entry "RUN TTT.ELF", that preserves you from problems)
Remark: Under "TITLE" you can write what ever you want, but because I backup Tekken Tag Tournament I'll write the previous.
Under "RUN" you must specify the executable you'll obtain later on.
3. You now need to save the data under the name of "copy.cnf" (File->Save As->copy.cnf)
4. Next open CDGen 3.0 and drag and drop all files of your game (in my case the files of Tekken Tag Tournament) in the main window of CDGen, except the executable of your game (this is the file, which looks like one of the following SCES_***.**,SLES_***.**, SLUS_***.**, SCUS_***.** or SLPM_***.**; *=a number)
5. Hit the edit volume button (VOL) on the left side of CDGen (or File->Edit Image) and write in the textbox the name, your retail game cd has, in my case this name is TEKKENTAGTOURNAMENT. Then hit the OK button.
6. Now hit the save image button (IMG), also on the left side of CDGen (or File->Save Image) and choose in the datatype selection "CDX CDR (*.cdx)".
Give the image a name of your choice and hit the save button (I'll name my image TTT).
7. Sit back and wait until the image saving process is complete. It can take up to 10 minutes. Btw don't worry if CDGen looks like it's death, it isn't, it's just working under high pressure.
8. When the image is done you need to burn it. I'll use Nero to do this. I'll use the Nero StartSmart-Wizard.
In this wizard you have to choose cd as the medium and "copy and backup" as the category of burning. Having done this hit the button "burn image on disc"
Choose the cue-file, that belongs to the cdx-file you have created before and choose 16x in the settings for burning (you can burn your disc faster, but that can cuz problems later while playing your game).
9. After burning, you need to open PS2 Save Builder. In the main window of it you must drag and drop the copy.cnf (you've made before) and the executable of your game, you hadn't included in the image before (renamed to what you've written under "RUN" in 2.;in my case it's the SCES_500.01 file, I renamed it to TTT.ELF). Then you must drag and drop another two files "icon.sys" and "static.ico". The last file you need to drag and drop into the main window is the mcloader.elf.
10. The next step is to type in the folder in which the files should be placed later on the memory card. You have to do this in the textbox next to the Root/ID-Label. In the textbox you have to write "PS2REALITY".
11. When you did all this, hit the save button (or File->Save As). The datatype you need to choose is "AR MAX V3 (*.max)" then type in a name of your choice and hit the save button.
12. The next thing to do is to copy your created max-file on your usb pen-drive and connect it to your PS2, in one of the usb ports.
13. Boot your AR MAX on your PS2 and choose "MAX Memory" from the Main Menu. Then choose the memory management option and select your usb pen-drive.
14. Select your max-file and choose "Uncrush to Memory Card". Now reboot your PS2 and boot your exploit. I'll boot LaunchELF. There you must boot MCLoader.
15. After it has booted select in its main menu "Applications on the Memory Card", insert your burned disc and then select your elf from the menu, in my case it's Tekken Tag Tournament. Wait a few seconds and your game will load.
16. Your done!!!
I'm sorry if it doesn't work for you but for me it works perfect. I've only tested this guide with Tekken Tag Tournament (cuz this is the only CD-game I own).
Therefore I'm not sure if it'll work with other games too. But it's supposed to be. Good luck!!!