Minor change to "List of all updated threads"
I hate titles
35 product reviews
4. January 2006 @ 03:14 |
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As I personally use the "List of all updated threads" feature constantly on forums, one thing has annoyed me for ages, but never had time to fix it. Anyway, now its done -- now the headers in between the threads that state which forum room the messages are posted to, acts as a link to that forum room's main page.
Senior Member
4. January 2006 @ 14:53 |
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Thanks. Just something else to make our lives easier.
All men profess honesty as long as they can. To believe all men honest would be folly. To believe none so is something worse. -John Quincy Adams
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3 product reviews
4. January 2006 @ 23:07 |
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i always us the threads without replies... i guess we are from opposite ends
"Its so hard to try to be different..."-Apocalypse Hoboken
AfterDawn Addict
7. January 2006 @ 00:05 |
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Same here Phantom. Couldn't stand my inbox getting clogged up with message replies. I just look at the newest threads and reply.
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3 product reviews
8. January 2006 @ 23:24 |
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fair enough, i logged on today with 60 thread replies in my email inbox... arghhh <!>
"Its so hard to try to be different..."-Apocalypse Hoboken
Senior Member
13. June 2006 @ 14:02 |
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I don't get it! I get an e-mail for every comment added.
It's Very annoying, some are in my inbox some are in my bulk,(yahoo)
I get all kinda junk mail also, I hate deleteing/sorting them all out before I can read my mail.
I hate titles
35 product reviews
13. June 2006 @ 20:11 |
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NINVIN21: That is a known problem that we're going to take care of during this summer -- meaning that while forums work in a way that they send you max 1 msg per subscribed thread per day, news comments send out an email everytime a comment is added.
AfterDawn Addict
6 product reviews
18. June 2006 @ 02:47 |
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Well thanxs doc for the improvment. in regards to the numerous commments added to the news articles it doesnt bother me but I can see why for others that dont check their email as often as some of us regulars do it does add up.
Edited by DVDBack23
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Senior Member
19. June 2006 @ 17:21 |
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yeah, personally. i like the updated threads. it keeps me "updated" because when im logged onto my MSN a notification will pop up and say You have received an Email from Afterdawn or whatever then i click..and im there :D...so i find it easy when theres a thread that im having a "mini-conversation" in. but threads i dont keep track of are like The Word Association Game and like...The Neverending story(what happened to that??) they are just topo mmuch.
Senior Member
21. June 2006 @ 11:25 |
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You could always get a GMail account. It bundles all of the replies for one thread into one single email with ( ), showing the number of replies.
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