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putting linux on my inspiron 1100
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4. January 2006 @ 21:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
does anyone know what i need to do to put linux on my dell inspiron 1100 laptop... for free?
I want to maybe partition it alongside xp, or boot it from a CD. would rather partition it though> and ideas?
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5. January 2006 @ 03:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
before you can use linux on your hd, you need about 20GB of unpartitioned space, a linux distribution cd and time to install and configure...
i recommend fedora core 4 cause it is extremely easy to set up with dual boot with XP
once you have unpartitioned space insert install disc, one up to stage in installation where to configure boot loader, make sure to configure it to load whichever operating system you want to have load automaticly when computer starts, i have XP load and when my pc is booting, i press any key at fedora boot loader and it allows me to choose ot load linux...

we need more info...

"Its so hard to try to be different..."-Apocalypse Hoboken
5. January 2006 @ 15:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
any ideas on how to partition my disk for free?
...dont want to drop much cash on this as its just something i want to do for fun, just checking if there's any way to do it without getting $$$ involved lol.
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5. January 2006 @ 23:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i had a big discussion about this with creaky ages ago for myself, unfortunately there are no really free non-destructive partitioners... that is unless you are going to try from scratch, as in erase entire HD and then install dual boot...

"Its so hard to try to be different..."-Apocalypse Hoboken
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6. January 2006 @ 05:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok ive never known to pay for linux to be installed so worrying about cash being involved sounds rather daft to me. get partition magic, obtain a serial number (you "should" pay for this, but if you only evaluate it its all legal ;). make a partition not 20 gig the biggest linux install ive ever known is about 4 gig. so a 5 gig partition would suffice. fedora core would be reckommended, or you could use redhat.
But if you just want to play, download a live cd version. this way you can play and nothing is changed on your system. i recommend DSL, damn small linux, it installs on a flash disk or runs off the cd :)
Dont thank me, Thank google.
6. January 2006 @ 11:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks for all the suggestions, i didn't think of evaluating software thats a great idea for a one time thing. Thanks!
6. January 2006 @ 13:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@rundata -

let's not drag the thread down to 'obtaining serials'.

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7. January 2006 @ 08:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
cool, i have a friend who can do it for me, i just need to pick a linux and he said he'll do it. im downloading DSL now to try it out. i got a new computer and want to play around with this one.
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8. January 2006 @ 15:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lol sorry :p
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8. January 2006 @ 17:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
im looking foe a linux that has everyhting i'll need, music player, test editor, web browser, security for the internet (antivirus etc...)... things like that.
Thats the #1 thing i want

The #2 thing would be something that's similar to the mac os x OS. As close as possible.

if the above criteria cannot be met then im looking for a linux that works well, is generally well designed, and easy to update security stuff.
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8. January 2006 @ 17:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
to be fair try any, id recommend unbuntu, or suse :)
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8. January 2006 @ 17:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
those are actually the two that i'm looking at.
do those have a music player and internet security on them?
i googled them for quiet a while last night and couldn't really find anything on the music players and not much on the security.

and as for the mac-like os, i would love that but could definately live without.
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8. January 2006 @ 18:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the should both come with at least simple media players, most distro's of linux come with an mp3 player. as for mac os X compatibilty. you can simply get a windows manager to act like mac os X lol. Any linux can look the same you change the window manager and download extra ones. then you have themes for all the different types too :) Best way to find out is try one, If you get suse. Cd 2 is a live cd that you can boot into to test it out ;)
Dont thank me, Thank google.
8. January 2006 @ 18:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
cool, thanks. I knew absolutely nothing about linux til a few days ago so im trying to see what its all about.
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8. January 2006 @ 19:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Linux is cool. But you might also want to try freebsd ;)
Dont thank me, Thank google.
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8. January 2006 @ 23:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i still say fedora is best... visit:
to find out which distro is right for you and i think you might be able to download distros or at least find download links...

"Its so hard to try to be different..."-Apocalypse Hoboken
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9. January 2006 @ 04:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Phantom, that's a load of bull imho, there is no such thing as a "best" linux, each distro has it's ups and downs, and whichever linux is best for someone would be up to them to find out.
Things like Ubuntu, SuSE and Mandrake/Mandriva are commonly known to be the most "windows user" friendly, whereas Fedora takes a bit more time to get into for that kind of user.

Don't get me wrong, not looking to start an argument or anything, i just feel very strongly about things like this, and again, since there are so many distro's *and lets not forget the there is also the possibility to choose for a "real" Unix client*, so many different wishes from users, that imho, you just cannot go out and state that "this and this linux is best".

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9. January 2006 @ 05:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Totally agreed, there is no "best linux" there are lots with many good and bad points. You could try BSD too, BSD is teh rawks!
Dont thank me, Thank google.
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9. January 2006 @ 22:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
which is why i said "I" so that i could express "MY" opinion... not trying to force it onto others... i just say i think it is the best because i feel it is very easy to use, does not need anything extra to run (has everything you will need already installed) and its just got a pleasant interface...


"Its so hard to try to be different..."-Apocalypse Hoboken > forums > software, operating systems and more > linux - general discussion > putting linux on my inspiron 1100

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