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A new Idea To this CodeBreaker Fiasco With Swap Magic
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5. January 2006 @ 07:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This Idea sounds so good in my head after thinking it over. Unluckily I won't be able to prove or figure this theory out since i have been busy and this comp im at doesn't like cddvdgen. Let me get to the point.

Obviously, People have been having problems with getting a backup copy of CodeBreaker working with swap magic. Some people have stated they have got it to work at burning it at 40x at Even though they didn?t say how they booted it. I have heard people getting this working on their modchips at 40x.

What I think maybe we can get it to work from messing with the insides of the cd. I popped in my Swap Magic Cd and DvD into my disc drives to see what could get it to work. The Swap Magic DvD has much less files and more organized in my opinion. Now I don?t have too much knowledge with handling ps2 files. This is one area I think I will need the most help from the AfterDawn posters.

We could do is rip the files from Swap Dvd or Cd to an empty folder. Delete the swap slus. Do the same thing with Codebreaker to the same folder. Open the system file with notepad change the slus id from the swap to the codebreaker. ---See what happens there, also this is just a theory---

I do not know anything of elfs, but they might beneficial to. As said I do not know how elfs work or what to do with them. I think we could use them.

*note just awhile ago I tried making an image with nero and got a copywrite message that haven?t got from dvd decrpytor so I was just tossing that up to the bulletin board*

I think it is possible to back this up and work with sm. We just need smart and creative minds to help
6. January 2006 @ 00:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a slimline PS2, I use Swap Magic 3.3. Codebreaker V7.0 was actually the very first CD that I burned and loaded with the SM CD.
I actually use V7 all the time, successfully.

The reason most people are having problems with Codebreaker and swap magic is because of the TOC size. You see, for most SM CDs, the TOC limit is about 640MB. Any more on a CD, and it generally won't load.

Also, it's probably due to the fact that most people are DOWNLOADING Codebreaker.

Let me give a few scenarios -
1.) You can't load codebreaker with Swap Magic CD : the TOC is too big, or the rip you got of it is bad.
2.) You can load codebreaker with SM, you can put in cheats, but then you can't load a game to use the cheats on for a copied game : when you hit the "start game" menu item, and it asks you to load a game and press X, you need to load in Swap Magic again!

A LOT of people are forgetting to do this important step. Regardless of whether or not you have an authentic codebreaker, to play a copied game, you must load in swap magic, and use THAT to boot your games!

3.) You're doing everything right, but sometimes, when you try to load SM after putting it cheats, SM doesn't load, it just hangs : Because codebreaker FORCES some addresses to be constant in the game, it can also cause SM to crash. Though this is rare, it happens.

Anyways, if people are having troubles with a downloaded codebreaker (usually between 2 and 9MB downloads) then there is a VERY simple solution : just BUY codebreaker.

Let me explain why this is actually worth it. For one, codebreaker gets better with each version. Currently 9.1 has an assload of cheats, and has awesome support for USB drives (pen drives) With version 8 and up, you don't EVER have to input a single cheat ever again. Just download the cheats to your pen drive, stick it in your PS2, load up codebreaker, and BAM, instant cheats. Also, they have gamesaves for the games, which are also downloadable.

All of this support is FREE, and there's plenty of it.

Finally, getting Codebreaker to work with Swap Magic is quite a bitch, since there's always a chance that cheats will crash SM, it's not very reliable. Finally...... the price and availability : The latest codebreaker retails for $20 and can be found at all major stores, and for whatever weird reason, every single Radio Shack I've ever been to carries them.

I normally have the spirit of "don't give up, keep on trying" but with this one, I really do think it's somewhat of a waste of time for something like this.

Alternatively, you guys should realize that the SM download is usually less than 10MB but usually expands to under 700MB. This means that there's probably a HUGE dummy file.

Basically, replace the dummy file with a 0MB or reduced size dummy file, CDVDGen (rebuild) the sucker, getting it under 640MB and you should have a fully working version of the thing.

I'm actually going to try this out, see if it works.
6. January 2006 @ 03:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well thats the thing with swap magic. As you said its Toc size limit is 640 mb. With Codebreaker it is around 549mb. I could try to rebuild to 640mb and see what happens.

Also with the cheats not loading i got the same thing with action replay max evo,does the samething as the codebreaker with the usb, but if you load codes and then try to boot a copy of a game with sm it will normally just take you to the ps2 browser.
To remedy this download cdloader/dvdloader from or and burn it to disc.
After selecting the codes put cd loader in.
then swap it with cdloader
then once loaded hit eject and put a ps2 dvd in there which you could use swap magic dvd
then hit x, swap out the disc for the copy of the ps2 game when the screen turns red and presto. This method works all the time for my ARMAX, probally would do the same for codebreaker.
6. January 2006 @ 12:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Maybe it depends on what version of Codebreaker that you use. I'll try what you're suggesting with codebreaker 9. > forums > consoles > ps2 - cd backup discussion > a new idea to this codebreaker fiasco with swap magic

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