how to make a virus
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6. January 2006 @ 08:58 |
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edited by ddp
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Senior Member
6. January 2006 @ 09:05 |
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dont give your e mail out on after dawn, againt rules you see and btw jjssj would be interested, lol ill have to tell him some one is putting this info here.
all im hoping is that After dawn doesnt get infested with people like you (no offence), virus writers,hackers etc.
well i am not going to visit thoose sites...i hope no one else does.
Senior Member
6. January 2006 @ 09:26 |
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knew jjssj would be interested...
6. January 2006 @ 09:51 |
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not any more as lightning struck. 2nd time to an idiot this day.
Senior Member
6. January 2006 @ 10:01 |
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thanks for that ddp, im sure people dont like seeing that sort round here.
inactive just like that, he was a dumb one..seriously people like that trying to give info on hacking and virus sending...:(, thats not somthing i personaly like to see.
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Suspended permanently
6. January 2006 @ 10:05 |
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i guess this guy wanted a name .who would want to make a virus anyway
these are the people who ruin the internet.maybe he wanted a job with a big company
Senior Member
6. January 2006 @ 10:10 |
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Doubt that,he was a fool, all he did was provided a few links and his e sure he is a virus creating scumbag though, who goes on thoose shady sites anyway, people like that.
ozzymary if you could get a job with a big company for being a hacker then he is probaly a russian wanting to work for kaspersky, i know alot of them are virus writers,hackers ect.
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6. January 2006 @ 10:15 |
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actually im totally for girms virus making ... personally though he
isn't an idiot or anything like thet hes a freegin genious and yes the sights are pimp'n
plus this place haz wak rules...!
Senior Member
6. January 2006 @ 10:19 |
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:( , i see theres many of you...
xiros seeing as this is the 1st post youve done i think you should get to know the place before you call the rules "wak".
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. January 2006 @ 10:21
AfterDawn Addict
7. January 2006 @ 00:43 |
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"actually im totally for girms virus making ... personally though he
isn't an idiot or anything like thet hes a freegin genious and yes the sights are pimp'n
plus this place haz wak rules...!
I have never such a completely f*****g stupid reply!
xiros you are a f*****g knobhead. Now either clean up your act or just f**k off & die.
Gif by Phantom69

AfterDawn Addict
7. January 2006 @ 00:44 |
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I am starting to lose my patience with some of the complete f*****g dickheads that are coming here.
Gif by Phantom69

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AfterDawn Addict
7. January 2006 @ 02:59 |
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I gave a harsh reply because virus writers & hackers ruin the PCs of many a good person. Most write them because they have a grudge with Bill Gates' Emporium. That is a really poor excuse to screw up peoples' PCs.
Hence people who write or think that these dickheads are good, are in themselves dickheads.
Ergo, it p****s me off when we get posts & replies like the couple above.
BTW, I don't need to chill.
Gif by Phantom69

Senior Member
7. January 2006 @ 11:23 |
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i agree with pulsar and no he shouldnt chill, finaly may i just say well said pulsar :p.
AfterDawn Addict
7. January 2006 @ 11:49 |
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Cheers dude!
Gif by Phantom69

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7. January 2006 @ 16:10 |
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this>girm dude should get his balls cut off(and i think everone will agRee)accept the DICKHEADS+ MY ONE pc got infected with smitfraud what a pain in the ass.nowi just ran avgfree test and says 3 trojans fixed. do these people get off creating viruses ??
anyway the way to stop these idiots from coming back is blocking there ip address and then they wont beable to come back.
this site is for help and also helping i have got help and also helped others the best that i could.they probable come back with a different name.iwoner if they can be stoped .hey grim are you the motherf33ker that maid the shit that is coming on my pc.ithink we should send the fbi his ip address thanks to ddp who shut this grim down
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. January 2006 @ 16:11
Suspended permanently
7. January 2006 @ 16:14 |
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xiros sounds like amother canidate for inactive?????
Senior Member
8. January 2006 @ 02:53 |
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xiros is probaly just Grim but with a new e mail acount..
looking at his 1st post thats what it sugests to me.
AfterDawn Addict
8. January 2006 @ 03:36 |
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Sometimes I think that viruses are written to keep anti-virus software companies in business. J/K
AVG free edition is great!
AfterDawn Addict
8. January 2006 @ 03:48 |
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Gif by Phantom69

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8. January 2006 @ 05:46 |
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can we ban this dude with ip address????
AfterDawn Addict
8. January 2006 @ 06:01 |
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Banning IP addresses does not work, as some Routers can change the IP address each time you go on the internet, also there are IP address hiding progs.
Gif by Phantom69

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8. January 2006 @ 19:19 |
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Ok i totally agree with the virus writers being dumba*s's but hackers, why give them the bad wrap ay? i mean if there where no hackers there wouldnt be an internet or computers as we know them. Hackers are not the people media portrays them to be, There are some people who learn the knowledge and use it for bad things these people are unethical and should be sent to hell for it, but many hackers are good normal (ish) people just like anyone else. Crackers and virus writers are bad hackers just do their thing, yeah that write exploits, but very few release em before telling the vendor and/or offering a patch.
Suspended permanently
8. January 2006 @ 19:25 |
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quote>>>yeah that write exploits, but very few release em before telling the vendor and/or offering a patch.
you mean to tell me before they put the virus out they offer the patch ....i dont get it .it dont make sense .
thats like telling the bank you are going to rob it tommorrow
and virus makers did not make the internet
i have some ? to ask
how long does it take to make one a day a week?
what do they get out of it?
ok the kid i beleve who made that ntfs files system virus got caught.
that virus was a basterd because it would shut down windows
before you could even download the patch. i got that one and the only way to make it stall was type in shtdown a and then you could download patch. what did this person get out of this just fun?i think this ntfs virus was the worst dont you agree?
and how could they get caught ip address?
why dont people make good viruses like send a picture of a model or a funny joke .thats the one i would like to make a good one
not one that would hurt your pc and your day
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. January 2006 @ 19:56
Suspended permanently
9. January 2006 @ 06:05 |
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Ok i think that you need to clarify the differences between virus writers and hackers also. anyone who can code can write a virus, anyone who can write a virus cannot neccesaraly hack. Exploits are things such as buffer overflow exploits, popping your own lil shell code into a harmless app and "owning" the users computer. at the wrost case. Others are DoS exploits all are security problems in compenents. Virii are simple, i mean anyone with google and a c compiler could make a virus to delete random files and unregister all your dll's then start windows without many services, delete those dll's after they are unloaded. its not that hard. I know people who write virii are sad lil losers with nothing better to do than to think its "cool" to show off to their one and only friend, but hackers are not like this at all
AfterDawn Addict
9. January 2006 @ 08:42 |
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@ Rundata, so if some b*****d hacks into my bank & deletes or removes my funds from my account, causing me no end of grief, That is OK?
Gif by Phantom69

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. January 2006 @ 09:26