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Any ideas on burning homebrew code to CD-ROM?
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7. January 2006 @ 11:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello there, have downloaded a freeware Atari VCS emulator and am having problems burning it to a CD-Rom.

I have the .ELF file, and the system.cnf file but when trying to use the disc with Swap Magic the console recognises it as a PS2 disc but freezes with a black screen. Is there anything else I need to add?

Have had a look at the files on a PS2 CD game and have noticed the SLES_xxx.xx file is there. Do I need to add this or is there a program that will be able to create one for me (if it's needed) when given the other files..?

Any help would be appreciated. Ta! ;oD
Senior Member
17. January 2006 @ 17:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This method worked on my snes 2 pc and sega 2 pc.
So not sure wether it will work but feel free to try it. Download 'cdgenps2' and 'isobuster', google them and you should eventually find them.

1.Insert ur swap magic cd into the disc drive and view it with isobuster, Next to where it says SYSTEM.CNF file write down the LBA.

2.Next hover the mouse cursor over the cd icon (top left) and write down the LBA of this (located in the bottom left hand corner).

3.Open up cdgenps2 and drag and drop your SYSTEM.CNF file and your ELF file however making sure your ELF file is at the bottom of the list.

OPTIONAL. Not sure how this atari emulator works but the snes and sega one works by creating a new folder and naming it roms then putting all of your roms into this folder. After you have done this also drag this file into cdgenps2. (at the top)

4.Right click on the CNF file, tick the fix LBA box, and change it to the first value you got using iso buster on swap magic.

5.After this is set you need to check the total LBA at the bottom of the screen and make sure this is less than the second value you got using iso buster. If its too high youll need to delete some roms from it accordingly.

6.Click on the IMG button when done, this might take a few minutes depending on speed or size.

7.When done it should be ready to burn, just go to a burn image option on your favorite software.

PLZ NOTE all these instructions are based on you using swap magic CD to load up and find LBA, and this being burned onto a CD.

Hope this helps. :)

Senior Member
17. January 2006 @ 17:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oops soz meant 2 say snes/sega to ps2 and not pc. lol > forums > consoles > ps2 - cd backup discussion > any ideas on burning homebrew code to cd-rom?

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