Anybody have CREATIVE VISION: M?
7. January 2006 @ 22:23 |
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i wanted to buy either the vertical one..or the horizontal. i dont know the difference..or anything. im leaning towards the larger horizontal one just cuz it has a bigger screen..but im not sure. a little help plz?
14. January 2006 @ 14:20 |
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I actually bought a Vision: M at the Creative Labs booth when I was at CES. The horicontal one you are thinking of is the Vision, it's like a Portable Media Player. It's bigger (about the size of a PSP) The Vision:M is smaller (think iPod) You can work out with it, or whatever. I have not received it yet, but I am excited for it!
I Gotta Big One
15. January 2006 @ 17:08 |
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i just bought the vertical one on waiting for it to come later on this week!
6. February 2006 @ 19:53 |
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I have a Creative Vision M. I've had for 2 weeks and I'm rather disappointed. There are no accessories for this yet, like cases or the docking station would be nice. It scratches very easily, like the iPod. I don't know why Creative followed in Apple's footsteps with the shiny exterior and non-removable battery...It's got good sound, but the converting programs for puttin DVD's on the player suck. The iPod has better support and accessories out the butt.
10. February 2006 @ 15:47 |
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I just bought mine from Frye's lastnight (the only one in stock the other was the demo). Very nice! I also got to meet the rep from Creative. I was asking about accessories and he said that in about a couple of months. He also said there was a case coming out soon because he had one for his a CES. He told me that there was stuff he could not talk about but did say that there were some un-offical products being worked on at the moment.
As for my screen, I'll be using one of my iPaq screen protectors on it.
However I do wish that it would have come with a cradle but hey, neither did my ipod!
I'll be damned... Check it:
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. February 2006 @ 15:51
16. February 2006 @ 11:25 |
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Quote: I was asking about accessories and he said that in about a couple of months.
A few months isn't really good enough. I think they should have released some of the accessories along with the product. They are trying to compete with Apple, but do not realise that attention to detail is very important to consumers. People always want accessories to go with their products, and by leaving that out, Creative are shooting themselves in the foot somewhat.
16. February 2006 @ 11:26 |
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I'VE GOT A TIP FOR YOU (maybe a bit late) DON'T BUY THE ZEN VISION:M. ITS A HUNK OF SHITE! THIS IS A WARNING TO ALL WOULD-BE BUYERS. loads of my friends had(have) them and they're ok for the first few weeks maybe a few months. and then they start freezing up usual crap. technical support is resonable at best, but your pretty much alone.I'm not trying to cause offence here but if you've bought one. seriously consider returning it. and consider buying something which has a bit more class and doesn't try to copy the new crappy ipod vid. I know the archos AV500 is alot of money to part with, but it's well worth it in the long run. If you cant part with that ammount try something like the cowon A2 which has great battery life,18 hrs vid and 10 hrs aud. (so im told). I think you guys belong in the ipod forum.
16. February 2006 @ 11:38 |
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That is a matter of opinion, my good man. Each person has their own preference, just like you do...and we don't all want/like the same things.
Quote: then they start freezing up usual crap
That is unfortunate for your 'friends', but all products have their faults.
Quote: technical support is resonable at best, but your pretty much alone
That is very untrue. I have had great dealings with Creative with technical support for my Zen touch. You are never alone. If you have a faulty product and are under warranty, then Creative will either fix it for you or replace your product.
Quote: I think you guys belong in the ipod forum.
I didn't hear anyone mention iPods...did you?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. February 2006 @ 11:38
16. February 2006 @ 12:04 |
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I'm just sayin how it is. Ok, maybe technical support is better than resonable. But I mean how good is a product that is constantly freezing etc.... As for the ipod part: I did hear a whisper which is what the post was in reference to: The Vision:M is smaller (think iPod).keltose.
16. February 2006 @ 12:11 |
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Quote: I'm just sayin how it is
No, you are saying it how it is in your mind. But anyone's opinion is very welcome, but be prepared for people to conflict them also :-)
Remember, (Art Blakey quote:)
Quote: Opinions are like assholes... everyone's got one.
16. February 2006 @ 12:16 |
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Quote: lascrem (Newbie) 16. February 2006 @ 16:26
I'VE GOT A TIP FOR YOU (maybe a bit late) DON'T BUY THE ZEN VISION:M. ITS A HUNK OF SHITE! THIS IS A WARNING TO ALL WOULD-BE BUYERS. loads of my friends had(have) them and they're ok for the first few weeks maybe a few months. and then they start freezing up usual crap
Loads of your friends huh? Few months huh? What product you pushing again? Oh yeah...archos AV500, only $500, no thanks I'll pocket the extra $200 for other things. Maybe they should update their firmware, just a thought...
Quote: gadzzoox (Newbie) 7. February 2006 @ 00:53
I have a Creative Vision M. I've had for 2 weeks and I'm rather disappointed. There are no accessories for this yet, like cases or the docking station would be nice. It scratches very easily, like the iPod. I don't know why Creative followed in Apple's footsteps with the shiny exterior and non-removable battery...It's got good sound, but the converting programs for puttin DVD's on the player suck. The iPod has better support and accessories out the butt.
I don't see how people keep scratching their stuff. Quit cramming the damn thing into your pockets, put a screen sleave and a case on it. Just like the ones they use for PDA's you won't scratch it. While your at it, put one on your cell phone, pda and anything else that is mobile with a screen! Take care of it, don't say you do cause if you did you wouldn't be having this problem. Damn people, common sense...use it.
Quote: Lethal_B (AfterDawn Addict) 16. February 2006 @ 16:25
I was asking about accessories and he said that in about a couple of months.
A few months isn't really good enough. I think they should have released some of the accessories along with the product. They are trying to compete with Apple, but do not realise that attention to detail is very important to consumers. People always want accessories to go with their products, and by leaving that out, Creative are shooting themselves in the foot somewhat.
I meant in the stores... you can buy the accessories from their website, they've had them their for awhile. Also the CZV:M doesn't require as many accessories as the ipod, so thats a plus.
When I bought my ipod the only thing that I got with it extra was a firewire dock, nothing to carry it in... quite sad really. At least with the CZV:M I got a carry pouch with it that can be used to clean the screen.
When I bought my CZV:M I also purchased an extended store warranty. Just in case a 60gig model comes out some time next year... You never know when the HD just might go out...
and yes I have a habit of always buying an extended warranty for my pc equipment, especially when stores exchange out for value not exact product...
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. February 2006 @ 12:16
Suspended due to non-functional email address
16. February 2006 @ 12:30 |
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No nobody else has the zen vision m, because it is a piece of junk.Congradulations you ahve just been ripped off.This maybe i bit harsh but you can't run away from the true.
16. February 2006 @ 12:31 |
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Quote: When I bought my ipod the only thing that I got with it extra was a firewire dock, nothing to carry it in... quite sad really. At least with the CZV:M I got a carry pouch with it that can be used to clean the screen.
A carry, that must have swung it for you!
Just kidding. Like I say, you are all entitled to opinions, biased or otherwise..
16. February 2006 @ 12:37 |
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Quote: Lethal_B (AfterDawn Addict) 16. February 2006 @ 17:31
When I bought my ipod the only thing that I got with it extra was a firewire dock, nothing to carry it in... quite sad really. At least with the CZV:M I got a carry pouch with it that can be used to clean the screen.
A carry, that must have swung it for you!
Just kidding. Like I say, you are all entitled to opinions, biased or otherwise..
Yep! Nah, not really. What swung it for me was that it had no itunes and that I could buy it in any regular electronics store.
16. February 2006 @ 12:49 |
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Quote: chapsta
16. February 2006 @ 17:30 Report an offensive post
No nobody else has the zen vision m, because it is a piece of junk.Congradulations you ahve just been ripped off.This maybe i bit harsh but you can't run away from the true.
Well it is apparent that you can't write so it is probably true that you cannot read either. So chew on them apples.
16. February 2006 @ 13:03 |
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Quote: No nobody else has the zen vision m, because it is a piece of junk.Congradulations you ahve just been ripped off.This maybe i bit harsh but you can't run away from the true.
Damn, you cannot have decent convo with anyone these days! What a shame people feel the need to bash at other opinions rather than discuss them in an adult fashion. I salute you, rosedog, because even though we share different opinons, we discussed it in a civilized manner.. didn't we ~ ?
Cheers All.
16. February 2006 @ 15:38 |
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Quote: Lethal_B
AfterDawn Addict
16. February 2006 @ 18:03
Damn, you cannot have decent convo with anyone these days! What a shame people feel the need to bash at other opinions rather than discuss them in an adult fashion. I salute you, rosedog, because even though we share different opinons, we discussed it in a civilized manner.. didn't we ~ ?
I salute you too. Nothing can be worse than closed mindedness!
While I'm not going to be buying another mp3/pda/whatever device for awhile I'm not going to dog them all.
Hope to see/read you around.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. February 2006 @ 15:39
Account closed as per user's own request
17. February 2006 @ 04:15 |
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Hey rosedog, chapsta is right. the creative zen vision:M isn't really worth a look, let alone a purchase in the world of PMP's/PVP's. However that is my opinion and I respect your opinion. Like lethal B said, I'ts important to try and have an adult convo. without people like chapsta shouting off. By the way nice comment(about the apples). nice touch. Can I also just ask why you didnt go for something like the cowon A2 or perhaps the new archos AV500? (apart from price) because recently alot of people have been spouting off about them. And to be fair i wouldn't mind owning one myself( archos not cowon). I'd like to hear your view on that :)
17. February 2006 @ 06:29 |
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I have grown to the point where I don't need the most super duper top of the line deal. Also, I want to be able to walk into any Circuit City/Best Buy/Fry's (any major retailer) and be able to buy what I want.
While the net is nice, I can't really buy an extended warranty and walkin and exchange my said product when/if it fails.
Plus I did some research on the other products (cnet) and they didn't rank that much higher. They have their cons too.
While you say the creative zen vision:M isn't really worth a look, I differ. I bought it, I use it, it work excellent and better than I would have ever thought. The controls are really easy to use, works smoothly with windows, the sound quality is amazing.
I would seriously recommend people play with one before they knock it. I mean actually hold it in your hands, navigate through it and don't take others opinions. Formulate your own, then knock it if you want, but I doubt you will.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
17. February 2006 @ 07:28 |
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sorry rosedog i dont agree with you. I have held the czv:M and played around with it. Its OK. But that's all i'd give it. right now ive got my sights set on higher things. It seems to me rosedog that your just trying to sell the csv:M to everyone. I means come on! who starts a post title with "anybody have creative zen vision:M". I'f your going to sell products, at least sell a decent one like the archos or cowon!
au revoir!
17. February 2006 @ 09:01 |
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Quote: It seems to me rosedog that your just trying to sell the csv:M to everyone.
Actually, you are the one to-ing & fro-ing from thread to thread trying to sell the archos. Why you feel the need to involve yourself in threads plainly to bash at those around you is beyond me.
But then again, only your opinion matters, right?
17. February 2006 @ 09:15 |
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Thanks LB!
As for the n00b
Quote: chapsta (Newbie) 17. February 2006 @ 12:28
It seems to me rosedog that your just trying to sell the csv:M to everyone. I means come on! who starts a post title with "anybody have creative zen vision:M"
Seriously can you read and comprehend at the same time?
I'm not trying to sell anyone the damn thing, I was trying to get a group of people together to discuss it until all the annoying n00b's chased off everyone else!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. February 2006 @ 09:17
Account closed as per user's own request
17. February 2006 @ 11:36 |
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I agree with rosedog and l.b. chapsta blatently doesn't have a clue what he's talking about or writing about. ( apparently he's illiterate) :D. I must just settle this though. I'm assuming that you've resarched all the latest PMP's, so on performance what would you rate the highest, and let's forget about the price. Also isn't there some way we can ban chapsta, he's a real pain!
17. February 2006 @ 15:15 |
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Well when you say "performance" are you talking about all aspects or just a few?
Its hard to say one is a clear cut winner than the other. I could talk about what others have said (tech sites) but I won't. They took the time to write up the pro's and cons so I'll let them speak for themselves.
I can however talk about the iPod, CZV:M and my iPaq Hx2415.
In short, let me say that I'll pick my PDA over any of them any day of the week. I know its not the best out there but I know its not the worst either.
I have a program that allows me to turn my PDA into an iPod (pPod), I can copy DVD's to it watch videos, browse the net, email, view pics, output the video to my TV (there is a SD video out cable for it, I dunno know if I can video in though), play video games on it, record voice, listen to radio, print from it, has a built in speaker, change the rotation of the screen, scientific calculator... I can continue to go on but you can see where I'm getting at.
21. March 2006 @ 08:51 |
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Quote: In short, let me say that I'll pick my PDA over any of them any day of the week. I know its not the best out there but I know its not the worst either.
Yes, but your PDA has to use compact flash memory cards to carry media. I'd say it puts your PDA in an entirely differnt category since the iPod and Zen Vision:M have 30gb hard drives in them. The PDA has more functionality, but more hassle since you are limited by the size of you flash memory cards. And don't forget that those things cost money so add that to the price of your PDA when comparing it to an mp3 player like the iPod or Vision:M. That takes the Ipaq out of the price comparison running since it jumps well beyond $350 to turn your PDA into a media player. apples to oranges my friend