computer power off during burning
11. January 2006 @ 22:10 |
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this has occured with nero 6x and nero 7 ultra demo edition
while copying dvd or using recode while compling it just shuts the pc down no log history to show it shut down before the process please advise
AfterDawn Addict
11. January 2006 @ 23:00 |
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I don't think it's Nero that's causing your system to shutdown and restart. Looks more like an "over-heated", make sure all your fans are running/blowing air smoothly. Get a air of can, open up your PC and try to blow them dust out (if only you have a PC and not a Laptop).
AfterDawn Addict
12. January 2006 @ 05:31 |
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I suppose, inasmuch as any CPU intensive usage generates heat, that Nero could be blamed ( a little ), especially as recoding takes a fair amount of time, heat is building up.
Any way to cut back on cpu cycles used by firewalls,virus scanners, etc might help and making sure the cpu fan is up to its duty by keeping things clean is all to the good.
If you have a tower sitting on the floor it sucks up lots of cat hair and dust, etc
The fans are pretty cheap, compared to a crispy cpu.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. January 2006 @ 05:31
12. January 2006 @ 06:43 |
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Thanks I will increase my cooling process
Junior Member
13. January 2006 @ 05:32 |
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hey, I'm new here, been reading the forums as a bit of a guide since I got a new dvd burner.
I'm actually having a similar issue, but instead of power off, almost every time I try to use nero vision (tried both 3 and 4) to recode an avi to burn to dvd, after a few hours of encoding (and not doing anything else with the compy, if I can help it, including shutting down most other programs) my system just mysteriously reboots... and after 6 tries of this, the temp files created also ate half my hard drive.. heh.
Oh, one time the program seemed to finish... but instead of going to the next step and burning like I thought it should've, it just.... stopped... and I couldn't find any evidence that it had done anything... hours and hours wasted on all this and it's getting quite frustrating.
Nero works fine when I burn cd's, and I've successfully used dvd shrink to copy a few discs, but this problem of being completely unable to get through a session with nero vision is really starting to get on my nerves... any hints other than "you're overheating?"
Oh, quick edit, I think I actually had the same thing happen once or twice using DVD shrink, but it also has worked and I've copied more discs than I've had problems with that, but with the above issue, not a single success so far.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. January 2006 @ 05:36
Senior Member
13. January 2006 @ 18:27 |
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In regards to the power off durning Nero Recode, check your settings under options and see at what prioroty you are running Nero Recode. I tried setting mine to High once and it did the same thing, but when I reset it back to normal the program has worked fine ever since. Give it a try, it might work.
Junior Member
13. January 2006 @ 19:00 |
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As regards to setting Nero to normal priority, I'll give that a try. (I'll admit I was setting it on "high" to try and get quicker results.)
I had just tried the same project again using another program, a trial version of DivX to DVD or something like that... it seemed to work ok but was horrendously and painfully slow... which I was willing to cope with if it worked... sadly, about 70% into encoding the same problem occured... I left my computer mostly alone, but did take the time to watch some videos and try to open up a browser, and that's when I got the restart again...
It's making me actually wonder if I'm taxing my system resources far too much, and if maybe there's just something physically wrong with the system, like excess dirt/dust, etc...
I don't know, I'm not a tech-head.. but I know that my compy is far from state-of-the-art.. it's only a PIII with a 1 gig processor and 256mb ram, which I'm about to double as soon as the parts arrive in the mail... maybe I'll make sure to give the insides a good carefull cleaning when I install that.
I'm used to fixing things on my own and getting around lots of ridiculous hardware problems by trial and error and learning a lot from that... my father was one of those guys who'd pick tv's and stereos out of the trash and tweak them up and fix them, and he had absolutely no formal training in engineering or electronics, and neither do I. In fact, he's probably more capable of reading a set of schematics than I am. I barely know what a capacitor does, lol. Don't even ask me about transistors or tubes and stuff.
One thing I do know that he doesn't is computers, and I'd really like to be able to try to get this stuff to work so that I can share movies and music with my family. I'll see what I can do about getting my system to run nice and clean and not pushing it too hard...
I've just never had this sort of error before.. I'm used to windows locking up, crashing, freezing, etc.. but not this kind of constant random restarting... seems wierd to me, but then, I'm really used to running windows 95 or 98, sadly... I've never really used XP and am just now getting familiar with 2000. (I had some experience with ME but it seems to me that's just basically '98 on steroids...)
Anyways, I'll try... yet again.. *sigh* and see what's up... and keep checking up here for relavent info. Thanks.
Senior Member
13. January 2006 @ 19:05 |
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256 is a little low in the memory department, usually 512 is a better number, so be careful of multitasking, others have suggested disconnecting from the internet, turning off antivirus programs, and stopping any other non-system program that you can while burning a disk. ANother option, try using CloneDVD2 and Anydvd, they are a lot faster and I don't think that they use as much system resources. Visit www.slysoft.com and try them free for 21 days.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. January 2006 @ 19:06
Junior Member
13. January 2006 @ 19:18 |
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Ok, I actually have copies of CloneDVD and AnyDVD, but I wasn't aware that they'd help me burn other types of files. I thought they were just copying tools. (If I'm wrong, duh me for not trying...)
Yes, I know 256 is kind of sad and I shouldn't push it too far... like I said, I'm about to upgrade to 512, which is the max my motherboard allows (who the eff decided to put a cap on that, eh?). The next time I try to do this I'll make sure to turn off everything I safely can. (I'll probably just set my firewall to lockdown before I turn off my anti-spyware/virus stuff). I've had issues with Windows responding sluggishly, especially after startup, and I've taken a lot of steps to make sure I'm free of viruses and malware, etc. It may not be perfect yet, but I think I'm better off than I was, and also made sure to have a minimal amount of programs automatically run at startup.
Really, my whole setup is a bit new to me.. I'm still getting used to it, as all my hardware is an upgrade from a pathetic system not even fit to call a computer except for in kind references to the ENIAC or something... maybe a slightly more evolved cousin of the abacus... heck, before I had this I was more comfortable programming things for a Texas Instruments graphing calculator... whee.
Thanks again for the replies. Any input at all is greatly appreciated.
Senior Member
13. January 2006 @ 20:41 |
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You might give this program a try for your AVI conversions:
http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_tools/avi2... It is free, and does a good job. I have seen lots of ppl have problems with AVIs when using Nero vision. Nero works for some ppl.
If you want to post a burn log, we can look at your settings and see if anything is wrong. If using Nero 6 it hides in program files>ahead>nero>nerohistory.txt. Just be sure to edit out your serial number from the post, and we only need the last burn in the log.
Die CMC Mag!!!
Junior Member
14. January 2006 @ 14:37 |
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Ok, I got one of my projects successfully burnt, turning everything off, leaving priority at normal. Glad for that. Tried the second one I wanted to do, took a nap while encoding... some problems with explorer crashing and that didn't seem to work out. (I'm still working out some kinks in my compy... *shrug*)
One other partial solution I've found (hope this continues to work) is to use Nero to export files first, when, for example, I'm burning several episodes of a show I have recorded in .AVI format. Seems to me this is less taxing on the system, handling one smaller file at a time. Then I can just arrange the layout to burn the newly converted group of files. Still would be nice to not have any issues converting one large file, but.. I'm working on it. (I'm still waiting for that extra ram to show up in the mail, hoping it'll get here by monday. That might help my system to not act so sluggishly, though I have a feeling a good part of this process is indeed CPU usage more than anything... )
Senior Member
14. January 2006 @ 16:13 |
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I hope that you are wrong, more memory cures a lot of problems, 1GHz should be okay, I,m almost tempted to try my kids setup with Nero Recode to see if that works, she has a similar setup, 1GHz and 256 Mbytes.
Junior Member
14. January 2006 @ 17:11 |
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Ya, more RAM does always help anything, but there's only so much a given CPU can do.
Anyways, my hardware does meet the min requirements for all the software and hardware I run so far, so you might have decent results. One other thing I realized may be contributing to slow responses is maybe I just need to defrag my hard drive already. I recently realized I'd deleted about 8 gigs of temp files, and my drive is only 20 to start with... so I could have a lot of huge holes there in the memory, and maybe if I'm going to be regularly manipulating such large files on a relatively small drive I should try that... that's my latest idea, at least.