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JBL Sub and Pioneer Receiver Help!
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18. January 2006 @ 10:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Pioneer SX-315

Ok the Pioneer SX-315 receiver does have a subwoofer output but its made for speaker wire only from what I can tell. I see no other way to run it. The problem is the subwoofer ouput on the back hase one positive terminal and one negitive. So that I can only run speaker wire to the high level L or the Right. If I just run the speaker wire from the subwoofer to the L on the back of the JBL E250P it doesn't sound very good. I do get some bass but its not as deep and clear as I feel it should be.

I even tried to double up the speaker wire out of the subwoofer output and run a positive and neg to the back of the sub on the high level L and one to the R. That made the bass alot deeper but still not as clear when turned up.

I know this isnt the best explination and im sorry. This is my first time hooking this up and im not sure the terminology to use. I could take a picture of the back of the reciver and the sub if needed. I just need some help on how do this the right way. There is a LFE on the back of the sub but i see no where on the back of the reciever.

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18. January 2006 @ 13:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
there is no real way to wire it...
you'll have to upgrade that receiver to have a true sub output channel.
assuming that your sub is powered, hence the LFE port... thats for sub input (LFE = low frequency emitter)
now is the time to buy a new receiver anyway, all the newer models are starting to come out... you can find a fairly new model for cheap cuz its being replaced and stores dont want to keep the inventory...

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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18. January 2006 @ 16:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Im going to give this a try first.

RCA Line Converter w/ Ground Loop Isolator for Car Amps - High to Low

If it dosen't work then ill buy a new receiver. I hope I don't have too because its brand new. But I live and learn.

Thanks for the help.
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18. January 2006 @ 16:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if you dont mind me asking you, what did you pay for the receiver?
and is the car audio accessory powered (12 v power) or just a high level in line switcher?

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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19. January 2006 @ 07:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I payed 200 bucks for the receiver and speakers. It was a 1000watt package that I bought from walmart. I know I prolly payed too much but I guess I seen the 1000watts and jumped on it.

Here is where I bought the RCA line converter.
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19. January 2006 @ 09:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
1000 watts huh.....?
i paid nearly 800 bucks for my receiver alone, its a Yamaha RX-V1500, and it only pushes 840 watts x 7 channels.
anyway, not to rain on your party, but you said it, you paid too much and i doubt that unit will produce 1000 watts.

if you plan to upgrade, i can help you choose and purchase..

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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19. January 2006 @ 09:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Im sure your right.

Here is the system I bought. You can look at the specs and tell me about it. It says 1000watts but that doesnt mean it pushes that im sure. Always a catch.

I can't afford to pay 800 for a receiver. Im happy with the pioneer sound besides it not having the RCA output for my sub. The E250P JBL sub doesnt sound as good with speaker wire ran too it. I have had others on different sites tell me it sounds much better with the RCA outputs to the LFE. Or what ever all that means.. lol But like i said if I have too I will buy a new receiver once I get some cash. If you have any decent priced ones you could recomend that would be great.
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19. January 2006 @ 11:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i see and read the specs. but it will not say what each channel will do at a certain volume... stuff like THD @ .08%... and so on

anyway... if you had a chance right now... what would/could you spend.. for just a receiver !!! keep your old system with speakers for now, till you upgrade them... what could you spare??

we can go from there !!
btw... do you have a best buy, circuit city, anything like that there? cuz i am assuming high end home theater stores are not in the equation right now !!

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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24. January 2006 @ 15:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I do have a best buy and a circuit city near by. Should I sell my entire system. The speakers and Pioneer receiver and go from there. Or should I keep my speakers and just sell the receiver on ebay.

Im just not happy with the JBL E250P subwoofer.. Its nothing special so far. I hope that its the receiver and not the sub because id hate to have to end up selling it also. The sub distorts at high volumes and it dosent have that deep of bass to it at times. For the price of it, it should be better.

What do you suggest? I would be willing to spend 200 on a reciver if I was to keep the pioneer speakers.
24. January 2006 @ 17:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can I jump in here and ask a question or two?

If you dont mind, what did you pay for the Sub?

The distortion you talk about is due to impedence mismatch that you would get whan you try to drive an RCA using speaker outputs.

I also like to point out that the system is being very generous by quoting 1000 watts. As Gear79 pointed out, this figure is 100% made up by the marketing department. If you see figures like these and you dont see big huge heat sinks on the back of the unit, you should be skeptical. To generate 1000W of power on the output stage this little recieiver would have to have huge power supply transistors and massive heat sinks.
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24. January 2006 @ 17:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You said it's new..................... if you're not happy with it, take it back and get a refund. Wal Mart has a good return policy.
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24. January 2006 @ 17:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
at 200 bucks to spend on a receiver, you can get an entry line unit.
actually, now is the time to buy a receiver, all the newrer models are starting to come out.. i learned my lesson the hard way, starting off with junky components, then speakers, all to find out i had pure junk in the end...

e-bay, well, i would not buy from e-bay... you can seel if you like, but like you said, and others, return it to wal mart...

check out best buy, they have a few deals for less then 200 bucks... your not gonna get rock your socks pounding theater sound, but its a start.. till you get the $$$ to start buying the good stuff..

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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24. January 2006 @ 23:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I payed 220 bucks shipping and all for the JBL E250P sub. I thought I got a good deal on it cause on best buy it on sale for $378 right now.

Im going to hook up the JBL sub up to my friends RCA receiver that has the RCA subwoofer output on the back and see if it sounds better. He has an JBL sub that is the downfiring modle and it sounds great.

If mine does not sound better on his system then im going to sell my entire system and start over. Do it the right way and not waste money on junk. I learned the hard way too.

Here are the systems im looking at so far. Should I stay away from these or are they good brands? they are all over 200 bucks im trying to stay under 300 if possible. Cause im prolly going to sell this pioneer system for sure.

JBL 5.1-Channel Home Theater Speaker System with 100W Subwoofer

Model: SCS145.5S

Onkyo HT-S580 Home Theater System with 600 Watts

Panasonic SC-HT15 Home Theater System with 800-watts

Thanks for all the help. I hope im not being too aggravating. I just don't want to waste my money again. I trust you all to help get me on the right track. :) Oh and I can't take the system back to walmart cause it's not really brand new. I should have been more clear. Its maybe a month old. I don't think they will take it back that long.
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25. January 2006 @ 04:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think they will..............
A month isn't that long.
Good luck!
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25. January 2006 @ 07:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
wal mart will take almost anything back, as lons as they sell it, you'll get a refund..
i have taken stuff back from a year ago and not even their items, but carry it.. they'll just give you a store credit w/o the receipt..

anyway, your choices... well, to put this bluntly... no good !!

stay away from HTIB... home theater in a box..

buy components seperately...

i dont condone sony, but circuit city and best buy sell the strde 698 (i think thats the model #) for like 199.00 its a 6 channel 600 watt.
once you get a good receiver, then you can work on speakers.. but i'd spend more of your money on the receiver cuz it is the heart of the system... you can have a piece of shit receiver and top of the line speakers, and the sound will truely suck...

when i get home, i will link you to a few models...
just hit a reply in here so i dont forget.... i am all over this forum, so i may forget unless i get notified...

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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25. January 2006 @ 11:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the help Gear.. I can't find the receipt to the system but ill call and see if they will give me a refund.

If you don't mind send me a link to the receiver you think I should get and that will be my first purchase. Then Ill go from there.
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25. January 2006 @ 12:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
can you do a bit more then 200 bucks on the receiver...??

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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25. January 2006 @ 14:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yea I could prolly do more than 200. At this point im willing do what it takes (as long as it isnt too much. lol) to get this sub going and a really good surround sound system. As long as the receiver has the RCA subwoofer output on the back as well ill be fine. No more speaker wire to the sub like this stinkin pioneer.

Let me know what receivers you suggest.


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. January 2006 @ 14:57

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25. January 2006 @ 15:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
most new and all respectable receivers have the sub out connection, some even have 2 or 3

here are a few to view..

there are many more, but the price goes up...

if you see or find one, post a link if you can, i'll give you my opinions on it !!

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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25. January 2006 @ 15:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The Onkyo I noticed it is ipod ready witch seems like a really nice feature. I read up some of the reviews on it and some said it ran their subs alot better so maybe it will do the same for mine. The cheapest I can find it is $249 shipping and all.

I really like Yamaha and I found it for $199 shipping and all. The only thing I have read bad about it is it says it has no S video Plot. Whatever that means..

Should I save money and just get the Yamaha or go ahead and get the Onkyo? Is it worth the extra 50 bucks?

I thought about just selling my pioneer reciever and the little sub that came with it instead of taking it back. That way I can use the 5 speakers that came with it on the Onkyo or Yamaha for now. Until I can afford new ones. Not really worred about the loss. Just glad to get back on track.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. January 2006 @ 16:08

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25. January 2006 @ 17:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well, what do you want to do with your set up?
what will you have connected to it... and i mean list everything !!

here is mine .....

that way i have a better idea of functions will benefit you...

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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25. January 2006 @ 18:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just seen your reciever and WOW!! You must have a great home theater system.

Im really just going to have my E250P sub as the only upgrade. Maybe hook my ipod up to it. My biggest concern honestly is getting that sub to sound better at higher volume levels without distorting. Oh and I may get a HDTV one day and want to make sure it will work on it.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. January 2006 @ 18:18

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25. January 2006 @ 18:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you just need one that will give yoy the ability to add without having to buy another unit.

if you can spend more $$$ try the onkyo txsr 703, i think the 703x has XM radio... but i was gonna buy that one.. i think it sells now for 500 bucks at circuit city

my system is ok, but when i buy my next house, it will be all custom !!

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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25. January 2006 @ 18:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I found the Onkyo 503 for around 155 bucks but its a refub.

They still give a warranty and have the bill me later option.

Should I stay away from that and buy it new?

Im pretty set that this is the receiver I will buy.
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25. January 2006 @ 18:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
as long as you are comfortable with a purchase like that, and that they will assure you an exchange or refund in the event it is bad.
me personally, i would not, but thats me !
is the company reputable?

1rst. sig compiled by phantom69
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