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Seamonkey please help......
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Junior Member
2. April 2003 @ 15:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok so I am a newbie, but that does not mean I dont know what I am doing. I have made several backups of my XBOX games and all work execpt for 3 of them. I have problems with NHL2K3, MKDA, and ToeJam & earl. I am using the following tools to create the backups.
1) Matrix Mod Chip
2) EvolutionX_v1.8.3285 dash
3) EvoX D.6 EjectFix.bin
4) xISOv110
5) nero to burn.
I am wondering if any patches are needed for me to get the rest of my backups working.
I also have access to a whole bunch of other stuff. Such as EvolutionX_V1_8_3752, gdfImage ISO maker,,,, and Record now Max. Any help you could give me is much appreciated. Also do you happen to know the difference between the blue and red Bios??
Seamonkey you for your time in creating your guide it is fantasitc.
Hope to get a responce soon thanks again.
AfterDawn Addict
5. April 2003 @ 17:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
wassup bottz..


i've successfully backed up my NHL2K3 and MK:DA. when you back them up, are you doing a direct rip (meaning, copying the game from the dvd drive directly to your pc using flashfxp) or are you ripping to the xbox harddrive using gamecopy(i think thats the name of the program that you put on the xbox) and then copying to your pc?

I usually do the latter. Also, i would try using gdfimage iso maker, it seems to be more consistent in making the xbox iso image than xiso plus it uses the microsoft dev. pack iso maker program.

alos, just to save a brother a few bucks, i'd get a few dvd+rw or dvd-rw discs to use for testing, just be sure to do a complete erase before you try a new game (sometimes you can get away with just a quick erase but after you've did a few games you need to just completely erase the disc)
let me know if that helps or not..

ps a total overhaul of my site is process.. let me know if anyone has any ideas/suggestions/etc..

word to your mother! i just had to say that once...
:-) > forums > archived forums > xbox - general discussion > seamonkey please help......

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