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SCH-A850[VZW] HowTo/StepByStep: Free Ringtones/TrueTones
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AfterDawn Addict

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10. February 2006 @ 06:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Items You Will Need:
Samsung SCH-A850
PCB113VBEB Usb Data Cable:
Samsung A970 Drivers: (I know it says a970 but it works for supporting the a850)
BitPM 8.0.7:

Optional Items
WAV/MP3 Converter (used Xilisoft MP3 WAV Converter Free Trial):
Sound Recorder (comes w/ windows)

Of Course MP3's Or Other Source for your tones.

Steps To Creating Your Ringtone/Truetone
1.Download And Install The Free Trial of Xilisofts Mp3 to Wav Converter 2.1
2.Open Xilisoft And Load your Mp3 By Clicking the Add button
3.Look towards the bottom to a box marked Encoder. And Change It To ImToo Wav Converter from the dropdown list. click settings to the right of that if u wish to change the wave settings (unimportant.)
4.Hit Encode.
5.Now Open Sound Recorder and Locate the wav that Xilisoft Created (default is C:\Temp) Open your File
6.Figure out which part of the song you want and use the delete after mark and delete before mark to get the portion you want (no longer then 60seconds, i try to stay under 30seconds)
7. Once Finished selecting your custom tone, save the file.
8. Go Back into Xilisoft and find the file u created w/ Sound Recorder.
9. Change the Encoder To Lame Mp3 Encoder Now The Settings for the ringtone will be important, so click on Settings
10. These are my settings which produce sounds just like VZW Tones.

Version: Mpeg I
Bitrate: 32Kbps
Mode: MONO
VBR Method: Disabled
Output Sample Rate: 32000

Click OK
11. Now Press Encode Again
12. Now is the tricky part, find the completed MP3 (located in C:\Temp if u haven't changed Directories) and it should be extremely small mine was 98kbs (24seconds) change the filename to something short and sweet as well as change the extension example:
Original File: 10 Rock Star.mp3
New File Name: RockStar.mid

KEEP THE NAME UNDER 32 CHARACTERS INCLUDING THE EXTENSION OR U CAN-NOT DELETE IT FROM YOUR PHONE : Also renaming it .mid is just how VZW/Samsung stores it on the phones, but it will retain it sound as it did as the edited mp3
13.Now your done creating your custom ringtone.

Now The Steps To Loading The Ringtone/TrueTone To Your A850
1. Download and Install The Drivers For The A970 (it will appear as CDMA Modem Install)
2. Restart Computer
3. After Restarted, plug in your PCB113VBEB Usb Data Cable to the USB Slot on your PC.
4. Plug the Other end of the PCB113VBEB Usb Data Cable into your Samsung SCH-A850 Mobile Phone. Wait and let windows recognize it.
5. Download And Install BitPM 8.0.7
6. Open BitPM - Don't bother trying to Detect Phone. A970's and A850 are unsupported. Bitpim won't detect them. You have to manually enter your phone's connection information.
7. In BitPM Do The Following:
1. Click Edit ->Settings
2. Change Phone Type to CDMA-Other
3. Type in the COM Port for the phone. I've had success with the Test port. (for me it's COM4) [aka SAMSUNG CDMA MODEM DIAGNOSTIC SERIAL PORT (WDM)(COM4)]
4. Click the FileSystem Tab, it looks says 'Filesystem' and is the 2nd to last one on the right. After loading a bit you should see your phone's file structure.
5. All of your files should now be displayed in the form of a tree.
8.Extend The Tree On the Left As Follows

or in plain

9.Left click on DRM and then Right click the Empty window to the right.
10.Click New File....then select your custom ringtone (the *.mid) From it's location. It will then start sending the file to your cellphone.
11.Another important step, restart your phone before attempting to view it on the phone or it won't show up in the GIN menu under Tunes And Tones.
12.Now you may set it as Ringtone, Alert Tone, or Ringer ID.

Do it through GIN > Get Tunes & Tones > Left Softkey is 'Erase'. Do Not Delete Through BitPim

Compiled through experience and help from this board and other boards dealing w/ the Samsung SCH-A850 And other Digital Qualcomm products.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. August 2007 @ 06:02

1. April 2006 @ 18:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
is there a way I can do this using this site
AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
4. April 2006 @ 05:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
no clue, try it? it'll cost you minutes (that much i know) as well as any fee's that are associated w/ transfers of that type(possibly).

15. April 2006 @ 12:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I would like to add that if you have Nero Wave Editor, you can also edit and save your selection as a LAME MP3 at the proper bitrate and fidelity setting. The only thing you need to do is rename it to a .mid file. The name to upload with BitPim is XXX.mid.mp3.

Ghost Recon Classic, It's the REAL thing.
22. April 2006 @ 11:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Wow nice work guys, but i have a few suggestion cus i was playing around. First .mid is not required. Just take off the extension in general you can have longer names. Also don't put the ringers in the DRM folder because you cant send them in pix messages i suggest the ems folder, you can send them and use them as ringers. Good work guys.
AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
23. April 2006 @ 07:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i know in the DRM folder atleast on the 850 u can use them as ringers. and i just checked and ur right, u can't send them, when they're in DRM. i'll probably do some more prodding later.

23. April 2006 @ 07:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just use the EMS folder i tested them all, and that one you can use as a ringer, and send in messages
AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
23. April 2006 @ 08:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
just tried it in EMS - got unsupported format when trying to send it as a sound.

23. April 2006 @ 12:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I dunno i didnt actually try sending it in a message
AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
23. April 2006 @ 13:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
so you might aswell just leave it be as originally stated, place it in the DRM folder, but it does not need an extension on it, and in the EMS folder it gives u the option to send but will not (due to error)

the DRM folder allows you to set your sound/tone as a ringer, and alert tones.

so just remember if u put it in EMS it won't send w/ a pix msg anyway

26. April 2006 @ 04:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have follow the steps to set up a ringtone and everytime I attempt to get bitpm to reconize the phone I receive an error message that access is denied, any way to get around that, or fix the problem?
26. April 2006 @ 08:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Don't use bitpm's recognize feature, plug in the phone and open up bit pm, assumign you followed the instructions for setting up the com ports and what not, just click on the filesystem button.
26. April 2006 @ 20:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
There is no FileSystem Tab, I have noticed that I downloaded the BitPm 8.13, is that the difference. I also just tried pluggin in the phone and opening the program and still have the same problems. Any other suggestions?
Here are the errors:
"BitPim couldn't open the device. There could be many reasons for this, such as it being in use by another program, or you not having permission to use it."
and this is under the settings for the port info.

available False It was not possible to open this port
27. April 2006 @ 07:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The new version of bitpm hides the filesystem tab, you have to go into the settings and turn it on
27. April 2006 @ 15:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
where at under settings still cannot find the fileSystem tab
AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
27. April 2006 @ 18:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
which phone do you have?

also, i'm not sure where it is in the newer version but in 8.0.7 it's not under settings it's under view

VIEW>VIEW FILESYSTEM (last option in the drop down)

try there, and just remember don't try to detect the phone it doesn't work.

8. May 2006 @ 20:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Go to View then click on View Filesystem. Works pretty good I'm impressed.
17. August 2006 @ 13:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My Samsung a920 phone has drivers installed by the Sprint Connection Manager. (It landed on COM20), and I configured BitPM with Other CDMA Phone on "COM20" -- When I hit "browse" the phone was detected as a device and its information was displayed.

However, after going to View > View Filesystem I am unable to browse and navigate it's tree.

Does anyone have luck with the a920? I hoping to find a way to load files other than removing the microSD card.
22. August 2006 @ 19:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I followed this guide step by step, and the phone information does not populate when hitting FileSystem. I believe the author may have accidentally omitted a step, as no amount of repeating these steps has made any improvement.
AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
23. August 2006 @ 15:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
what phone are you using? because i didn't omit a step.

23. August 2006 @ 16:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Smurf's directions were excelent! i used them and it worked great
AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
9. September 2006 @ 06:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
since this is a guide, maybe it should be a sticky?

21. September 2006 @ 09:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nice guide smurf. I'm able to connect via Bitpim with this and everything seems smooth with the exception that my Sammy a850 cannot play anything but real .mid files. Even following your guide, making the mp3 files with Xilisoft MP3 WAV Converter and renaming it to .mid my phone will not play it. I see it on my phone but no music will play. Oddly enough, when I put in the parameters you specified for Xilisoft MP3 WAV Converter, the program will terminate right when it finishes encoding, which makes me think that maybe the file is partially corrupt (even though the final product works fine on my PC). Also, I have my a850 under US Cellular (with easyEdge service), so maybe that effects this too.
AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
22. September 2006 @ 05:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah it will crash everytime after the mp3 encoding. you do not need to put the .mid though, u can just leave it w/o an extension if you could be because of the provider, it sounds kind of strange to me, but i suppose the phones actual firmware/software would be different...but you say it'll show up on the phones menu, it just won't play?

1. October 2006 @ 10:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh My God, HAIL to the Smurff!
You don't know how long and hard I've been searching for custom ringtone solution for my Verizon phone. I've talked to Verizon and Circuit city people and they all told me there is NO data cable for my Samsung SCH-A850 phone. BS! All the wireless phone companies and online ringtone providers don't want you to know how to get your own ringtones for free so cellphone users will keep throwing money in their pockets for ringtones/wallpaper/screensaver.
The search is over for me. Smurff's guide totally works!
I hope all interested cellphone owners out there can find out about this and stop wasting money. Cheers!!
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