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A little help here
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10. April 2003 @ 11:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok for those of you who know how to edit the ini file I just need some clarification on some things. In my launch menu I am going to have 3 categories, games, apps and emulators.

Now where I am having a hard time is 1st adding the emulator directory and 2nd adding the games or apps below each category. I tried a few things and still no game or apps or even emulator appear in the menu setting.

Here is my ini file so far..


AutoLaunchGames = No
AutoLaunchDVD = No
DVDPlayer = "f:\applications\dvdx\default.xbe"
AutoLaunchAudio = Yes
#AudioPlayer = "c:\msxboxdash.xbe"
MSDashBoard = "c:\msxboxdash.xbe"
UseFDrive = Yes
SkinName = Evox2
IGR = Yes


SetupNetwork = Yes
StaticIP = No
Ip =
Subnetmask =
Defaultgateway =
DNS1 =
DNS2 =


JumpToMsDash = No
JumpIfNoLink = Yes
Use24 = Yes
SNTP_Server =
SwapDate = No


Enable = Yes
Password = xbox
IGR = Yes


Enable = Yes
Name = EvoX
IGR = Yes


ROM = "EvoX 2.0",0x76fd88337b8d8c1f116f85f3984b98b6
ROM = "EvoX 2.1",0x99487615bb30670cb65993388fcf2a63
ROM = "EvoX 2.2",0x220ade778785cfc3c98bb5ea8bbd8608
ROM = "EvoX 2.3",0xd79bc87c2caa1a50dcc7016adf2ccc0a
ROM = "EvoX 2.4",0xe3ce66b99957a92fdac40af951c3f1fd
ROM = "EvoX 2.6",0xdd3de3542bff7b36cdb0dbe078c27fbe
ROM = "EvoX 3.6",0xcb73b4914bb6c70b66e21377989726a0
ROM = "EvoX 3.6ef",0xf754767b388ce7a08bf57304e24c9ae9
ROM = "EvoX D.6",0xc349c2b047a3d6c2de2e1c10185ecf86
ROM = "EvoX D.6ef",0x74c6235497f474bf88b54b3fc52a20b2
Flash = 0x01d5,"AMD - Am29F080B",0x100000
Flash = 0x04d5,"FUJITSU - MBM29F080A",0x100000
Flash = 0xadd5,"Hynix - HY29F080",0x100000
Flash = 0x20f1,"ST - M29F080A",0x100000
Flash = 0xbf61,"SST - 49LF020",0x40000
#Flash = 0x378c,"AMIC - A29002",0x40000
Current = 0xc349c2b047a3d6c2de2e1c10185ecf86


# <Time> =
# <IP> =
# <Name>
# <Version>
# <CD>
# <BIOSVer>
# <KernelVer>
# <RDName>
# <SpaceC>
# <SpaceE>
# <SpaceF>
# <SpaceX>
# <SpaceY>
# <SpaceZ>
Text = 30,37,0.5,0x000000,0,"<Time>"
Text = 28,39,0.5,0x808080,0,"<Time>"
Text = 620,420,0.5,0x000000,1,"<Name> V<Version>"
Text = 618,422,0.5,0x808080,1,"<Name> V<Version>"
Text = 620,37,0.5,0x000000,1,"<CD>"
Text = 618,39,0.5,0x808080,1,"<CD>"
Text = 30,420,0.5,0x000000,0,"RD Name : <RDName>"
Text = 28,422,0.5,0x808080,0,"RD Name : <RDName>"
LogoType= 0


Section "Root"
Item "Launch DVD",@14
Item "MS Dashboard",@3
Item "Reboot",@5
Item "Power Off",@10
Section "System Utils"
Item "Settings",@9
Item "Flash BIOS",@1
Item "Backup",@11
Item "Skins",@13
# Section "Install Menu"
# {
# Item "Install 4043",@210
# Item "Action 11",@211
# Item "Action 12",@212
# }
Section "Launch Menu"
Section "Games"
# Item "Invaders","f:\games\invaders\default.xbe"
Line "- Auto Items -",2
AutoAddItem "f:\games\"
# SortAll
Section "Apps"
# Item "DVDX","f:\Applications\dvdx\default.xbe"
AutoAddItem "f:\applications\"



LogFile = "f:\test.log"
Info "Install 4034 Dashboard"
Warning "This will format all drives"
Warning "Install msdash 4034"
Warning "Flash BIOS to Evox 2.4"
Progress "Now Installing 4034 Dashboard"
# This will format alle drives ,copy the dashboard c:\ and flash the bios
ConfigSector "\dash\4034\config.bin"
Format c:
Format e:
#Format f:
Format x:
Format y:
Format z:
copy "\dash\4034\c\" "c:\"
# the flashbios will force a "power off" after the bios is flashed
flashbios "\bios\evox V2.4.bin"



Any info would be great.
Junior Member
10. April 2003 @ 13:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You need to change the following ini file to match the directory where you have stored the games and apps.

Make sure you have created new folders for ur games and apps in your xbox hard drive F:

example: F:\games & F:\application

Create another folder in F:\games for your games

example: F:\games\Halo

The ini files should pick this up automatically and show up in the menu

# Item "Invaders","f:\games\invaders\default.xbe"
Line "- Auto Items -",2
AutoAddItem "f:\games\"
# SortAll
Section "Apps"
# Item "DVDX","f:\Applications\dvdx\default.xbe"
AutoAddItem "f:\applications\"

Pioneer A05
XBOX V1.0 w/ Xecuter2 lite
PS2 V7 w/ Magic 3.1 Red chip
Gamecube Platinum.....Not modded yet, soon I hope???
10. April 2003 @ 17:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ah thanks, very much appreciated. :) emulators work the same way?

Never mind i got it, I just cant exit out of it...its xnes emu any ideas

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. April 2003 @ 17:57

10. April 2003 @ 18:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
no worries got it as well
Junior Member
14. April 2003 @ 13:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
dat was easy :)

Pioneer A05
XBOX V1.0 w/ Xecuter2 lite
PS2 V7 w/ Magic 3.1 Red chip
Gamecube Platinum.....Not modded yet, soon I hope???
14. April 2003 @ 15:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I know that was...hehe > forums > archived forums > xbox - general discussion > a little help here

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