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The EB Games "waiting list"
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20. February 2006 @ 10:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is anyone else on this so-called "waiting list" at EB Games?? I paid $50 to get on the list, and as a downpayment for my 360 Premium...over a month ago. I still don't have my 360, and every time I call they tell me "we should have it in in 2 weeks or so"....which is basically what they did tell me....2 weeks ago.

I was also #8 on the list last week, which actually sounded promising...then somehow I am #10 this week. How the fug did I get bumped down 2 spots?? Apparently, you have only 24 hours to claim your 360 once they call...then if you are a no-show, you can just go back and tell them to place you back on the list...and you get to bump yourself a head of anyone that may have joined the list after you did initially.

I just wish I could find it anywhere now (except Wal-Mart...I won't shop there.) I would LOVE to just go buy it now, and get my $50 back from EB Games.

( ))====D
AfterDawn Addict

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20. February 2006 @ 10:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Check Best Buy on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Also you way have to settle for a Core and buy the extras. I know it sucks but it will probably be at least another month if not more befoe you can walk into any store and uy a premium off the shelf.
20. February 2006 @ 11:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Man...its really not worth it to buy the Core system. How much would it cost to upgrade a Core system to a Premium system??

Its gotta be like a difference of $200 or $250...Plus, I already bought an extra wireless control.

I'll check with Best Buy though...which reminds me, I have their credit card too.

( ))====D
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20. February 2006 @ 13:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Dont get the core! It sucks. What are you gonna do without the hard drive with all of its advantages??? Wait till the premium comes out.
22. February 2006 @ 17:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I was on the waiting list until today (Feb22). When I went in to get the system the guy working there tried giving me a used 360. Told him I wanted one that was sealed. Saw a huge stack of them in the back. I was 18th on the list about 1 month ago, so they are getting a lot in now, just make sure they are properly sealed.
22. February 2006 @ 17:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh and my system is the Harddrive one and those were the only ones I saw stacked up in EB
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22. February 2006 @ 18:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey LogJammer, I was 20 on the list right before Christmas. I kept calling and calling everyday. You have to call every day except Weekends. EB Games will not call you because they are swamped! One time when I called they said my name wasn't on the list. I liked to Sh-t. The problem they have is that when they call people to tell them their 360 is in, nobody shows up. That's how I was able to get mine. They had a stock room full of Premium systems and after I argued with the manager about me not being on the list he allowed me to come in and pick one up. Be persistant and keep bugging the hell out of them. They also have a 1 year warranty plan and if you have any problems with your 360 you can exchange it for a New one as long as you have a receipt. Good luck, and like I said Call, Call, Call.

AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
22. February 2006 @ 20:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The core suited me fine. I did have to buy a hard drive. But I don't need a headset and don't have an HD TV yet. It's better than paying a jacked up price on Ebay for a premium. None are to be found around here.
23. February 2006 @ 04:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well thats all encouraging! It doesn't surprise me that EB sometimes doesn't bother to call, and you have to call them. I have no problem with that...and if your local EB Games just got a ton in, chances are so did mine. I'll call later today as soon as they open.

Yeah, the Core system is a rip off...and it seems that BOTH the core and premium systems are hard to come by at this point. I know Wal-Mart had just the cores in a week or two ago...not that I would ever shop there anyway, but I have my heart set on Premium...gotta have the hard drive, gotta have HD component cables, and definitely gotta have the wireless controllers.

( ))====D
Junior Member
23. February 2006 @ 05:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have the core but if ur hardcaore gamer u wont care it was he last 1 they had at wal mart i wasnt going to pass that up forget what every1 says just get what u can since 360s r rare right now
23. February 2006 @ 06:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nah...even if I have to wait another month, I still want the Premium. That wasted $200 to upgrade could be spent on other games.

( ))====D
23. February 2006 @ 11:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i will sell you mine for $700. i have call of duty 2 and need for speed. plus 2 hard drives.
23. February 2006 @ 12:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
man, that 's bullshit EB maybe they have it and they don't want to sell it or tell you that they have it. Maybe they have xbox 360, but they sell them at ebay for high price to get more money. > forums > consoles > xbox 360 - modding & hacking > the eb games "waiting list"

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