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the next Dreamcast
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11. March 2006 @ 16:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
*please for all of you nintendo lovers, dont kill me-this is my opinion*

I long time ago i was truly excited about getting my N64....this was it. This was the new deal. Nintendo dominated the Gaming Market....sure Sony had some presence but not like nintendo. Microsoft was only a computer software company and the sega gensis craze had come and gone. Between The Game Boys and the N64 Nintendo was god.

Then it was 2001 and some mysterious things of sorts were being rumored. Sony had rumored coming out with the sequel to semi highly acclaimed for playstation. Microsoft creator of windows on PC's was to be coming out with something called an Xbox? What the heck was an xbox. What games was microsft able to create? a mystery.

Nintendo also wasnt just sitting on their butts...the had something in mind. The Nintendo Game cube.

A new millenium!!!! The console wars had begun. Playstation 2....on fire. Xbox......doing very well. The Gamecube........rock solid. Things were great in the gaming industry.

Then slowly...slowly.....slowly the Nintendo GameCube began to decline. Nobody really knows why...perhaps it was the introduction on Xbox Live and the amazing reality of the internet on the console. Perhaps Nintendo GameBoy advanced SP was taking sales away nobody knows.

Which brings us to now. The Xbox 360 came out and soared. Microsft is leading the pack. The Sony Playstation 3 is coming out. Sony is not far behind Microsoft. Where does Nintendo reign?

Ninteno has tried to get back in to the console wars by realasing the DS whick Sony countered with an extremely nice PSP device capable of much more that playing games. Also the less than perfect Gameboy Micro.

Nintendo was on the bottom. may be wondering just why i titled this thread "The Next Dreamcast" Sega had hit rock bottom. rock rock bottom and they new it. After releasing the Dreamcast which was designed to supersede Sony's PlayStation and Nintendo's N64 it was over but wasnt really next gen.
From the way Nintento seams to be comparing to Sega: Could the Nintendo Revolution be the next dreamcast?

Nintendo if the Revolution were to flop do what sega did and keep your company somewhat alive. Sega it still managing to make some good titles such as Full Auto for the x360 and all of the sonic games. Nintendo.....i think more money could be made my releasing the Zelda games on other systems as well as supersmash borthers and mario games. If the Rev flops (i truley do hope that it doesent) keep this in mind.

Holy crap....i typed way to much!!!!!!

lol this essay was typed by: coolGray. lol Just kidding, just wanted to get my point accross.

12. March 2006 @ 11:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
in my opinion, the 360 is the console in position to be the next dreamcast. think about it... its a weaker version of a PS3, its not selling well overseas, and the graphics arent really breakthrough.

Nintendo on the other hand is going to attract a new market, new gamers and their console is very affordable plus incredibly innovative. The Gamecube failed, but the Revolution will have way more 3rd party support and no real direct competition since they are so diff from sony n microsoft
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12. March 2006 @ 12:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
One fact is missing from your analogy though, Nintendo is the only one of the current generation actually making money from their console. That is very different than the position that Sega was in 5 years ago where they had no financial reserves and was losing money on the Dreamcast hoping to make it up in software sales.

Last fiscal year Microsoft lost $391 million in their home entertainment division

Sony lost 54 million in its game division and $330 million in their electonics division for the quarter ending last July

At the same time Nintendo had $128 million in profit

I don't think either the PS2 or Xbox either had a single profitable quarter and now with the next generation they are going to be losing on hardware sales again. Nintendo is content to make a profit. They don't try to make their console or handheld into a swiss army knife with multiple added features, instead they concentrate on what they do best, making quality games that are fun to play. The only thing Nintendo needs to do is attract more 3rd party developers. To be honest, the Revolution is the only console I am planning on buying at launch. The others I will wait for a year or two until the price has dropped and they have a better games library.
12. March 2006 @ 14:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
both of you guys are making very valid points. Thank you for not killing me. If i wrote something as my post above on another forum i would get shot. Thanks Guys and Friendliest Forums ever.

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17. March 2006 @ 10:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

sorry to pick on your essay there but PS2 was actually released on October 26th, 2000, so by 2001 Sony was already dominating the video game marketplace.

Nintendo now only rules one area of gaming, an area i like to call the affordability zone, a new gamecube will cost you about $80 much cheaper than you can get a new xbox ($130) or PS2 ($150) for, a psp will run you about $250, while a ds only costs about $130 (almost half the price) and by the time ps3 and revolution come out ill bet my 360 that revolution will be atleast $100 cheaper than x360 and ps3 just like gamecube was when it first hit. (all prices taken from


xbox 360 cant be the next dreamcast, you're forgetting that sega had 2 huge flops before they finally threw in the towel with dreamcast, sega CD and sega saturn. to illustrate my point please refer to the diagram below:

The Road To Failure:

Sega CD ----> Sega Saturn ----> Sega Dreamcast ----> Game Over

if xbox360 turns out to be a failure this still only pust Microsoft on step one (Sega CD) of the road to failure. The way i look at it Nintendo has already passed step one with gamecube and unless they do a 180 with revolution it's release will put them on step two (Sega Saturn).

I am not a ms fanboy by any stretch of the imagination, and as much as it kills me to say it i still believe that Sony is the leader of the pack, not MS as coolGray said. We'll have to wait until ps3 actually comes out, so we can compare xbox360 to a tangible object not a piece of paper with numbers on it. Just like in sports the game is played on the field/court/ice not on a sheet of paper, the team with the most impressive stats dosen't always win.

red dragons, we kill you!

xbox 360 games: amped 3/bf2 mc/g.r.a.w./fight night round 3/halo 3/lego star wars/madden nfl 06/madden nfl 07/nba live 06/nba live 07/pgr3/rainbow six: las vegas/skate/tetris evolution/the bigs/t.h.a.w/t.h. p8

ps3 games: need for speed: carbon/ridge racer 7/tiger woods pga 07 - (gta iv pre-order)
17. March 2006 @ 16:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Since the Revo will probably (yes, I said probably, meaning I on't know for sure) have lots of internal memory, people might be able to create homebrew apps and stuff like skins/dashboards, emulators, media players, etc...

Sony PS2 (Playstation 2) Slimline (V12) GH-035-71
Sony Playstion 2 Region: NTSC (North America - USA and Canada)
DVD-/+R: Verbatim DVD-/+R 1x-8x 4.7GB MCC and PRO-DATA DVD-R 4x 4.7GB
DMS4 Lite Modchip + ToxicBIOS Ver. 1.3 + Possible Fix
Dual Shock Controller
Dual Shock 2 Controller
8MD Memory Card

Burner: Sony DVD RW DW-D26A
Software: DVDDecrypter, Nero, and Alcohol 120%
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20. March 2006 @ 13:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nintendo can afford to take 4 or 5 consecutive "failures" before the company begins to think about their financial well-being. Considering the company made a handsome profit off the Gamecube, I think that gives you an idea about how Nintendo is doing. Besides, Gamecube's reputation is disproportionately worse than Gamecube's sales.

You are also incorrect on your handheld position. The DS is selling quite nicely.

The Gamecube and Xbox aren't really they far apart to one another, although I don't deny that Gamecube is last place in the race.
The Xbox 360 isn't selling as well as expected in Japan, and desrcibing MS as "leading the pack" doesn't really make sense considering the PS3 (and Rev) havn't even been released yet.
31. March 2006 @ 17:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The 360 came out at an earlier time just like the dreamcast people when it first came out bought it like crazy because they were so in need and anticipating the "next generation" because of the earlier release the dreamcast was not as powerful as the ps2. The 360 will do the same thing people right away went out and bought the 360. Now when the PS3 comes out in Novemember and the Revolution comes out in god knows when. The PS3's overall power and graphical compacity will out shoot the 360 on all levels. THe revolution will have all the "next generation" game play not the pure power. The combine sales of the PS3 and Revoltion will easily kill any remainig sales on the 360 even with the release of HALO 3 the 360 will be so far under it will not boost sales that much it will be too little too late.

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3. April 2006 @ 10:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The PS3's overall power and graphical compacity will out shoot the 360 on all levels.
On a level that will be undetectable to almost everyone.

The graphics will be neck-and-neck for a good while.
5. April 2006 @ 23:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nintendo has just made a profit of $804 million, think about it Nintendo always has more than one console on sale, Sony relised this so they made the PSP, Gamecube and GBA, then the DS Plus they make there own games so they make profit from them.

Microsoft lose loads of money selling the Xbox 360 this is why they have made it as hacker prof as poss because they will be crippled if someone hacks it this early in its life.

The Gamecube was only really recently hacked so people keept buying the games because no one really wanted to keep streeming the games to the system.

Plus PS3 would have to be extreamly expencive in order not to loss so much money, SONY will be out of the console wars within the next 5 years if they continue with this PS3 idear that will cripple them, no one will want to buy Dev consoles that have extreamly high prices a Gamecube Dev console costs £2500 imagine what a PS3 would cost becuase it has to have more power than a standard PS3, im sorry but a dev center that is like £10.000 is not going to sell very well.
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10. April 2006 @ 05:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Dev? What?

Nintendo will always make money as long as they cater their games to the younger generation of kids. And since they know that young kids will not care as much as the older gamers about high tuned graphics, then their systems also become much cheaper.

The specs have come out for the Nintendo Revolution and they reported that it actually has less Flash Memory and RAM than the original Xbox does. The PS3 and the Xbox360 will both have an unbeleivable amount of RAM (PS3 256 and XBOX360 now has 512 RAM) So it may be weaker, but the motion sensitive capabilities of it's controls will be a taste of so much more than the usual button mashing that PS3 games and Xbox360 games will be offering.

The Stronger System is not always the winner. SEGA CD, SEGA SATURN, DREAMCAST, GPx32, they were all stronger in graphics quality at the time of their release, but didnt make it because either they were too expensive, or the library of games was too bizarre for it to go mainstream.

PSP isnt selling well. And most people now I see with PSPs have it so that they can play SUPER NINTENDO ROMS. The DS is selling better than the PSP , even though it isnt as strong as the PSP tech wise. This will tell you what direction they plan on going with the Revolution.

The DS also has great games! ^_^ Stylus style games are a real breathe of fresh air from the button mashing that most games have you do. I have both the PSP and the DS, and the games are just more interactive when you are touching the screen. If Super Nintendo Roms didnt exist, I would have no reason to have bought a PSP.

UMD is also a big joke.

Zelda will never go to different consoles, thats like selling the console's individuality. Zelda will always be Nintendo© , same with Mario and the like.

I am a big Playstation1 and 2 fan, and I understand that in some eyes the PS3 might have a better advantage on the market because of the Sucess of PS2. I think it is totally insane to base judgement on an upcoming system based on its predecessor. The PS3 is an entirely different console than the PS2 and until I see it for myself with the Legendary Game Library that Sony is so famous for, I know I wont be missing out on much. Why? Just look at the PSP. The only good thing about it's game Library is that it contains SNES games.

I'm not even going to count the Xbox360 because I refuse to recognise it in the console wars. Xbox was great for its hacking capabilities, and 100% of the games were for Americans. And they werent even fun games. =\ I own one, and I do enjoy Jade Empire, and KOTOR2, but honestly, none of the games on the Xbox have any replayability, and the only reason I keep my xbox now is to watch Media files, since its linked upto my Network.

Nintendo? its FULL of replayability. Nuff said.
16. April 2006 @ 13:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
im sorry but i will have 2 disagree with u on that rev will be a big flop, i believe that ps3 will be a big flop, i mean if u look @ the psp, the games and graphics are good, but when you look @ the movies on umd, it was a flop, i mean where else can u watch a umd, i can see sony doin the same fing with there movies on the ps3, using blue ray discs to produce them, where else can u watch a blue-ray disk, unless u buy a blue-ray player then sure u can watch them on that.
Sure the ps3 will have the benefit over the 360 because they will have the time now 2 upgrade any parts that are new to the market, better than xbox 360, but in the meantime of sonys ps3's release, im sure microsoft will be in line of creating a new and better system, and by then any games that have been gd on ps2 would have been released 4 the 360, no doubt.

Back 2 subject on the rev, whats wrong with a new style of play, i fink its a good idea, im not sure how u can play zelda, but the shoot em ups will be gd and adventure games will be gd im sure. and naming the gamecube as a kids machine i fink is gd because @ least it will give u that feeling wen u once played the nintendo playin mario an realising now @ the enhanced improvements of the graphics. Nintendo are masters in the making an they make original systems and original games. But who sed that nintendo wont release a controller like the GC controller, they never stated that. And also to comment, the controller is not the other thing up nintendos sleave they have another suprise installed 2 us all.
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17. April 2006 @ 00:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

and then you have to purchase a hd tv or the console will not work thanks to sony using a hd dvd blu ray drive not intellegent and nintendo has a rock solid idea and will continue to have rock solid ideas and i own a gamecube and a 360 and let me tell you allthough my 360 has better graphics and playability whenim bored with my 360 i play my gamecube

and i also have a ps2 and i dont play it right now because there are no good games
17. April 2006 @ 14:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i believe you mean 500 to 700 dollars. :)

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20. April 2006 @ 01:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I own a PSP - its a great handheld - and in my opinion better that the DS. Its major flaw though is it proposed "big brother" the PS3 there talking about using it as a controller but i dont think that such a plan will encourage PSP owners to spend £300 + on a PS3.

The only reason the Playstation has done well recently is a cult following from fans of certain games. I bought the PS2 because of the GTA - line up on the console. But since they come out on PC now not long after ive just taken to waiting for the PC versoin (San Andreas for instant)

I'd swing more towards nintendo than either of the "revolutionary gaming technology" consoles that Microsoft and Sony are claiming to have.

Remember you'll be able to download Super Nintendo games onto the Revolution to play. That alone should bring a lot of gamers back to nintendo.
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20. April 2006 @ 08:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i personally dont any of the three next gen consoles will turn out to be what dreamcast was and i mean a failure. the 360 is out and there is mixed reviews,some love it and some hate it.Most that hate it are sony fans who are as the one guy said are cultlike and the ones who like it are the up and coming microsoft fans who experienced the superiorty of xbox live from the original xbox. Nintendo is going to launch around or a little before ps3 if ps3 even launches on time they are having a lot of rumors swirling saying they are still bidding on components and may not make the launch. No stores are accpeting pre-orders for the ps3 due to the lack of info out, so nintendo will steal some of the ps3's luanch and the 360 will steal some of it with some of the killer titles they have set to launch in november. it will all be somewhat close with ps3 leading the pack regardless of what system is actually stronger or whatever... sony has cultlike fans no matter what. all the killer titles that used to be exclusive arent anymore. Gta is everywhere,final fantasy just came to the 360,resdient evil is better on gamcube than on ps2. only great titles that i like are god of war,metal gear solid(which honestly the whole stealth thing is getting a little old as far as this game) and thats about it for me. 360 has Halo coming out,gears of war,too human,two worlds, and some other solid titles. nintendo has the mario series,red steel,metroid prime,super smash bro's. talking specs is a funny hting cause its the smartest computer guys saying with "undeniable" knwoledge one and other is wrong. one says MS is better and the other says that sony will be better, and if your a layman u have no clue, they will be so similar in graphics that i dont c y one would buy the ps3, 360's online service will ALWAYS be better, they are a computer software company so lets be honest about that. nintendo will be dirt cheap and arents like that, also ti [robably will be a good console. it would be great if it were as simple as which console will be the best but its not,sony fans are willing to spend extra money on an unproven overpriced high-def dvd player stuffed in a gaming console. what happened last time sony tried to incorporate the dvd player inside the ps2, dvd player was garbege and most of them burned the laser reader out on the system. good luck with whatever system you choose, i love the 360,girfriends getting the revoultion and i dont thinlk ne of them will flop like the dreamcast... > forums > consoles > nintendo wii - general discussion > the next dreamcast

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