This is a High Resolution forum let me expose my experience: I got some SACDs, most of them do sound better than CDs, more detail and more dynamic range. My player is a low cost (around 200 USD) Sony, dont remember model. My optons to improve sound quality were a) get a 1 - 2 thousand USD SACD player, b) move from solid state receiver to a tube preamp solid state amp hybrid thing with same investmet. Took option b, no regret, no comparison also but apparently more bnefits i.e not only best sound on SACDs but also on any kind of sorce mainly CDs, great improvement give a trial or at least give a thougt.
cheers man, I'm a HUGE fan of both SACD and tube amps/preamps. I have built many tube amps of my own, they sound phenominal and have a great nostalgic feel to them.
If audio system performance is seen as an optimizaton problem, I think, I was trapped on a local maximum (solid state preamp-amp). Audio systems as other systems have to be balanced to get the optimal performance, and you have to debottleneck on the righ place. In my case it was were i hav ealready commnet. In general my intention is to extend an invitation to have an overall thinking were descition making troubles our brains. Here I finish. By the way, do you have experience using harmonic reconstruction between the CD/DVD player and your preamp ?
Although this may sound crazy - it works. Try it.
To improve SACD playback, insert an LPF at 23KHz.
It will suddenly sound a HELL of a lot better, as all that exists above 23KHz in SACD is noise, and lots of it.
Remember DSD was not designed originally as a delivery format, but an archival one - and it is fatally flawed due to the one bit architecture that requires heroic noise shaping techniques to make it listenable.
Sorry guys I was out for some days. Well I tried a "Black Box" that restores harmonics. Plugged from the analog output of any digital source DVD/CD/SACD player. In short I notice better detal on instruments, more "separation" (definition like), and slighlty better bass. I more "warm" sound. I Agree that SACD hasnt musically impact me.