Linux vs. XP
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18. March 2006 @ 05:21 |
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Can you rate linux compared to xp? What if I wanted to compeletely change my OS to linux, would it be better then xp? Will I still get virus and spyware or will my computer run smoother? Or will it all be the same when I get on the internet?
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18. March 2006 @ 06:27 |
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You can't just draw up a comparison between XP and any Linux distribution, the two are too different.
Linux isn't vulnerable to virusses and spyware, but it can be exploited or rooted (rootkit), just like a windows system could.
The thing is that Linux is totally different when it comes to running and installing software, and isn't as widely supported by software companies as windows is, so a lot of programs don't run on linux (yet).
Also, since it is a lot more complicated to use *to anyone who hasn't been tinkering around with it that long* than windows is, you might want to try running a live distribution of linux (runs off a cd or dvd without installing anything)before you'd switch over to it.
Try something like or go find some other Live distribution here :
Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !
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20. March 2006 @ 05:19 |
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I'd say Linux is better in a lot of ways, I used it for a while now and haven't gotten a single virus or spyware. Although XP does support a lot more software, more public and a lot easier to use, I say it's up to you on what you want, I'd try out Linux for a while then switch.
Steps to bricking a PSP:
1. Get a brick
2. Hit the psp with it untill it won't run any longer
Congratulations, your psp is now bricked.
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21. March 2006 @ 09:06 |
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Good idea, try installing linux on an older or spare comp and get the feel, or set up a dual-boot system..
I hate xp, but I'm forced to use it for some of the things I do..Otherwise it's ubuntu 5.10
Senior Member
6. April 2006 @ 22:39 |
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I only have XP in my machine for games....other than that linux is all I need really.
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13. April 2006 @ 07:52 |
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The thing that gets to me though is the way every Linux distro has annoying little differences...especially when it comes to installing programs or adding hardware..It's more than a little annoying with my experience sitting puzzled when something won't install because the distro does it differently, and the tools are somewhere else, or it wants to go in a different place!!
Until there is a little more consistency across the brands then sadly Linux will only be for business and we techie types.. It's just too confusing for "joe public" to get his/her head around..
It's a real shame..
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13. April 2006 @ 09:41 |
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That, to me, is a load of BS.
So they all handle thing differently, guess what, maybe that is because they are all developed by different companies?
Besides, why would anyone keep on switching distro's anyway?
And as for the Linux being for techie's only, i'd like to point out Ubuntu, SuSE and DSL.
Wanna tell me off, go ahead.
I dare ya !
Senior Member
13. April 2006 @ 09:59 |
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For first time users,I wuld recomend SuSE and ubuntu as well. they both are rather easy to understand,and in SuSE...the fact that your partitions are already mounted for you,really makes things alot less confussing to the new user.
My little brother is using SuSE right now,and he loves it.
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13. April 2006 @ 10:19 |
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@ Fiend..That's just what I mean, I try to explain a honest viewpoint and get slagged off for it.. I work weekends for a local computer shop doing repairs so I see more messed up OS's than most..9/10 are totalled virusd up xp but there must be about every flavour of linux under the sun comes through with regularity..These have to be put back in working order with whatever they come in with...That's why I get stressed, no other reason..getting flamed for an honest viewpoint doesn't win any points with me.
Personally I like Slackware, closely followed by DSL but those aren't as user friendly as ubuntu or redhat for a Linux Newbie.. Then theres a friend I have who will only use xp even though he's always getting virus's and formatting his system every month or so.. I put ubuntu on but it was too much for him and he went back to xp after a few days..
That's the kind of person I was on about..a real "bills baby"!! Can't learn...Won't try! That's what I'm trying to get at..The fact that running whatever flavour of linux requires a little more knowledge of how your os and hardware works than xp does, you said Fiend.. and lots of people either don't have that knowledge, or can't be bothered investing the small amount of time to learn a little when Gates&co make it all a click away...
Don't get me started on partitioning...Redhat across 2x2.1 gig drives....Grrrrrrrr!!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. April 2006 @ 10:27
13. April 2006 @ 11:03 |
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I would recommend a dual system (WinXP + Linux) with the following partitioning:
1. NTFS for WinXP and store and manipulate large files (e.g. VOB's) in case that you cannot find applications such AnyDVD, DVDFab, etc.
2. FAT32 as common area exhanging files between WinXP and Linux.
3. Linux Linux and large files (e.g. VOB's).
6. Linux Swap which is mandatory.
Since Windows become much more popular against Linux this OS attracted the attention of the hackers and co. So they moved from the one field to another where the target area is wider. In the past Linux was suffered more than Windows since the majority of the distros are free (in fact under GNU). So they moved seeking the big blast.
I have to admit that even with the latest gui improvements Linux is still a knowledge demanding OS. But I preffer to navigate over Internet with this OS than the competitor's product. I believe with all theese charges of the SW firms will consider to fabricate solutions also for Linux. Open Office is an excellent example when somebody want to cross the borders. Ahead also has released NeroLinux. Mozilla FireFox is a jewel for navigation.
Favorite Linux Distros according to my opinion are SuSE and Mandriva (former Mandrake).
For older workstaions (e.g. Pentium MMX, 64 MB RAM, 4GB HD, SVGA Video Adapter and ESS Sound Adapter) I would recommend Mandrace v.9.2 known also as "Dolphin".
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13. April 2006 @ 15:46 |
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I have a heap, 15 old Pentium 133's that run DSL server a treat..They hold a few small sites for cash (or for my charitable side) and pay for themselves nicely..thats what I do for fun.. I'd forgotten all about Mandrace..I must check it out.
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15. April 2006 @ 05:48 |
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Where would I get Linux? I saw it in PC World not too long ago but forgot where I could get it. All I remember is that it is incredibly humoungous and incredibly better!
15. April 2006 @ 07:06 |
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15. April 2006 @ 17:37 |
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16. April 2006 @ 00:41 |
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Wosrkstation distros are for free. Everybody can download the community versions of theese distros from varius sites including the firm's such as SuSE, and many others. Theese versions does not include commersional apps such as Kafeine mulimedia player, CD/DVD writter, Acrobat Reader, etc, since they cannot include the copyrighted matterial in theese distros. Of course if you want to acquire the same version with all theese goodies you can by the commercial version which includes support via Internet and well documented manuals. Remember that Open office which is available in Community Versions also can import MS Office files and continue use thme under the new OS. Finaly before install select which Linux barnch you want follow rpm or db (Red Hat or Debian). Support the aim for lower prices and fight the Fatware of the dominating firms in the area. Go for dual boot and when feel strong on your feet leave the iron ball behind you. I also forgot to refer that you will have less annoying items when navigating under linux in your workstation.
Basta! I already have pushed on the limits the nerves of som fellows.
Junior Member
25. April 2006 @ 11:53 |
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In my opinion instead of repartitioning your hard drive to set up a dual boot, just get a copy of vmware and use it to create a virtual partition of linux on your system. With vmware there is no need to repartition. You simply delegate a certain amout of space to the os in a folder and run a virtual machine (linux or any other OS except mac os's) in windows mode with XP in the back ground. Press CTRL + ALT to make linux your full screen and press it again to get back into window mode. Very user friendly, easy to set up and configure.
28. April 2006 @ 10:30 |
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One last and I'll vanish from this thread.
You can always use a Linux Live CD/DVD and continue to use your hardware (router, printer, bluetooth, memory sticks, etc) and then return to your familiar environment. I suggest this for all those who want a first flavor.
For the time being I'm looking for tools such as VobBlanker, AnyDVD, DVD and Audio Rippers in order to move completely from the area. Any suggestions?
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30. April 2006 @ 07:58 |
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I like Linux better, currently using Suse 10, it looks professional, way to go linux!!
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2. May 2006 @ 11:48 |
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OK group, I've been with Linux for about 5 years and by far the best out there is PCLinux followed by Mepis. You can get both at