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My XBOX spazzed, it somehow went to a default EvoX Screen with basic options
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Junior Member
2. April 2006 @ 23:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I was playing a video game, and then i turned the system off. When i turned it back on, it was at a default EvoX Skin with default features. I had tons of things on my initial Menu/skin(such as play dvd, XBMC, Applications, Roms, etc). Now its stuck on this basic menu with the EvoX logo in the background and the only options on the menu are:

MS Dashboard
Power Off

i thought maybe my harddrive crashed and i lost all my data but when I FTP'd into the system, everything was there. Im just stuck on this menu with no real features. For the love of God, please help
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3. April 2006 @ 06:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
do you know ftp?
Can you still load Evox?


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Junior Member
3. April 2006 @ 10:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What do you mean? I use FTP to transfer stuff in and out of my system

EvoX loads, but its just really basic options that i cant do anything with. the MSDashboard options doesnt works, the Settings option just gives you your system info and i can reboot or power off. Theres nothing availabe to access games, media, etc.
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3. April 2006 @ 10:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok ftp the evox.ini to pc. then open it with notepad. then copy and paste here.

I will fix it for you


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Junior Member
3. April 2006 @ 10:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Current = 0x92987e26edd5833921c9b0e539ea091e
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3. April 2006 @ 11:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is that all in the evox.ini?


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3. April 2006 @ 11:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Do you have F and G drive?


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Junior Member
3. April 2006 @ 11:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah. the F drive contains:


G drive is empty
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3. April 2006 @ 11:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

AutoLaunchGames = Yes
AutoLaunchDVD = Yes
DVDPlayer = "f:\apps\dvd2.0\default.xbe"
AutoLaunchAudio = Yes
AudioPlayer = "c:\xboxdash.xbe"
MSDashBoard = "c:\xboxdash.xbe"
UseFDrive = Yes
UseGDrive = No
SkinName = Original
IGR = Yes
UseItems = Yes
ScreenSaver = 5
Fahrenheit = No
ShadeLevel = 90
EnableSMART = Yes
HDD_Temp_ID = 194
DebugTSR = No
ChameleonLed = 15


SetupNetwork = Yes
StaticIP = No
Ip =
Subnetmask =
Defaultgateway =
DNS1 =
DNS2 =
SkipIfNoLink = No
SetupDelay = 0


JumpToMsDash = No
JumpIfNoLink = Yes
Use24 = Yes
SwapDate = No
SNTP_Server =


Enable = Yes
Password = xbox
IGR = No


Enable = Yes


Enable = Yes
IGR = No
Name = XBOX_V1.0


ROM = "EvoX 2.0",0x76fd88337b8d8c1f116f85f3984b98b6
ROM = "EvoX 2.1",0x99487615bb30670cb65993388fcf2a63
ROM = "EvoX 2.2",0x220ade778785cfc3c98bb5ea8bbd8608
ROM = "EvoX 2.3",0xd79bc87c2caa1a50dcc7016adf2ccc0a
ROM = "EvoX 2.4",0xe3ce66b99957a92fdac40af951c3f1fd
ROM = "EvoX 2.6",0xdd3de3542bff7b36cdb0dbe078c27fbe
ROM = "EvoX 3.6",0xcb73b4914bb6c70b66e21377989726a0
ROM = "EvoX 3.6ef",0xf754767b388ce7a08bf57304e24c9ae9
ROM = "EvoX D.6",0xc349c2b047a3d6c2de2e1c10185ecf86
ROM = "EvoX D.6ef",0x74c6235497f474bf88b54b3fc52a20b2
Flash = 0x01d5,"AMD - Am29F080B",0x100000
Flash = 0x04d5,"FUJITSU - MBM29F080A",0x100000
Flash = 0xadd5,"Hynix - HY29F080",0x100000
Flash = 0x20f1,"ST - M29F080A",0x100000
Flash = 0xbf61,"SST - 49LF020",0x40000
Flash = 0x015b,"AMD - Am29LV800B",0x100000
Flash = 0x01da,"AMD - Am29LV800B",0x100000
#Flash = 0x89a6,"SHARP - LH28F008SCT",0x100000,0x20,0xd0,0x10
#Flash = 0x378c,"AMIC - A29002",0x40000
Current = 0x92987e26edd5833921c9b0e539ea091e


# <Time> =
# <IP> =
# <Name>
# <Version>
# <CD>
# <BIOSVer>
# <KernelVer>
# <RDName>
# <Temp1>
# <Temp2>
# <SpaceC>
# <SpaceE>
# <SpaceF>
# <SpaceX>
# <SpaceY>
# <SpaceZ>
Text = 30,37,0.5,0x000000,0,"<Time><CrLf>MB Temp <Temp1><CrLf>CPU <Temp2>"
Text = 28,39,0.5,0x808080,0,"<Time><CrLf>MB Temp <Temp1><CrLf>CPU <Temp2>"
Text = 620,420,0.5,0x000000,1,"<Name> V<Version>"
Text = 618,422,0.5,0x808080,1,"<Name> V<Version>"
Text = 620,37,0.5,0x000000,1,"<CD>"
Text = 618,39,0.5,0x808080,1,"<CD>"
Text = 30,420,0.5,0x000000,0,"RD Name : <RDName>"
Text = 28,422,0.5,0x808080,0,"RD Name : <RDName>"
LogoType= 0


Section "Root"
Section "Launch Menu"
Section "Games"
AutoAddItem "e:\games\"
AutoAddItem "f:\games\"
AutoAddItem "e:\hddloader\"
AutoAddItem "f:\hddloader\"
Section "Apps"
AutoAddItem "e:\apps\"
AutoAddItem "f:\apps\"
Item "Launch DVD",ID_Launch_DVD
Item "Trainers",ID_trainer
Item "MS Dashboard",ID_MS_Dash
Item "Reboot",ID_Quick_Reboot
Item "Power Off",ID_Power_Off
Section "System Utils"
Item "Settings",ID_Settings
Item "Flash BIOS",ID_Flash_Bios
Item "Backup",ID_Backup
Item "Skins",ID_Skins



Specialist in mod, hack, crack, download, copy, install, fix, repair game consoles and computers.

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3. April 2006 @ 12:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
copy that code and paste in the evox.ini. Overdrive the existing code. Then ftp it over xbox and overdrive the evox.ini


Specialist in mod, hack, crack, download, copy, install, fix, repair game consoles and computers.

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Junior Member
3. April 2006 @ 14:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks brother, youre a life saver. i really thought i was going to cry when i couldnt get my shit working at first, and im 21 yrs old. Its working now, thanks
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3. April 2006 @ 14:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Remember to save that evox.ini on PC. When thing like this happen again, just ftp it over xbox and overdrive the old one.


Specialist in mod, hack, crack, download, copy, install, fix, repair game consoles and computers.

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3. April 2006 @ 14:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   


Specialist in mod, hack, crack, download, copy, install, fix, repair game consoles and computers.

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3. April 2006 @ 16:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
HEY i was wondering if i could copy that evox.ini file over mine because i had experienced almost the same problem that PrPitbull had."i had been playn my xbox,and shut it off to go to bed and the next day went to go play and all my games were gone, then i couldnt get into my games anymore it would just lock up on the loading screen,But all of my other Apps "such as play dvd, XBMC, Applications, Roms, etc) were still in perfect working order...maybee im wrong and if so could you help me get mine working again please?
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3. April 2006 @ 16:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No. I have to change some thing.
ftp the evox.ini to pc. open it with notepad. and paste it here.


Specialist in mod, hack, crack, download, copy, install, fix, repair game consoles and computers.

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3. April 2006 @ 16:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
do you have F and G drive? List all files and folders on Root of E, F, G drive.


Specialist in mod, hack, crack, download, copy, install, fix, repair game consoles and computers.

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5. April 2006 @ 20:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yo sry man for the delayed response/ as far as the evox dash goes i just caned it and went with a better one"Avalaunch" so i appriciate you helpn..uh yeah i do have a f:E:G: drive But G: was comming up with an error 3 when i was reviewing it under FILEMANAGER in Avalaunch it said it had 0Folders 0Files,not sure so i have disabled it in Avalaunch.
/WartHog Jump/
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5. April 2006 @ 21:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
what about C drive?

ftp evox.ini to pc. then open it with notepad and paste the code here


Specialist in mod, hack, crack, download, copy, install, fix, repair game consoles and computers.

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12. April 2006 @ 16:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have the same problem.
It would be most appreciated if you could fix my ini as well.
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12. April 2006 @ 21:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yes, paste it here
I want to know what are on root of E, F,G?


Specialist in mod, hack, crack, download, copy, install, fix, repair game consoles and computers.

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13. April 2006 @ 04:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Here is the INI


AutoLaunchGames = No
AutoLaunchDVD = No
DVDPlayer = "E:\apps\DVDX\default.xbe"
AutoLaunchAudio = No
#AudioPlayer = "C:\xboxdash.xbe"
MSDashBoard = "C:\xboxdash.xbe"
UseFDrive = Yes
UseGDrive = Yes
SkinName = Administr8or
UseItems = No
ScreenSaver = 5
Fahrenheit = No
ShadeLevel = 90
EnableSMART = Yes
HDD_Temp_ID = 194
ChameleonLed = 15
TSR_Type = 1
IGR = Yes
GameRegion = 0


SetupNetwork = Yes
StaticIP = No
Ip =
Subnetmask =
Defaultgateway =
DNS1 =
DNS2 =
SetupDelay = 0
SkipIfNoLink = No


JumpToMsDash = No
JumpIfNoLink = Yes
Use24 = Yes
SwapDate = No
SNTP_Server =


Enable = Yes
Password = xbox


Enable = Yes


Enable = Yes
Name = Xbox-Hq


Start_Button = Yes
Back_Button = Yes
L_Trig = Yes
R_Trig = Yes
White_Button = No
Black_Button = No
A_Button = No
B_Button = No
X_Button = No
Y_Button = No


Current = 0x769898e9682e1f5d065b5961460d03e6


Section "Root"
Item "Launch DVD",ID_Launch_DVD
Item "MS Dashboard",ID_MS_Dash
Item "Reboot",ID_Quick_Reboot
Item "Power Off",ID_Power_Off
# Item "Flash Evox BIOS","c:\bios\d6.bin",ID_Flash_Bios_File

Section "System Utils"
Item "Settings",ID_Settings
Item "Flash BIOS",ID_Flash_Bios
Item "Backup",ID_Backup
Item "Skins",ID_Skins
Section "Launch Menu"
Section "Games"
AutoAddItem "e:\games\"
AutoAddItem "f:\games\"
Section "Apps"
AutoAddItem "e:\apps\"
AutoAddItem "f:\apps\"

In the root of E there is Apps,Backup,Cache,Emus,Games,Music,Saves,Screenshots,Skin,TDATA,Trainers,UDATA,Video,Evox.ini,items.txt and screendump.bmp

In the root of The F there is nothing
In the root of the G there is nothing
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13. April 2006 @ 05:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This evox.ini looks good to me. What options do you miss on Evox dash?

do you have evox.ini in C drive?

List files on root of C drive too.


Specialist in mod, hack, crack, download, copy, install, fix, repair game consoles and computers.

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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. April 2006 @ 05:49

13. April 2006 @ 06:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just edited the ini myself but it is horribel and unorganized
On the C drive there are:Audio,Fonts,xboxdashdata.185EAD00,xodash,XBox Book.xtf,Xbox.xtf,xboxdash.xbe.

I would like it if you could put XBMC in the main menu and thats basicly it.

I am also curious if i acn get XBMC to be my boot dashboard. If you could help i would be soo greatful.
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13. April 2006 @ 07:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Section "Root"
Section "Games"
AutoAddItem "e:\games\"
AutoAddItem "f:\games\"
Section "Emulators"
AutoAddItem "e:\emus\"
AutoAddItem "f:\emus\"
Section "Apps"
AutoAddItem "e:\apps\"
AutoAddItem "f:\apps\"
Item "Launch DVD",ID_Launch_DVD
Item "MS Dashboard",ID_MS_Dash
Section "System Utils"
Item "Settings",ID_Settings
Item "Flash BIOS",ID_Flash_Bios
Item "Backup",ID_Backup
Item "Skins",ID_Skins
Item "Reboot",ID_Quick_Reboot
Item "Power Off",ID_Power_Off


Specialist in mod, hack, crack, download, copy, install, fix, repair game consoles and computers.

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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. April 2006 @ 07:02

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13. April 2006 @ 07:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
try to change this. Download Xbmc and ftp it into the Apps folder on E drive.


Specialist in mod, hack, crack, download, copy, install, fix, repair game consoles and computers.

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