I tried to rip the original I have with DVDDecryptor, but it told me I couldn't do it, and to try it as an ISO. At that point it froze. Next I just ran Nero, and it copied the disk, but I am unable to see if there is anything on it.
1. Take the pc game put it in the dvd rom or dvd burner, your choice.
2. open the dvd decryptor program then go to to tool bar and hit MODE>ISO>READ. Then choose the correct dvd drive that the game is in as the "source". Also choose where you want the files to be stored on the pc hdd. THEN CLICK DECRYPT , or the huge graphical picture at the bottom of the program which makes it run. The game is now copying to your HDD. Take the game out when finished (it might take a while).
3. Go to the same tab in dvd decryptor and choose MODE>ISO>WRITE. This will then let you look for the files you just created in step 2. Select the file that you just created. (There is only 2 files creadted so pick the .mds) (The smaller file)Then click WRITE, make sure there is blank DVD in the drive.
Thanks again for taking the time to reply. I was able to copy the disk cold using Nero. The copy I made lets me play the game after I've installed it with the original.
I still want to see if I can make a master copy, that will let me instal the game from a copy. I will use your advise to see if I can get that to work. Thanks again.
Ok, i followed those direction, and made an iso file, but have no DVDs on hand. Is it possible to mount this image with say Daemon Tools if i prefer to run the image rather then putting the disk in everytime i want to play? If anyone has info that could help i would appriciate it. THANKS
I was able to mount the image using Alcohol 120%,
I got tired of mounting it so I went for a n0-cd patch myself,
but you can trick the game into running off of a virtual drive.
I've been playing with Daemon Tools the past hour or so and i think i got it to work without having to do much. It seems its just a matter of finding the right combination of programs. When i used ashapoo to create an iso, Daemon Tools would not run the iso, but when i created it with DVDDECRYPTOR, and created the iso and mds images, then it worked with Daemon Tools. Kinda like a opening a safe, just a matter of getting the right combo. now I can stick my original CD into a safe place and not have to worry about it getting messed up. thansk for the help. everyone!