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subs on a dvd
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4. April 2006 @ 00:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Like a normal dvd subtitles can be turned on or off and that is what i'm after here. but my starting point is an AVI file with English subs that are separate named .idx and .sub. i use canopus to convert to AVI to DVD. Can i use these subs after that point or is that somthing that has to done while still in Avi format? Because i don't want the subs embedded or there all the time if that makes sense. Actually there are some movie movies where maybe only one time someone speaks a differnt language and you need to see it in an english subtiltle. In that case it is allright if it is embedded. Is that actually a subtitle? because that's all i really need. and my Avi has not one subtitle in it. Sorry so long. Thank you.
Junior Member
7. April 2006 @ 14:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is there any body out there? seems that my last couple of post here don't get read at all. I usually have to figure it out on my own? thanks. at least someone could say, hmmm, or stumped on that one. not to be sarcastic or anything. I mean this is a site devoted to answering things like my post, right?
12. April 2006 @ 01:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi ConvertXtoDVD will let you add subtitles, and they will not be embedded (and converts and burns to DVD)
Is this what you are looking for?

There is a free trial and here is a little guide on how to:
Junior Member
12. April 2006 @ 20:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I looked at VSO and it looks like it might work. I do my convertion from AVI to DVD in canpous procoder. If i convert my AVI useing 3:2 pulldown to get it to 29.97 fps can i then take the dvd and put it in VSO and the subs and it will still sync up? Thanx for the reply.
12. April 2006 @ 23:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

In fact you might want to look at the product description of ConvertXtoDVD:

because infact it will do the conversion for you, it sounds to me that you will do not need to use canopus procoder. (convertxtodvd does pulldown as well). If the subs sync up ok or not depends on your subtitle file and video file I believe. (Good question though, do you want to try and report back?)
Junior Member
13. April 2006 @ 08:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes i think that is does the pulldown. however procoder is the only converter i know of that will convert a PAL 25Fps AVI to NTSC DVD 29.97 useing the 24Fps. 3:2 pulldown option with no screen jerk. In fact it's just as smooth as useing the 23.976 fps 3:2 pulldown option when useing an AVI of 23.976. Witch is another thing i don't understand. There is 24 fps. and 23.976 fps. 3:2 pulldown option in canopus procoder. The differnce is just .024th a fps. Just like there is 29.97 and 30 fps. what is the difference. But the real kicker is if you put a 25 fps.AVI in VSO, it will only convert to DVD PAL 25 fps, not NTSC. so i have to do those in canopus for sure. In with case i don't think any sub would sync to that. because the length of the video changes when converting PAL to NTCS. and last if i put a DVD in VSO, what kind of sub do i use. I've seen .sub, .srt, .idx, ect. i tried an .idx with an AVI in VSO and nothing happend. however i could click on it and it shows all the words and at what exact time that word is displayed. sorry there is a lot here to sort out. but desperate. Thanx again.
13. April 2006 @ 20:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello CaGal
Would the ConvertXtoDVD do the full convertion from PAL DVD to NTSC? including the interracive menus?
14. April 2006 @ 00:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Yes ConvertXtoDVD does full conversion between PAL and NTSC (with interactive menus). Were you (georgdman) talking about files already in video_ts format?

by default in ConvertXtoDVD this selection is done "automatically" but you can force the output format, simply go into Settings/ TV format and select either PAL or NTSC (this information will show in the log file, whether you let ConvertXtoDVD select this automatically or whether User selected out put manually)

Born1974 I think this will resolve your problem at this level.

As for subtitles: ConvertXtoDVD can convert the .SRT subtitle format to either PAL or NTSC output (with the video) so this format should cause no problem.

As for the subtitle format SUB/IDX convertxtodvd cannot convert this format. The video file add will be converted to the format of the subtitles. To know what format are your SUB/IDX you can look in the log file of convertxtodvd--it is indicated. So Born 1974 if they are in NTSC and you want NTSC as your output, seems like things will be fine.

With ConvertXtoDVD if you are afraid of wasting media, encode first to your hard drive watch converted file and verify that the output is as you like before burning. To burn after output has already been put on hard drive, just reopen COnvertXtoDVD and go to menu, Action / Burn DVD and select the converted file.

Hope everything will go as you hope.
14. April 2006 @ 09:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi CaGal
Im not sure what format the menus are.I am using Nerovision to convert .It work like a charm,very easy.The only thing is that the "menu" page (these are original dvds) will come up but wont let me pick and choose between options(extras,sceens,sub..etc) It will play everything though thru the DVD..On its
Junior Member
14. April 2006 @ 13:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
When you convert a PAL menu to NTSC, the menus just act as an AVI, sometimes just looped tp play continuos, with no button selection. It can't convert the buttons, at least i don't know of any program that will yet. Maybe Adobe DVD encore 2.0?
14. April 2006 @ 13:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes i have read about that program on their site but wasnt anything specific about this part.I guess the only way is to try
Junior Member
14. April 2006 @ 13:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I thinkwhat you have to do georgdman is just convert them like you did and then use Encore dvd to make your own buttons and place over the top of where the other buttons were, making them slightly bigger so that the button will cover the other one. or use Photoshop to crop the old buttons and then replace them again in Encore.
Junior Member
14. April 2006 @ 13:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
O.k, i'm going to put a PAL AVI in VSO and from what i gather the srt. for the subs to then just convert to NTSC? Does that sound right? Do i need the PAL srt. or the NTSC srt. to do this? And where do i get these srt. files at, is there a certain website for subs? Thanx.
14. April 2006 @ 13:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sounds like and idea.Have you ever done anything like that?
Junior Member
14. April 2006 @ 14:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Allmost tried it because in theory it should work, as photoshop works directcly with encore DVD to edit the buttons and text. as far as having audio with the menu and the play time of the menu, encore will do that. I'm sure that with what you have and then adding Encore to your system, and of course photoshop, you should be able to figure it out.
18. April 2006 @ 00:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

for those interested here is a mini guide on how to customize your DVD menu when using ConvertXtoDVD

As for srt subtitles in convertxtodvd, for your PAL AVI it does not matter if they are in PAL or NTSC, just go into settings and specify what output you want PAL or NTSC. I have not special insight on where to find subtitles.

Once AVI is converted and burned, to activate subtitles just hit that button on your DVD players remote control.

I know VSO has plans to add animated menus in ConvertXtoDVD in a future version .
10. May 2006 @ 21:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user > forums > digital video > subtitle help > subs on a dvd

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