hey everyone, i was looking into gettin a mod chip for my xbox and was wondering if i should get the xecuter 3 chip? i have read up on it, but i am not sure about a couple of things. first of all what exactly will this ship allow me to do? i guess play dvd, rip game to hard drive, etc.? also, what is it talking about when people bring up the flash thing? thanks!
thanks! after reading this i will most likely just get the xecuter 3. i am still unsure about a couple of things though.
1.) how can you copy or burn xbox games?
2.) what is the advantage to having the xlcd?
3.) where can i get a decent hard drive with more storage memory?
4.) i was also wondering, when i get the x3, do i have to flash it or connect it to my computer and stuff?
Don't get the generic adapter///get it with the xapter.....The generic adapter sucks man.......It is like immposible to put on...The xapter took me 5 mins............LOL my genric adapter caught fire when i was testing it..luckily nuthing happned to the xbox or my chip