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Junior Member
8. April 2006 @ 12:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok i was recently told i could get one game. there are three games that i am interested in, but the hell if i could make up my mind.

these are the 3 games


Ghost Recon

Battlefield 2 modern combat

can i get a little help with this decision please
8. April 2006 @ 12:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well I will try to describe what I know of each game, but I only have Recon, and out of the three it will be the only one that I will ever own:

1- PDZ - I have heard that this games single player is a huge disappointment! Nowhere near as good as the rare masterpiece of goldeneye, but very few games come close to that. It is only saved by a supposedly good multiplayer.

2- Recon- Like I said, I have this, I found the single player to be good, but it's the online that makes brilliant. Sure the the live function with this game has a few faults, (eg, hard for a beginner to be allowed into a lobby, or the hard connections times and headset problems, but I'm sure that a patch of some sort is possible to fix this) and once you get going on xbox live with a few mates its brilliant.

3- Battlefield - I have to admit, never played the originals on the xbox, but I saw a trailer and running version and this looks great! But gameplay wise, it's supposed to be just like the xbox console verion but with brilliant graphics. Your best bet might be to wait for an official battlefield 3 sequel for a step up in terms of gameplay.

So in summary, I would suggest Recon, only if you are going onto live with it, (although single player is still good). Btw, have u thought of Oblivion, it's the highest rated 360 game, and is def the next one I'm getting!
Junior Member
8. April 2006 @ 12:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
no i havent but thanks for your intake.

i will be going on live with whichever game i get. so singleplayer isnt a big deal for me, as long as it is long and not boring.

i will have to check out oblivion, i never heard of it but i thought i saw that recon was the highest rated game. 0_o

how about total amount of people who play online? anybody know for these games?

Edit: ok i just read a review for oblivion and with words like Elder, innocents and demons you would think that you are a playing a charmed based game. but no im not interested in a non multiplayer game. Ever since i got Live i stopped getting those. with the exception of a few

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. April 2006 @ 13:03

8. April 2006 @ 13:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well maybe oblivion should be one of those exceptions! Look at this site, it has a huge database of virtually every game, and it gives u the average score after taking the reviews from all the respected sites, and look elder scrolls has an average of almost 95% from nearly 100 reviews, I think its preety special!

Anyways thats your best bet to look at for which game to get. And in terms of the maximum number of people per online match, it is 16 for recon. (don't know about the rest but I should imagine it should be around this number, anymore and I'm sure you're bound to get some lagging!)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. April 2006 @ 13:18

Junior Member
8. April 2006 @ 13:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
im not interested in that game... the exceptions were the GTA series which i should have already bad.
any game im getting for the 360 will have to be live enabled and oblivion isnt so thats out of the running.
so does anybody have any intake on the 3 games that i mentioned?
8. April 2006 @ 14:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ghost Recon bro...

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8. April 2006 @ 15:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
dude! definitely get BF2:MC! go download the demo from the marketplace and see for yourself! it's frikkin' amazing!
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10. April 2006 @ 08:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My vote is for Ghost Recon.

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10. April 2006 @ 09:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ghost Recon for the win, superb single player and superb multiplayer. Like said it may be a bit frustrating at first trying to play multiplayer cause u may have to wait in lobbies from time to time for games to end. Altho once some of your friends get this game or make some friends to play this game with it is a blast cause u can just create your own lobbies.

PDZ i actually liked the missions in singleplayer but wasnt a big fan of the multiplayer, was too choppy for me, dont like the way the characters run, everything feels so weird, doesnt flow like other fps games.

Battlefield 2 - Just a port of an old game with better graphics, if u didnt play the xbox version u might be interested but otherwise wouldn't get it.

so i would go for Ghost Recon, for the money its prob gonna give u the best experience. Awesome graphics, awesome singleplayer, and awesom multiplayer, what more can u ask for :)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. April 2006 @ 10:01

Junior Member
10. April 2006 @ 14:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
alright thanks guys for your opinions. damn this is such a hard decision but a little weight has been takin off my shoulders since my brother just purchased PDZ for himself, but we live together so ill play it also. so now its between BF2 modern combat and ghost recon.

i never played the one on the xbox so i dont know what its like(except for plaing the online demo). but i think im gonna go with ghost recon. thanx for all ur opinions and intakes. i just hope im not making a serious mistake.

o yeah i just played PDZ and i too dont like the way the players run. they run too slow and weird looking.
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10. April 2006 @ 14:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
get ghost recon because its a great game and dont get PDZ (only rent it for gamerscore or for a few days of online multiplayer) and get battlefield later > forums > consoles > xbox 360 - modding & hacking > which game

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