Ok, the other day i downloaded BitComet. Then i decided to see if they had Ovlivion on there which they did..
The file's name was The.Elder.Scrolls.IV.Oblivion_RELOADED
A freind of mine freind installed it and did it for him so he pased it down to me, but didnt really know what i was suppose to do :(
Now i downloaded the torrent file and then opend it up in BitComent and it," Untorrented," it. if thats a good way to say it. so after about 7 hours of downloading this 4.18 GB file it made a new folder in BitComet's sub directory, and all thats in there is this
Now there all one file thats chopped up into seperate rar files..or at least i think.
Now, the directions say Unrar it..well i cant. when i try ot unrar it unrars all those files which is 4.18 GB and for some reason WinRAR doesnt support files bigger then 4 GBs! Wtf?
I get an error when i tgets to about 98% complete when unraring...something about only NTFS system files only support file larger then 4GBs, or something like that...
Anyway, i know what im doing is," Downloading a Pirated Version," but common. Who hasnt pirated something in there life? or download something pirated...
I just need help with this simple problem. Im not asking for pirated files or anything. Im only asking for your help. So please dont flame/bash/lecture me about the fact that were talking about this..Please guys this is the only forum that i can come too...
ure hard drive is running on fat32 an error comes saying fat32 doesnt support files larger than 4gb so the only way to extract it is to extract it on a NTFS running hard drive
not ure if theres any other wayz to by pass that problem
PS i had that same problem and i had to extract the folder/file to my external hard drive which was running on NFTS
O, ok i undersand, but is there a way i could make my FAT32 HD an NTFS hd? and is there any differnce bettween the two besides the fact that NTFS hds can support files over 4gb?
Quote:Anyway, i know what im doing is," Downloading a Pirated Version," but common. Who hasnt pirated something in there life? or download something pirated...
Keep your OPINIONS to yourself,
Piracy is NOT condoned here.
No one here is going to help you with pirated material.
Piracy is aginst the forum rules here.
Ask where you downloaded the file OR on sites that DO
condone blatant piracy.
I suggest you edit your post and READ the forum rules,
Before you get into trouble.
O,im sry guys i havent been up to date with tis post i made, you guys can just lock this. right after posting this, i changed my mind and got the 360 version of the game after figureing out that my computer doesnt fit the specs....
No one here is going to help you with pirated material.
Piracy is aginst the forum rules here.
Ask where you downloaded the file OR on sites that DO
condone blatant piracy.