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x-box mod has me scrod
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10. May 2003 @ 00:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay, after check all the forums and seamonkey's great website, I flashed my Matrix mod chip with evox d6.ejectfix, inserted it into my version 1.0? x-box (based on the numbers on the xbe info screen also manufacturered sept 11, 2002 - could be a problem ;) ), made the boot disk on a cd-r, backed up c and e drives from the x-box to my computer, installed evolution beta ver. 1.8.3285 on the xbe c drive,copy nfs 2 to my desktop and back to my xbe, it worked! Burned a nfs 2 disk onto DVD+RW, it worked! Burned the same game to DVD+R (verbatum), didn't work! Checked a DVD+R movie that I know worked on an unmodded xbe and it didn't work. Also I cannot seem to run any other games off of the hard drive or off of DVD+RW or +R, I've tried Godzilla, Panzor Dragoon and Kung Fu Chaos (all newer games? hmmmm....)Evolution recognizes them as games and starts to load and then resets. I turn off the rest in game feature but still no start just a slow flicker between the evolution logo and the menu screen. I thought maybe these titles all included downloadable content so I disconnected network connections, still no luck. Tried running the earliest version of evolution, same problem. Still oddly enough, I can't even run an off the shelf DVD in the drive but I can run all my existing games.
Help, Help, Help.
What am I going to tell my wife when she wants to watch a movie, I've got too much invested to let it sit like this . . .
10. May 2003 @ 02:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok, ok.....

firstly, try a different barnd of DVD+r
also what program are you using to play the DVD's?

What program are you using to create the XFDS ISO's?? you should always use GDFImage.

you said that you made a boot disk on cd-r, did you not mean cd-rw??? cd-r's tend not to work in xbox's.....although i assume it worked seen as you have gotten evolutionX onto your xbox.
11. May 2003 @ 10:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok ok ok . . .

Thanks. I will try the other iso program but it still seems strange that these new games will not run off of the hard drive while one will, I noticed some similar threads concerning new game copy.

In regards to the DVD player I tried DVDx2 off of a CD-R and it ran well. I guess I need to find a DVD player that will work or just use the xbox player which is apparently not working in my current configuration. After uninstall of Evolution, the x-box dvd player works.

Is evolution supposed to run the DVD's or do I need another DVD player program? If so, any recommendations.

No problems with CD-r's in my x-box.
12. May 2003 @ 17:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You need the new X2 Bios flashed on your modchip.

I had the same thing happen to me and it cleared the problem.
12. May 2003 @ 17:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
"xecuter2 4976.02 colors" to be exact.
13. May 2003 @ 09:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks I might try that for another rainy day project since I turned the flash option off on my chip I have to bust open the box again, I am currently happy enough with the option of no evolution loaded, and when I want to connect to my xbox, I simply use the boot disk and then I can access all drive for game backup.

Thanks again rampage72, hey try Godzilla All Monster Melee, didn't get great reviews but is still a good one in my and my kids opinion.
15. May 2003 @ 07:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I found this forum having the same problem.. Newer games won't run from the HD. I'm running the bios you specified and still, it stalls at the 1st screen (I.e., copyright info)..

Any other ideas, or anyone for sure fixed this before?
15. May 2003 @ 12:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i had the same issue with indiana jones - emperors tomb. it wouldn't play from the drive, just hung on the first screen, but the backup plays fine. Maybe we should compile a list of known problems with games like we got for PS2. Does anyone know any games that can't be backed up? - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
15. May 2003 @ 12:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Since this seems to be only with newer games, I'd almost guess they just put in a check to see if it's off the HD or not.. Shouldn't be too difficult, just copy a file and compare the transfer rate with the expected range from a DVD-Drive... if it's blazing fast it's on a HD, which is a no-no...

Personally I don't have a DVD-R, and the drive in my xbox (purchased xmas 2002) is too weak to read 2/3rds of my backups. So getting things to work from the HD would be a big plus. > forums > archived forums > xbox - general discussion > x-box mod has me scrod

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