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26. May 2002 @ 22:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Have any of you out there ever heard of a hacker-created program called... (unfuck.exe) - forgive me please, I'm not just making this name up.

It was created back in 1999 to get around the .wma file-format's rights'-management 30-day expiry thingee. I'm assuming that since it was made way back in '99, that some one may have heard about it. (I've just discovered it's existence myself).

If you do a global web search, you're very likely going to find some information on it, as well as several independent articles written on the subject.

I followed a few links myself - one led to a page that gave me an error message ("page not found")- but after I pressed "Refresh", *another* small screen popped-up, superimposing itself OVER the 'page not found' screen! In the popup screen were three links to three files: (I got them all)

unfuck.exe - 82,096 bytes
unfuck_setup.exe - 254,209 bytes
WMA Audio Codec.exe - 632,328

From what I can gather, you don't really need the .wma codec unless you want to convert a "protected" wma into a freely-playable wma. I do believe that one of the articles I read, said that the unfuck.exe program simply outputs the original wma into a *standard* pcm wave file! (You can then compress it into any format you wish). Another article went on to say that "yes", M$ is aware of the file, but were reportedly 'unconcerned' about it. The author of that particular article also said that perhaps M$ *IS* concerned about it, but is just trying to play it down before the file gets too much publicity!

Any experiences, guys?

You don't really need the unfuck.exe file if you have the unfuck_setup.exe. I ran the setup, and it neatly put unfuck.exe (exactly the same filesize as the original, 82,096 bytes), as well as a few other files into my Window's <Program Files> directory. It even comes with it's own UNinstaller! (Which works like a charm, deleting everything if you don't want it).

After clicking 'Help' --> 'About', I got the message,

" unfuck.exe Version 1.0
c.1999 SHIT Industries "

*Obviously* the work of a hacker!

(I wish we could insert small .jpgs or .gifs into this forum, because I could send you a small screen shot.)

Anyway, although the program seems to be simplicity in itself, I can't get it to work. I tried a variety of 'protected' wmas with it, but couldn't seem to get the program up and running. (I'm probably just neglecting to do something simple that I'm not aware of.)

WMAs are such a pain in the ass, don't you agree? For example, if you go to, you can actually download some currently-available files that are *already dead* !! That's right, there are a whole slew of readily-available files there, which, after downloading and trying to play them with either WMP 6.4 or 7.0, give the message, "This promotion has ended. Thank You." Kee-Rist, *why* don't they take these dead ducks off the site then???

(If you do a quick web-search on "unfuck.exe", you're bound to come up with something....)


-- KlingonAgent --
Senior Member
27. May 2002 @ 10:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well that seems like a big step against DRM.
27. May 2002 @ 12:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, I don't really look at it that way, Ghostdog - I just see it as a lil' pebble in Mr. Gate's shoe. Y'know, just something to bug him - I'm very fond of anyone who bugs Mr. M$.

So I take it you've never heard tell of this thing then?

There's a very upbeat & helpful text file that comes with the installer:

(I'll make this brief)
" -- How the Fuck UNFUCK works

You first have to register the file before unprotecting it. So, if you get an "error playing file" error:
1) first register the file by trying to play [it]....2) a browser window will pop up, choose yes, open from starts.....stop music....3) then load it into unfuck.exe !!!

"Lots of people complained it didn't work .... this is why:

"Infuck.exe uses a work-around; the file must actually be registered first. But it always registers the first time you listen to it.

"Unfuck.exe.exe takes an already registered WMA file and outputs it as a WAV, then re-encodes it into an unprotected WMA file.

"Do this within the timelimit and you have an unprotected WMA file. "

...(and there's more info in the file)

So apparently, you either have to be sure that your computer gets the 30-day license from the website you are downloading from, or that the license already resides on your hard-disc (usually an .asx file?).

And yeah, I guess you can't convert an already-expired wma - it has to be current, but you can do the switcheroo in the first 30 days.

(Actually, that would have been a much nicer, gentler name to use than unfuck. It should have been called, "Switcheroo.Exe") ;)

Anyway, I'm learning dribs and drabs about this thing as time permits - I really don't have the time necessary to tweak it.

Best Regards,

-- KlingonAgent --
27. May 2002 @ 13:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
*** Update! Update! Update! Update! ***

YOWSA YOWSA !! This thing actually *works!*) :)

(In the words of the Klingon Language, "KAPLAT!" ("Success!")

I just did a short test on one of my "current" .wma files which I had simply named "17.WMA". It's 4:45 mins long.

(1) I fired up Windows Media Player 6.4 and began playback. Then I pressed "Stop".

(2) I double-clicked on the "Switcheroo.Exe" program ('unfuck' is too harsh).

(3) I loaded-in the 17.wma file.


Automatically, switcheroo started processing the file (with a little progress screen visible). The new file, which had been renamed to "17(unfucked).wma" quickly appeared on my desktop! (C:\Windows\Desktop).

I then loaded-in the new file with WMP. It sounded *absolutely identical* to the original!

(You can easily move the file into a new folder and rename it to something sensible).

The original .wma file was 4,603,488 bytes.
The new .wma file became 4,602,385 bytes.

This small reduction in size tells me that all that nasty drm stuff has indeed been stripped out!

This program is a super-simple, no-frills, bare-bones, workhorse kinda program that simply performs a task.

Somehow, I guess the default operation for 'switcheroo' is to create a new .wma file. Sure, I can now use an outboard program to convert to standard .wav. But it would be nice if I could figure out how to directly make switcheroo simply stop at the wavefile point, before it re-encodes to .wma again. All of this stuff must be done in RAM, because I don't see a "17.wav" file anywhere on my hard disc.

<<Yes, yes, I know I'm a "skunk" for trying out this software. But I think self-expiring wma files are stinky anyway!>> :-)

End of story for now. (Are you *sure* you don't want to test this little puppy out for yourself, Ghostdog?)

-- KlingyPoo --
28. May 2002 @ 06:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I sort of suspect there are a bunch of folks out there (here) who just aren't saying nuttin'. Unlike Captain James T. Kirk, who "Boldy goes where no one has gone before", some folks here (a show of hands isn't necessary) just don't want to get tromped on by the big guns over at M$. Understandable.

Seems you can't unf### a wma if it incorporates the 'Windows Media Rights Manager V7' system, presumably designed to thwart such hacks as I have been discussing above. (That is, you *must* use WMPLayer 7.0 or any of several other 'compatible' players that incorporate the V7 system, to play back these newer wma versions; plain ol' WMP 6.4 won't do).

The program will unf### everything else though.

Pity really, the unf###.ini file was so easy to modify too.

OK, now engaging Cloaking Device.......

{{{ }}}

-- K.A. --
I hate titles

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28. May 2002 @ 07:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sounds definately interesting little piece of software, just like "our" dear StreamBox VCR which **cks up RealNetworks' nice little world domination plans pretty easily. I'm tempted to add the tool to our site, but maybe this time it's better not to draw too much attention from Big Boys to our little site -- so, just use the google as A_Klingon told you to do if you want to give this tool a little road test.

Would be nice to know who developed the original version and why we haven't seen anything similiar that would crack the WM7/8 DRM system. My guess is that Microsoft's format isn't just popular enough, so crackers just don't bother spending their time for nothing :-)

Petteri Pyyny (pyyny@twitter)
Senior Member
28. May 2002 @ 07:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I too am fond of things that make Bill Gates mad. He just seems like the "pure evil" of the IT-world.

As far as I know I´ve never had to deal with WMAs. OK, maybe twice, by accident. And I don´t want too either! If I get in a situation where I need to use DRM protected wma:s (I hope the day never comes), I´ll try unfucking them.
28. May 2002 @ 21:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The identity of the original author is definately an unknown.

The gentleman who took unf##k.exe and wrapped the nifty little installer/de-installer around it (unf##k_setup.exe) even says in his help text file, that he hopes the original author will email him sometime.

"I am not the programmer. I do not know who (s)he is. My thanks go out to the programmer, maybe someday he'll contact me at : ...... "

I expect that eventually you'll stumble across a wma or two that you'll want to keep beyond 30 days...... this program will help. (I had to say 'bye-bye-' to Paul McCartney's "Vanilla Sky" tune because the file had expired.)

I hope the author is studiously working to crack the newer V7 drm system.

"Steady as she goes, helmsman; Zulu, set in a course for the nearest Starbase; Scotty I'm going to need warp power; Engage, Warp 6.

Whoooooooooooossshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!

-- K.A. -
Senior Member
29. May 2002 @ 07:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Where do you even get copywriten WMAs? Who uses WMA anyways? No offense intended, but I´ve never used it and I don´t know anyone who has.

Warp speed mr. Zulu.
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29. May 2002 @ 13:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Correct. I have to also point out that NOBODY is advised to use WMA. Just in case someone gets funny ideas while reading this thread..

The old school is back. All hail the new !
29. May 2002 @ 23:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I get funny ideas all the time regardless of whether I'm reading threads or not, especially when I'm stripping the drm out of copyrighted wmas. :)

Ghostdog, I too would never-never recommend making my own wmas either. But to answer your question, a great many (most?) wmas are severely copyrighted (not all) which is why you have 30 days only to listen to them. Who would use the format? Well, plenty of people it would seem. An increasing number of hand-held devices (the type that also play mp3s), now have wma support. Many PC software players also incorporate it now (WinAmp comes to mind).

Where do you get 'em? All over the place. (They're like pimples - you never know where you're going to find the next one). You can start at

Why would anyone *want* them? FREE PROMOS, silly! Well, also because some pretty big names are putting out a few freebie tracks. (Paul McCartney, and even some old-time rockers like Ozzy Ozbourne, Eric Burdon (Animals), Warren Zevon, and 6 million others.)

I *hate* WMAs!!! Which is why I LOVE to strip the drm out of them. After which, they become true 'collector's items' of sorts.


--The Stripper-

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30. May 2002 @ 01:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I heard somewhere that the quality of WMAs is slightly better them mp3s. Of course this depends on the quality. But what about compression? Do WMA provide better compression/quality?

Anyways, the world is so acustomed to mp3s that i doubt that WMA has the opportunity to replace it. Of course if Microsoft would focus their power on getting rid of mp3, the situation might be different.
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30. May 2002 @ 14:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
WMA is crap. In hight bitrate encoding (higher than 128kbps) it is easily outperformed. It may be more competitive in low bitrate applications.

The old school is back. All hail the new !
Senior Member
1. June 2002 @ 00:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Microsoft basicly has a dead-end format. There isn´t enough support for it. OK so "the industry" would probably love to see WMA (and DRM) replace mp3, doubt it will.
27. June 2002 @ 07:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for putting your thoughts here, i will update the site with this information:

You can't unfuck a wma if it incorporates the 'Windows Media Rights Manager V7' system or higher. If you try to unprotect a wma file with DRM 7 or 8 protection you will get an "error playing file" error.



(can i post the link inhere?)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. June 2002 @ 08:00

I hate titles

35 product reviews
27. June 2002 @ 09:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Peter: What site are you referring to? Are you the author behind the UNF**K or?

Petteri Pyyny (pyyny@twitter)
27. June 2002 @ 13:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes, I am author of the site

Why were you asking this ?

As stated before i am *not* the creator of unfuck.exe itself, i just made it a bit easier to find.


Note: do not unprotect copyrighted material; it's illegal :)

Update: --I removed the link because sometimes a spyware program called Gator will try to install when you use this redirection service.... bugger


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. June 2002 @ 04:24

28. June 2002 @ 03:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Thanks for adding afterdawn's link to your site. (And *thank you* for your own site as well!). Yep, your page is where I found the orig. unf**k files (in a pop-up no less!).

There's lots of cutting-edge conversations going on in here.

Disclaimer: Yes, it's true, one must never-never *never* unprotect a protected wma file. That would be a terrible sin, and you'll feel just *awful* afterwards. After listening to an unf***ed file last week, which would have expired ages ago, I tossed and turned in my bed for *days* afterwards, riddled with guilt at the terrible thing I had done.

(not) ;-)

I am now paranoid, and only listen to these wmas on headphones with the volume turned *w-a-y* down in case there might come a knock on my door, and they come to drag me away......

-- K.A. --
28. June 2002 @ 04:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
mm I tried the above link on several computers and the site just loaded as it should, so *not* within a (small) popup.. It will however refresh itself and will go to a second indexpage. This is done so i can view were people are coming from.. this wont work in a framed page....

This could however be a local issue on your pc, which can be solved like this:
1) resize the browser window of the smaller popup in which my site has been loaded ..
2) press ctr-N (clone/new window)
3) close all browserwindows, first the older ones, than the latest two.
4) IE Browser now will remember your prefered *default* new/popup window size. This will however not work with all versions of Netscape (bugger) and *can* be overruled by other sites who make you open links in their default size :(

I hope this is what you meant..


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. June 2002 @ 04:32

28. June 2002 @ 20:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
For those of you who wanted to unprotect WMA files that incorporate 'Windows Media Rights Manager V7', the following URL contains a command line tool that does just that:

However, it will only work on files that use 'DRM version 2', not version 1.


As luck would have it, the files that have led me down into this nightmare, would appear to use said 'DRM version 1.'

What nightmare, you ask?

Forced to reinstall Windows 98 (2000 won't work on this ancient hardware, more's the pity), I dutifully back up all my sister's stuff on a few CDs.

Everything goes relatively well; I install Windows, drivers, software, then take her files off of the CDs, back onto the hard drive... Until I try to play some of her music. For she has committed the Ultimate Sin; encoded the tunes as WMA, not MP3.

Why would she do such a foul, disgusting thing? "Because it's easier." Fucktard.

Anyway, the result is that she now has 520MB (16 albums) worth of music that she wants to listen to that she can't listen to, all thanks to Microsoft's lovely idea of 'protecting the artists.'

What I need; A way to unprotect WMA files that incorporate 'Windows Media Rights Manager V7', and do so using 'DRM version 1' not 'DRM version 2'.

I've tried opening them in Winamp and WMP, but both reroute me to a Microsoft page to download the newest version of WMP. Which it does, apparenty, because of the following:


You cannot play this file on this computer

Error ID = C00D274B, Remedy ID = 0x00000000

The file you are trying to play is secured with a digital license. The license that unlocks this file and enables you to play it resides on the computer where the CD track was recorded.

If you are attempting to play the file on the computer where the CD track was originally recorded, the license is either missing or corrupt and you must re-record the file from the original CD and try to play the file again.



If WMA files made using v6 can be done, and those made using v7.2 can be done, please, Bob, let it be possible for those made using 7.1 to be done. Please? Bob? Tell me how?

29. June 2002 @ 00:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
megasad: I'm really sorry about that; I don't see any easy way out. Wish I could help. WMA is an insideous disease as you can see.

peter: not to worry.... for some reason I originally retrieved the files from you via a small pop-up window, but that must have just been a 'freak occurance' or something. Your website comes in just fine now (in the normal way), and I have you bookmarked.

Again, thanks.

-- Mike --
12. July 2002 @ 13:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I could be going over ground already covered but here's the story...

Spent about month putting entire CD collection on new computer using WMP in Windows XP.

Ignorant of protection of WMA files, therefore have ended up with GB's of protected WMA files I guess incorporating 'Windows Media Rights Manager V7.1' and 'DRM version 1'.

The bottom line - CAN I UNLOCK THEM ??

PS Have tried Un**** and freeme.exe unsuccessfully.
12. July 2002 @ 18:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
WoW! That really 'bites', frank.

It's been so long since I made a disc's-worth of test wma's, that I forget the actual procedure - I was using a web-page tutorial print-out to make the files, but it wasn't particularly hard.

Anyway, isn't there a little box you must either check (or uncheck) to *ensure* that the files don't contain DRM? If you check/uncheck the appropriate box, your files shouldn't be locked (I don't think) as long as you use your original hard-disc when playing them back.

Since I still have my original hard-disc, I'll see if I can't dig out my old wma cdr disc to see if *IT* still works...hang on..... [rummaging....]...

Yeak, ok, I found it. Yep, they still play back from disc! I am using WMP 6.4 not the horrible later version I had to use to make the files. There's no expirary restrictions that I know of with them.

(Can't you play your files back?)

I know what a committment it is to archive a lot of music cds, because I'm currently doing just that, using the Ogg Vorbis format. (NO restrictions there!), but maybe, if you can recoup your original music cds, re-encode them into something more real-life than that *awful* WMA [[ <W>orst <M>uthafu###n <A>udio ]] format ever invented this side of RealAudio.

Good luck, frank.

-- Mike, An Agent --
13. July 2002 @ 03:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nice one Mike,

No problem playing the files as they are currently residing on my hard disk - but the problem only arose when I tries to convert to Mp3 to copy and play on an external player.

You are quite right - there is a box to uncheck in the Media Players options and I have succesfully copied new tracks with no protection and converted to Mp3... BUT this option was discovered after the previously mentioned cataloging had finished.

I suppose my only option is to do it all again with the 'box' unchecked :(

Frank D
Suspended due to non-functional email address
12. August 2002 @ 18:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello...I need help...
I have files *.wma that I download from another PC, with DC++.
The Files (a full album)contains in the license details:

"Protected Content
Can't play on this computer
Copy to CD not allowed
Copy to portable player not allowed
Copy to an SDMI-compliant portable player not allowed"

When I try to open any of this files It opens a window of IE in a page of microsoft

"Welcome to Windows Media Personal License Migration Service.
You have reached this page because you are attempting to do one of the following with content that was copied from CDs:

Restore the content on a computer or operating system that has been upgraded, or
Use existing content on another one of your computers.

If you re-install an operating system or install a completely new operating system on a computer on which you have previously maintained licenses, that computer will appear to be a new, unique computer to this service when you migrate licenses. However, upgrading the operating system will not change the identity of the computer as far as this process is concerned.

Any unauthorized use of the content may be a violation of the law, including U.S. and international copyright laws, and may subject you to civil and criminal prosecution.

If you wish to read our policy page, click the link above. If you want to migrate licenses now, click the Migrate License button. Otherwise, click Cancel. "

I try to use Unf***.exe but doesn't work...
Why I can see de version of DRM?

My OS is WND XP PRO...
How can I remove de license in the files??

Sorry about my english..but I'm Portuguese...
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