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The WEEee controller = The Nintendo Power Glove
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10. May 2006 @ 10:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just another cheesy gimmick that in realty will get real old real fast. I love Nintendo. Zelda is the best game franshise around but they finally officially turned into babies r us. When the PS4 and Xbox 720 come out, it is safe to say they will probably be getting Link and Mario because as a gaming console maker, they are finished. They will always have the hand held market though. Sorry Nintendo fanyboys, the WEEEE is WEEElly gonna stink. With those generic 16 bit graphics, there is only so far a gimmick can take then.

I heard they are begging Fred Savage to star in "The Wizard, part 2" to premier simultaneously with the launch of the WEE WEE
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10. May 2006 @ 11:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I suppose we really won't know until the system is released and is on the market for a few years.

Even if the Wii were a massiva failure, Nintendo still wouldn't be out of the console business. I suggest having a look at the company's financial statements before you go blabbering your unfounded speculations.


cool guygot
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10. May 2006 @ 11:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Man these fan boys sure do get testy. This is probably some 12 year old who really loves his Mario.
10. May 2006 @ 12:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
They would not sell their franchises over to sony or microsoft.
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10. May 2006 @ 13:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am sure Sega told themselves the same thing way back when......
10. May 2006 @ 14:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
They really didn't have anything besides Sonic and a few others.
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10. May 2006 @ 16:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Man these fan boys sure do get testy. This is probably some 12 year old who really loves his Mario.
I'm 19, and prefer Metroid and Super Smash over mario. Also, I'm not the one that is still intrigued and fascinated by "WEE WEE" jokes, so I would regrain from calling anyone a "12 year old".
Furthermore, I guess it's easier for you to attack someone instead of addressing the original point you made and I refuted. It's a common reaction when proven wrong, so I'm really not that bitter.
Nintendo isn't in financial trouble like Sega was.
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10. May 2006 @ 17:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oofRome = Shiguru Miyamoto. This guy is one obsessed fanboy!!

He already mentioned in another thread that he doesn't even own a ps2 or 360. Go play with pikachu oofus

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. May 2006 @ 17:31

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10. May 2006 @ 19:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's true I don't. Although my roommate has a ps2 and my suitemates both had a ps2 and an xbox. Needless to say none of the systems were ever really used all that much. My buddy spend a week with the path of neo, my suitemates played madden and Gun, and I (finally) got around to beating metroid prime echoes. we also played smash bros, dynasty warriors, and even some red faction. The majority of my gaming was done on starcraft:brood war, so i'm more of a Jim Raynor than Shiguru.

We can continue this stupid argument, or you can try to back up your gimmick notion, or your accusations that Nintendo will be dead by PS4.
What's that? You can't? Oh okay, then fuck off.
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11. May 2006 @ 07:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I love these fanboys who only give all their loyalty to one system and will do or say anything to pledge their alliance. Like Nintendo is gonna give them a sticker or something.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. May 2006 @ 12:01

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11. May 2006 @ 09:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nelson, wether you like it or not, brand loyalty isn't some phenomenon only in the realm of video games. Everyone has a preffered brand.

I like Farm Crest milk way better than any other milk. I like Coke better than Pepsi. Durcell batteries as opposed to energizer. The list is endless. It's a way of life, so get over it. Maybe you might learn about when you get around to a basic economics class.

I can get along with a lot of the other "fanboys" in the other forums because at least they put thought into what they say, but your life on AD will be very short if you continue your name calling, trolling parade that only you are marching in.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. May 2006 @ 09:54

Suspended permanently
11. May 2006 @ 10:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Man oof, you must have not gotten enough hugs as a child. Your really into attacking anyone with anything negative to say about your precious WEEEeeee. Your the worst kind of Fan Boy. Why don't you go play some more Donkey Konga and let out some of your frustrations on the Donkey bongos!!
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11. May 2006 @ 10:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't attack people. I argue their claims. It's what discussion is all about.
You're the one attacking people. This is like the 4th time in this thread you have had to resort to name calling instead of trying to prove me wrong.
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11. May 2006 @ 10:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Did you own a power glove oof? Why is this gonna work and that didn't?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. May 2006 @ 11:25

11. May 2006 @ 13:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
plz stop flaming each other.......

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. May 2006 @ 13:02

Senior Member
11. May 2006 @ 13:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't own a powerglove. And as I said earlier, we won't really know wether the controller will flop like it did until a few years have passed.

As far as I can tell, Nintendo's controller and games at e3 have gotten more positive feedback than negative thus far. I'm not saying that people are still skeptical, because i've certainly read about people who say there are a few quirks that need to be worked out, but the majority of people seem to say how intuitive it is.
Furthermore, the power glove was an accessory. Despite the power glove's failure, the NES was definately still the number 1 console of it's time.
The Wii, on the other hand, depends on this thing to work. Nintendo spend the majority of their R&D on trying to make the controller as intuitive and easy to use as possible. I mean there is still the "classic style" controller, but I think we will see the vast majority of games for the Wii using the controller (as opposed to power glove or even the sony eyetoy)

Like I said, time will tell, but I don't think it's right to assume the controller will fail without at least trying it out for yourself and letting the market decide. If the Wii is a shit bomb, than I'll still have a PS3 in my apartment, and I would definately reconsider purchasing a 360.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. May 2006 @ 13:06

11. May 2006 @ 15:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nelson you have to be one of the most childish members I've seen in quite some time. I just gave you a week suspension and if you continue the belligerent attitude after you return the suspension will be permanent.

My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
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11. May 2006 @ 15:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The powerglove was a failure. If there had been more that 2 titles released that utilized it's features it might have had more success. Super Glove Ball, the 3D Breakout clone was not nearly as good as the PC or Amiga Blockout game and Bad Street Brawler was hard to control even if you used the regular joystick instead of the glove.

I am mostly a PC gamer, but one thing I can say is that Nintendo at least tries to innovate and make new ways of playing games. Some things don't work, some things do. I have been really impressed with the Nintendo DS and the different possibilites that having a stylus for a control has done for some of the games. It reminds me of switching from joystick controlled games to mouse control 20 years ago on the Amiga. I think that the Wii will also open open a whole bunch of new ways to play games. I also don't think that it will go the way of the power glove. With 27 playable titles at E3, there are already many more games in development using it's unique features compared to the two titles that used the power glove. I think the new controller will do the same for precision control on a console that the mouse did for the PC years ago. I have always found first person shooters clunky to play on a console and much prefer the mouse/kb of the PC. With a control that I can simply point, that limitation just disappeared.

I see Sony has announced some Wii like features in their joystick for the PS3. If the Wii controller was going to flop, I don't think the others would already be copying features of it.
12. May 2006 @ 18:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nelson you have to be one of the most childish members I've seen in quite some time. I just gave you a week suspension and if you continue the belligerent attitude after you return the suspension will be permanent.
good call

does any1 have any links to clips of the wii?
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12. May 2006 @ 23:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
like the actual system or images of games?
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12. May 2006 @ 23:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nelson was starting to sound like a wanna-be sociologist there. Thanks for stopping that eye sore Neph.

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13. May 2006 @ 01:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
All this about Nintendo killing themselves is crap.....seriously they know what they are doing...

Wait until it hits the shelves, then talk,I'm not even a gamer but i can bet you this much, it will sell :D

Yours Truly; Rav
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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. May 2006 @ 01:51

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13. May 2006 @ 02:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
first off Nelson419 had to be one of the funniest fanboys i have ever seen, and you want to know what funny, if i could name one person on the ps3 forums who always gave an unbaised post it would be oofRome.

anyways i think wii will own mainly b/c of what i have seen, i am deffinatly buyoing it, along with my xbox 360 for graphics i will finally be complete.

13. May 2006 @ 09:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you think about it when sony PS1 came out it wasnt the most powerfull console out there but it killed everyone ( i think cos of the original GTA and resident evil ) cos they had new games and original ideas. So Nintendo arnt the most powerfull but they seem to be generating alot of interest and they are staying original with there stuff so who knows????????????????????????????????

And im 26 i grew up playing Nintendo sega to lose Nintendo as well as a console maker would be bad. If Nintendo fails ill lose some of my childhood memorys with it. LOL

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. May 2006 @ 09:59

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13. May 2006 @ 13:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yup same here, but that is not my reason for wantig to buy a wii, its the brilliant games, the ok graphics and awesome controller.

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