This may be a goofy question but does anybody know why since I upgraded my cpu from a 2.8 533 fsb non-ht to a 3.4 800 fsb ht cpu the cpu % usage in task manager has droped from 100% with the 2.8 cpu to around 80 % with the 3.4 while rb/cce is running? I thought it would stay at 100% for both. Thanks.
Hi buddy, see you got my processor. Just a guess but it is the HT, if you go in the bios and disable the HT you will see the CPU usage increase. I know cause I tried it :)
Yeah ht is enabled. I don't think it will encode as fast if it is disabled but then I don't know this for sure. Have you tried checking the time required to encode the same folder with ht enabled and then disabled? I might test it sometime on a small folder.
It may not be a dual core cpu but I'm still pretty content. I just encoded a 7.73 gb folder at 3 passes in 170 min. That's about what my 2.8 would do a 6.7 gb folder in at only 2 passes.
while cce would hit 85% tops on my p4 3.0, it only is able to use about 70% max on my new rig it is a multithreaded app, but only able to use a certain amount of processing power.
I have found that pro2 will better utilize the newer cpu's.
I have tested the ht times and unless your chip is running 100% w/ ht disabled then you will see minimal gains if any.
I have tried with the HT enabled and disabled on a Recode encode and it is a tad faster when in enabled. Maybe a couple of minutes. I know Intel says its is supposed to speed up processes, but there are pros and cons on whether it does. Either way it works out fine.