Call Of Duty 2
BattleField 1942
BattleField 1942: The Road To Rome Expansion Pack
BattleField Vietnam
BattleField 1942: Weapons Of WWII
Command & Conquer: Generals
Command & Conquer: Zero Hour
NHL 06
BattleField 2
World Of Warcraft
Diablo II
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Expansion Set
Star Craft w/ Official Strategy Guide
Star Craft: Brood War w/ Official Strategy Guide
Nascar Thunder 2003
Madden 2003
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003
NHL 2003
MVP Baseball 2003
Mostly all of these will be usable. The reason being is because you can play all of them with a CD key in single player mode. The problems you will encounter will be when trying to go online with the games. Chances are you will not be able to if they created an account under the cd key esp with the Sports games. Starcraft I know will work online because Battle net only looks at the cd key installed on your computer and does not go by the account. For instance only one player can be logged on at a time using that cd key. So unless someone is logged in using that cd key at that time then you will be fine so your chances are good for that game. Diable 2 usines battle.net.(blizzard) C & C games will work find in single player/multiplayer you will probably have a problem. World of warcraft cost you $15 a month to play that cd key has allready been used for sure. Your chances of getting MMORPGS to work are very very slim. F.E.A.R will work find for single player with the key. I am not sure how their multi player cd keys work. Some companies let you make accounts under the cd key and once they are used you cant use them again while others only one person can log in at a time with that cd key. I hope this was of some kind of help. Good luck and Good gameing!