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HELP plz No CD
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3. June 2006 @ 18:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey i bought warcraft 3 (TFT) a while ago and installed and all but i dont have the CD any more. I really want to start playing there anyway i can play without the CD?
3. June 2006 @ 20:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Did you lose it? Do you still have your CD key?
3. June 2006 @ 20:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You can mount an image file of it using Alcohol 120%. Kind of sounds like you are trying to disguise a question regarding pirating though - did you just download the game and then realise you'd need a disc? Because we don't do piracy in the aD forums dude...

Stop using the word war!!

3. June 2006 @ 20:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
True story Tim! The game cost like $15 now anyway. Not to mention what a great game it is. I went through two of them before I decide to back up one incause I rolled over it with my chair again. lol
3. June 2006 @ 20:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Lol. How unfortunate!! Haven't got WC3 myself. I just go to LAN's and play it. I like DOTA but always get my ass kicked haha. Miht have to pick up a copy if it's going that cheap these days!

Stop using the word war!!

3. June 2006 @ 20:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah you should so you can learn footmen wars with my friend and I. We do tournaments withit a lot. It is easier to learn than DOTA.
3. June 2006 @ 21:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sounds sweet - so the Version I need to get is Frozen Throne, or just WC3? Or do I need to get WC3 and an expansion?

Stop using the word war!!

3. June 2006 @ 21:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You will need both to play FT. I think you can get the battle chest for $30 now.
3. June 2006 @ 21:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sounds alright. Sounds like you play a lot of online games. I'm guessing you play WoW?

Stop using the word war!!

3. June 2006 @ 21:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Played WoW yes. I quit and sold my account. I had a 60 Rogue and a 45 druid. Game got wayyyyyy too boring. I hate games that force you to get elite items to make your guy elite instead of skill. I played Ultima Online, Dark age of camelot, City of heroes, City of Villians, then WoW. Now i am waiting for Warhammer. I am a big PVP fan and the pvp in DAOC was really nice. There was a point to it unline WoW.
3. June 2006 @ 21:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh ok. Spose you would have made some cash on your account :P I'm thinking of joining Wow, but it may be detrimental to my study and sleep patterns lol.

Stop using the word war!!

3. June 2006 @ 21:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It was the biggest life dragin I have gone through. I played it while having a full time job and going to college full time. I just graduated thank god. I use to go on 40 man raids for items in instances with my guild. You go on a point system usually. There are about 8 bosses in a dungeon and they have 40 people to bring now. Each boss drops about 3 epic items. When we first started doing them the instance would take us 24 hours. We would do 8 hours a night. The instance would save for the next night. I usually got 1 item every 8 raids. Thats about 1 item every 64 hours. HUGE WASTE OF TIME!!!. I did get $500 for my account. WC 3 FT is the only gave I have played consistently for the last 3-4 years. I play it almost every day. Footmen frenzy never gets old.. lol
3. June 2006 @ 21:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if you are into PVP wait untill warhammer!!!!!!

watch the videos. The first mission you do is PVP!!!. Also if your an orc when you level up your character gets bigger. If you are a dwarf your beard gets longer. GOOD STUFF!!!
3. June 2006 @ 22:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Looks unbelievable!! Do you reckon my 6600 Turbo would be able to run that?

Stop using the word war!!

3. June 2006 @ 22:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Online games dont seem to play heavy on cards from what I see like WoW. However, A lot of ram helped that game run nicely. I think you will probably be ok.
3. June 2006 @ 22:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Cool thanks dude. I might give Warhammer a shot, looks impressive. Did you ever give Final Fantasy Online a shot?

Stop using the word war!!

3. June 2006 @ 23:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nope, I never got into the FF games. I have a lot of friends that are into those. They seem to like it. I actaully have a female friend thats obsessed with the online one. Darkage of camelot the realm vs realm combat was awsome though. You had these relics that you kept in your main fortresses and the other two realms had to attack you fortress and take it. If you capture them you would get +10 damage to spells and +10 damage to melee for your entire faction. The WoW do it for no reason. You join these battle grounds for points to go in rank, but it does nothing for your overall faction. It was so lame. Capture the flag 10 v 10 was the only decent thing.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. June 2006 @ 23:14

3. June 2006 @ 23:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Not to mention the chinese farmers. There was a few things I needed off a certain monster to make some cool gadgets. Everytime I tried to farm where they spawn there was a chinese farmer. All they do is farm all day and sell the money on ebay. Man was it annoying.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. June 2006 @ 23:32

4. June 2006 @ 07:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
nah not a pirater--my dickhead dad took it away. yes i hve the CD Key--interestin fact though--if you have TFT installed you dont need that disc--you can use the normal w3 disc to play it--unfortunately i lost one of them and my dad took the other one away--to whoever posted about image + alcohol 120%: i have alcohol but my free trial is over and im not about to buy it; i have demon tools does that work too? and where would i get this image from?
AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
7. June 2006 @ 20:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The easiest way to find a "Virtual" Warcraft 3 cd is to download a copy off bittorent. If you do not use bittorrent yet the clients I would recommend are uTorrent and BitComet. There is a great guide somewere here on afterdawn that teaches you how to properly setup uTorrent.
11. June 2006 @ 01:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Matt1 - Why'd he take it away? Ask him for it back! Otherwise - I'm guessing maybe he banned you from using it lol, poor fella! - find it and make an image of it using Alcohol 120%, then mount it (using A120%) so you can play it. He won't even know if you put the disc back ;) . It'll save you hassling with downloads!

Stop using the word war!!

11. June 2006 @ 19:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah i had A120% but my trial expired anyway i dled it off someones ftp so im all good--thx
AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
12. June 2006 @ 19:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Making a Disc Image is a great option. But will leave you with a file that is the size of the CD. So I believe depeding on the protection on the disc you can make a "Mini-Image" this in essence takes the full Disc Image and hacks away everything on it you dont need to play it. Then you mount the resulting file with Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools or any other program of the sort. > forums > software, operating systems and more > windows - games > help plz no cd

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