Is bose overrated?
5. June 2006 @ 18:28 |
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Hey Everyone,
I just thought I'd post a little opinion thread to see what people think..........because for a long time now I've been looking at all these great home theater setups and now see what today's technology is really capable of (ex. Onkyo's TX-NR1000); it makes me feel like bose isn't all it's cracked up to be. and don't get me wrong, i still love the sound quality you get from Bose systems, but for me; I've seen so many more systems out there that can just match a Bose system for about half the price. If you ask me, I think bose is a very good and reliable brand in home audio, but my opinion is that you can get something that sounds just as good for not near the price.
Let me know what you think:) just my 2 cents.
6. June 2006 @ 00:11 |
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Bose is good. Made some geat advancements. But don't let you ego decide for you. Quote: I've seen so many more systems out there that can just match a Bose system for about half the price. If you ask me, I think bose is a very good and reliable brand in home audio, but my opinion is that you can get something that sounds just as good for not near the price.
Sounds like you've already decided. Just like the people that pay 100.00 for a monster cable. Similar = 25.00. People likes them braggin rights.
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6. June 2006 @ 04:12 |
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Back in the 60's and 70's, Bose made some very nice speakers. But over the years they've gone downhill in quality, and developed good marketing. They have brainwashed millions of people into believing that Bose is THE BEST, when actually, you can buy MUCH better, for the same money.
Ever notice in the stores that sell Bose speakers, and others, that all the speakers, except Bose, have their specs listed? The specs are good selling points, and one way of comparing brands. Bose don't list them because (I think) they are afraid that if you understand what the specs mean, you'll realize that you're not getting your money's worth.
The ONLY Bose product I'd even consider buying, is the Wave Radio, and there's not much chance of that, since I'm not going to spend $400 for what is basically a clock radio!
Here is a good review of Bose:
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6. June 2006 @ 05:30 |
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LMAO!! That was pretty good JVC! How are you buddy?
6. June 2006 @ 07:31 |
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JVC!!! That is an incredibly interesting article!!!
Also, another good thing to point out (which I'm sure a lot of people already know) is that when I walk into stores like Wal-mart and Target to "test out" their cheap-crap surround systems, more than 3/4 of the time I walk in their and find the receivers including DVD/CD players. (their integrated)
Now, with that said, I just wanted to open up something to think about: You notice that just about every bose system includes a DVD player with practically every system they've got.
So, as a conclusion to the following being stated, I was wondering that if all those crappy Walmart systems' receivers carry a DVD Player and so does the Bose systems; then do they both carry the same amount of quality (or at least pretty close?)???
P.S. If I'm way off guys, give me a break 'cause I'm sort of a noob with being able to tell the quality of a sound system by it's specs; some of the stuff I know about what's good and what's not, but there's other stuff where I have to keep researching......
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6. June 2006 @ 07:57 |
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Here's also some proof on what's mentioned about the specs in JVC's post.
In the link below, there is the Acoustimass 15 surround system for sale, and when you click on the "specs" tab, all they have is their little scheme as to getting around mentioning the true specs of their system; all they mentioned was stuff like:
"-Our patented technologies help deliver superior sound and lifelike spaciousness from a Virtually Invisible ® speaker solution.
-Newly engineered powered Acoustimass® module offers the deepest bass of any Bose® home theater speaker system yet can be hidden almost anywhere in your room."
...Now if you ask me, I'd say that's the funniest thing I've seen coming from the company that's "the best in surround sound" (LOL). Yet, this "#1" company (bose) doesn't have the balls to mention the true specs of their systems.
Link for all of the system "specs":
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6. June 2006 @ 08:32 |
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Hey gerry1..............
Same ol' here. Just a different day and a bigger pile!
Where you been hiding? Haven't seen you here in a long time.........
@Halen 5150.........
Those paper speakers of Bose's, can't hold a candle to a real speaker, of the same size. Like I said........In the 60's & 70's, the Bose 301, 501, and 901 speakers were very good. Even the same models now, just aren't the same...........
6. June 2006 @ 09:21 |
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Glad you guy chipped in, I didn't want to start flaming Bose. But when Bose was bragging about, "spaciousness." All it was is like you said paper speakers with wizzer cones! They just angle them to reflect. If you want spaciousness, put some piezo tweeters in the corners of the room. They will have the hair raising on your neck with dolby surround and the right movie. Maybe this should be moved to the safety valve, and chew on it some.
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6. June 2006 @ 10:04 |
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Well, there is a little deceit at work in this. "Spaciousness" is one of the effects of such tiny speakers with the bottom of the midrange and the bass being sent to the sub...that is why you CANNOT use such speakers (unlike "real" bookshelf speakers) without a sub... the sub is a MUST in those cases because those frequency responses would have no where to go. That spaciousness works to the advantage with the effects in DVDs because you're not facing a wall of sound under the full frequencies so effects become exaggerated by the sheer lack of lower midrange and base frequencies...the effect is really cool but not so hot when you switch from video to music.
@JVC..."when it rains, it pours" they say. For the last six or seven weeks, everythings been happening at the same time including moving to a new place. I've spent the last six weeks grumbling "I'M GETTING TO DAMNED OLD FOR ALL THIS SH**" LOL! And, grumpy old fart that slowly becoming...I loved every moment my complaining. I think the word for what I'm becoming is a "Kurmudgeon" you know, the BAH HUMBUG!! variety and I'm starting to love you think that should scare me or should I just be cranky and enjoy every damned minute of it? LMAO!
edit: I can't even friggin type yet either even after 1100 of these posts! Bah Humbug!
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6. June 2006 @ 10:16 |
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gerry1, lmao. I'm only 38 and enjoy every minute of it. I'll sell you my old soap box, or loan you one. Does the term, "Basty Nastard," come to mind? Like I tell the other guys, I kinda got left in the dust over the last few years, since I've joined AD I've been playing catchup. Fun but frustrating. CD
EDIT> Here ya go gerry.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. June 2006 @ 10:44
Senior Member
6. June 2006 @ 11:04 |
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Quote: do you think that should scare me or should I just be cranky and enjoy every damned minute of it? LMAO!
Enjoy every minute of it! :o)
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6. June 2006 @ 13:34 |
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Why thank you there codydog! Just what I needed! A fine british tradition which we yanks have been remiss in not retaining!
@JVC...that's what I thought you'd say...LOL! I'll be aD's Andy Rooney !
8. June 2006 @ 11:34 |
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I bought a Bose system 10 years ago, sold it 3 years ago after I began
doing some research about speakers. They are so overpriced and sound crappy, IMO. I ended up getting a system from and cannot be happier.
8. June 2006 @ 21:17 |
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Would you mind at all letting me in on what exact set up you got from av123?? Sorry if it's a bother, but i'm kinda curious 'cause they got a lot of good choices....
9. June 2006 @ 05:48 |
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At the time 3 years ago, I got the 750's (towers)RS 250's (rears) and the center speaker RSC 200. They packaged them together and I got a better deal. After looking at their home page, I called them and they told me about the package deal, which was not on their site. I am very happy with them. Now they have newer packages. Try this link,
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26 product reviews
13. June 2006 @ 01:40 |
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as the mark it is certainly good. i have never heard anything about the negative, and obviously because into question is good product. overrated ? why would be...?
13. June 2006 @ 05:27 |
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You talkin' about Bose or AV123's products??
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26 product reviews
13. June 2006 @ 05:47 |
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i meant both in principle.
14. June 2006 @ 07:42 |
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14. June 2006 @ 08:56 |
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Halen, that is a great read. I saw that sometime back and emailed it to all of my Bose loving friends.
15. June 2006 @ 08:22 |
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Yeah, it really is; I'm just waiting to see what xXx has to say about it!!LOL!!
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26 product reviews
15. June 2006 @ 09:07 |
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well if my opinion is to you so important, so piece of literature which i read was all altogether such, which told more than i knew.
16. June 2006 @ 16:46 |
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Actually, I read a bit of that white paper about the driver design, and I have to say it is pretty weak. Quite frankly the author of this paper has no real concept of driver design and implimentation.
I have never known a speaker that could be "underpowered" by too small of a magnet. Outside of creating a field of magnetism for the energized coil to travel in, it is worthless. The only way to truely enhance the field power is through differant magentic materials (such as the "neo" magnets), not through increasing the size of the magnet. By increasing the size of the magnet we actually increase the length of the gap, and the stray flux that causes harmonic distortions in the driver and shortened Bl curves (Bl is an indicator of driver strength, and a "shortened curve" implies that the motor strength becomes weaker at the peak driver excursion). To counter this we use larger top plates which mean we need longer coils to sit in the gap. Basically big magnets are only really good for subwoofer applications where these harmonics are less audible and longer strokes are to be achieved.
Driver efficiency is what matters more than "magnet size". This can be achieved through lighter cone materials (ie. paper cones), tighter gaps, and enclosure design.
But the need to focus on important aspects of the driver design are ignored. Most importantly for realism, Le or driver inductance. Lower Le numbers indicate the ability of the coil to more rapidly absorb the signal and react to the signal. This creates an illusion of a transparent driver, since quick reaction times tend to reduce coloration.
I have never heard anyone prove that a 2.5 inch driver cannot be used for >18KHz drivers. I have heard XBL2 enabled 3.25 inch drivers extend beyond audible range, totally neutral, very flat impedance, and almost zero audible breakup nodes.
However, as a speaker connoisseur, and a speaker builder, I have to say BOSE sucks. They use basic misdirection to fill the room with a confused, muddled stage with zero image depth. Even Tru-Surround uses better driver misdirection techniques, with a more realistic presentation. I find the "dual-cube" design lends to hard wall refraction and heavy frequency spikes. Bose systems cross over their "acoustimass" unit too high. Sure, it readily handles the midbass region, but it takes a directional frequency range, and places it with a non-directional range, in a non-dierctional cabinet to be placed in an invisible location. Anybody can stick a subwoofer in a corner and have it disappear, but it is because subwoofers are non-directional. At roughly 60Hz in room we can begin to discern directionality, which destroys the "spacious" feeling we are to percieve if we stick that, plus an octave or 2, in a corner. Suddenly our stage shrinks to the location of the "acoustimass" module, and any hope of a deep image is crushed by the uni-dimensional output from a single speaker.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. June 2006 @ 16:51
16. June 2006 @ 18:12 |
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That was a great post sandt38!!
16. June 2006 @ 20:00 |
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TY. I am a total noob at burning, so I am here to learn. But I saw a little home theater section here and thought maybe I can chip in to help in an area I know a little bit about.