Anyone seen a image.360 file extension for a backup? if so what do i do to burn?
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17. June 2006 @ 06:41 |
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I know everything else, clone cd, ssbins, I'm all good
then i come across image.360 and I have no idea what to do
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17. June 2006 @ 11:18 |
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im buring one now didnt change the ext. but i did merge it with an SS.bin and am buring it
now with CloneCD. ill let you know how it works out.
Front Load NES, DreamCast, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, MacBook Pro (w/ Laser Etching), iPhone 8Gb (w/ Laser Etching)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. June 2006 @ 14:31
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17. June 2006 @ 11:30 |
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please do
also let me know what you are burning it with, and how you merged the ss bin (did you use ss merger? if so how did it recognize the 360 file?)
17. June 2006 @ 14:31 |
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i used ss merger and it recognized it fine and said (my d/l) was in tha database. I burned with cloneCD but the backup wont run. tried the HD trick and tv/hdtv switch trick. But im guessing its just an iso. I DID NOT rename it i left it as .360
Front Load NES, DreamCast, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, MacBook Pro (w/ Laser Etching), iPhone 8Gb (w/ Laser Etching)
17. June 2006 @ 15:55 |
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It did not work cause you didnt use an SS.bin
17. June 2006 @ 17:36 |
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yes i did merge it with ss merger 1.6 but i think that .360 can be renamed to .iso
Front Load NES, DreamCast, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, MacBook Pro (w/ Laser Etching), iPhone 8Gb (w/ Laser Etching)
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17. June 2006 @ 18:33 |
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For .360 u just need to extract the game partition with SS merger 1.6 ---- tools ----- Iso Splitter, select the ISO, then check mark the Extract Game partition, then split it, afyer that get the SS key and use SS merger to merge the game partition with the SS key and u'll get a new .dvd file if i'm not mistaken, i read this a few weeks ago cos .360 are old PI files and they are not patched.
18. June 2006 @ 04:04 |
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im having a problem making a game my self. tell me if i am doing it right. if im not then let me know what i am doing wrong.
i take a 7.95 gb disk insert it in the dvd drive > open up wxripper > it detects the disk (hitch the movie) > i stop the drive > then i switch the disk with a xbox 360 game with out using the eject button > sping drive > find magic number > dump image >it gives me a zipped up file that is around 7 gb > open ss merger 1.6 > open the zipped file that is 7 gb into ss merger > hit detect > gives me a required ss file number > open ss file > the ss file and the required ss file numbers match and its green > then i hit merge > it then gives me a .dvd file thats all no other file and the .dvd file is 1K > i burn that with clone cd on to a verbatim DVD +R DL disk > put it in the xbox 360 = no dice
what am i doing wrong. i have burned a game that i downloaded off the net and it worked but the games that i make are not working.
when i put the game in that i made it says please insert this disk into a xbox 360 to play it. but the game that i downloaded worked just fine and played it and everything. so i know that it is not that i hex my firmware wrong. can anyone help me and tell me what i am doing wrong? thank you
18. June 2006 @ 16:43 |
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are you burning @ 2-2.4x?
Front Load NES, DreamCast, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, MacBook Pro (w/ Laser Etching), iPhone 8Gb (w/ Laser Etching)
19. June 2006 @ 04:03 |
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Quote: put 8gig hotswap in ->Find Magic key-> Stop Drive->Insert 360 game without drive not knowing->then dump..
you are finding the magic key after you swap WRONG
19. June 2006 @ 09:33 |
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i tried to reburn the .360 i have and it still does not work My 360 said its and unrecognized disk. But ss merger said the ss matched. Any ideas?
Front Load NES, DreamCast, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, MacBook Pro (w/ Laser Etching), iPhone 8Gb (w/ Laser Etching)
19. June 2006 @ 09:36 |
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if merger says its right, then its most likely your media, what are you burning on?
19. June 2006 @ 16:09 |
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im burning on verbatim @ 2-2.4 speed
19. June 2006 @ 16:43 |
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well i am using memorex, all my other backups work fine. BUT i did go buy another pack (i ran out) But both are memorex. I could do a test burn with this "new" media with a known good image. But i would hate to waste it. Any other ideas?
Front Load NES, DreamCast, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, MacBook Pro (w/ Laser Etching), iPhone 8Gb (w/ Laser Etching)
25. June 2006 @ 22:11 |
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.360 games will not work. The dump is missing some areas of the disc and you can patch it but it iwll never work. I have about 10 files, all deleted now...
26. June 2006 @ 06:20 |
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can anyone confirm that?
Front Load NES, DreamCast, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, MacBook Pro (w/ Laser Etching), iPhone 8Gb (w/ Laser Etching)
26. June 2006 @ 06:40 |
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What I have noticed is that when you patch the SS in a .360 image, it rewrites the entire image. Takes a long time. The SS shows up in green but the image will not load. These do not appear to be RAW images. Same with PI's images.
Junior Member
27. June 2006 @ 07:13 |
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Xbox360 SS Merger v1.6
>> HellDoc released a new version of Xbox360 SS Merger(info) - a GUI tool that allows you to easily insert the Security Sectors (SS) on raw dumps made both the 'wxRipper(info)'-way (hot-swap with opened PC DVD drive and wxRipper software) and the 'xtreme'-way (with original Xbox 360 DVD drive on PC and special bios).
What's new/fixed:
* Added a way to report a database game entry as working/non working and add comments/instruction.
* Added a better way to enter game in the database (with video region and geographical region)
How To:
1 - Make sure you have .Net Framework 2 installed.
2 - Browse for the iso.
3 - Hit Detect.
4 - If there's already a online entry for this iso, the Game Name combo box will fill up. If nothing appear it means that no one submitted information for this iso.
5 - If you select a game in the combo box, all settings should already be fine, else, make the settings as it should be.
6 - Select the SS file.
7 - If you selected an game name in the combo box and the md5 checkboxes are red it mean that you are not using the recommended SS. Green mean that you selected the right SS.
8 - Hit merge.
9 - Burn the .dvd with CloneCD
10 - If the iso you just made is working and was not found in the database,hit Add to database. Enter the game name, video region and geographical location. It will allow the users to use your settings.
11 - Donate via paypal to helldoc AT gmail D0t com as i'm paying for the database hosting and the bandwith and still do not own a 360...
Iso splitter instruction:
This should be pretty straigtfoward,
1 - select your iso file (Must be a complete iso with video partition).
2 - hit xbox 360 or xbox depending on your iso.
3 - select what you want to extract (Extraction the game partion will create a xtreme type of iso)
4 - Hit split and wait.
Add comments / Report as Working or non working:
1 - Select the iso
2 - Click yes to calculate the iso md5 and check in the database for this md5.
3 - You can read the comments in the box to the right.
4 - Click comment to add a comment.
5 - Ensure that the game name in the new dialog is the good one.
6 - Enter you comment.
7 - Enter your name (optional).
8 - Click Workin or non-working if the tested this iso with the current setting.
9 - Click Post
Official Site: n/a, by HellDoc at forums
Download: here
Discuss this news item on our forums:
(Thursday 08 June 2006 00:52 EST) - (direct link to article)
(Posted by:: XanTium)
PS2 v5 SCPH 30001-R NTSC
Magic 3 Mod Chip
For USB Advance/eXtreme I used a WD400 in a USB2 enclosure. I installed games with the official Windows interface and used USB eXtreme Free Edition to boot them.
For HDLoader I am using WinHIIP to install games onto the WD400 in the USB enclosure. Then I transfer them to a Maxtor 120 DIAMONDMAX PLUS 9 6Y120L0. I boot with Fully Patched HDLoader.
If you have questions, go to to see what games work, and for easy exploits and flash video tutorials check
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27. June 2006 @ 07:27 |
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i can't get .360 games to work either :\ not even with the above tutorial. I just download prepatched
27. June 2006 @ 14:46 |
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well the .360 image i have SS merger says (under comments) that its good (2 ppl) but i didnt split the iso. Ill try again tommarow.
Front Load NES, DreamCast, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, MacBook Pro (w/ Laser Etching), iPhone 8Gb (w/ Laser Etching)
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29. June 2006 @ 03:27 |
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well i finelly got .360 to work! What i did was extract the game partition with SS merger 1.6
---- tools ----- Iso Splitter, select the ISO, then check mark the Extract Game partition I
MADE SURE TO CLICK XBOX 360 , then split it, after that get the SS key and use SS merger to
merge the game partition with the SS key and you will get a new .dvd file. But i have done this
before BUT this time it came up and told me it looked like an xtreme style (pad with blank or
someting like that) so i burnt it and worked!! So i wonder if you just take the image (.360)
and MANUALLY click xtreme style if it will work (no more slpiting the .360 image)? Because it
takes about 8-10 min. to split (make a new) iso.
Thanks to lancerx for the orig. post.
Front Load NES, DreamCast, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3, MacBook Pro (w/ Laser Etching), iPhone 8Gb (w/ Laser Etching)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. June 2006 @ 04:15