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DVDRB question
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Junior Member
20. June 2006 @ 14:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have my dvd rebuilder set to movie and menus (blank extras) if there is widescreen and full screen will it do both of them or blank one?
AfterDawn Addict
22. June 2006 @ 02:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
should do both, I would think. but, then again I only do movie only no menu. I only do the whole DVD when I do episode DVDs.
22. June 2006 @ 14:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I may be wrong, but I think it will automatically blank whichever version has the smaller title set. I think "movie and menus" will only keep menus and the largest title set on the DVD, the program will assume this is the main movie.

AfterDawn Addict
22. June 2006 @ 18:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
that's possible but..... if you take out all the unwanted stuff with DVDRemake Pro or Voblanker (unwanted extras and menu buttons that are not needed)......then do a FULL BACKUP (menus,etc) you'll be getting both wide screen and full screen versions. You already took out the unwanted stuff and kept just the menu! bingoooooo full and wide screen and menu only!
3. July 2006 @ 10:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Good Question:

I think DVD-RB will perform the following actions with DVD's with multiple versions of the same movie using movie and menu only option.

Find Version 1 of the movie and blank other version

In the event that two movies are the same size, DVD-RB will keep the first version and blank the second. I do not think it will
keep both versions, only the first. (untested)). The simplest option would be to use DVD Remake to pre-edit the movie and do a full backup.

Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or fact are transmission errors.
AfterDawn Addict
3. July 2006 @ 14:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you're going to use movie and menus (blank extras), you should use version 1.10.2. Just came out today with a bugfix for movie and menus (blank extras).

99% of all problems are between the computer and the chair. > forums > software specific discussion > dvd / bd-rebuilder forum > dvdrb question

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