XBOX 360 DVD Drive (Hitachi) power cable question
22. June 2006 @ 10:18 |
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Hi all, I jus messed up the power cable for my 360's hitachi 46D.
Afew wires broke, is there anyplace I can get a replacement? if so what is the wire called? thx
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5. July 2006 @ 07:35 |
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where do u live i will repair it for you free of charge i had the same problem and i fixed mine! (you ll just have to post it to me, oh and yes you must live in the U.K)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. July 2006 @ 00:48
Senior Member
6. July 2006 @ 06:03 |
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What a dumbass as if someones gonna send you a 360! Even so to repair there cable all they'd need is a few short steps, (I hate people like you, always trying to get something for nothing off like minded people), now stop giving us British a bad name.
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6. July 2006 @ 06:23 |
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paul you are an idiot. It's the power supply this man is offering to fix for free.
Your lack of intelligence gives the British a bad name.
Don't insult someone willing to go out of their way at no cost, to help someone else.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. July 2006 @ 06:24
AfterDawn Addict
6. July 2006 @ 06:37 |
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Wow.... paul's an idiot and lacks intelligence, eh... I could almost swear that the thread title and the original thread states it's the cable for the dvd drive.
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6. July 2006 @ 06:43 |
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even so, send the power cable to the dvd drive, it could fit in an envelope... sorry i said power supply, i didn't mean to, i could edit it and pretend nothing happened, but i wont.
The issue is with the power cable to the dvd drive, what i meant to say, paul is still a jerk for insulting razz. The power cable to the dvd drive is even less valuable than the power supply...
The fact of the matter is that daggy has an issue with his power cable and razz offered to fix. We don't need douches like paul coming in here, and insulting aD members because he thinks hes putting an end to xbox 360 theft.
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AfterDawn Addict
6. July 2006 @ 06:51 |
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Fair enough.
Senior Member
7. July 2006 @ 16:32 |
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Shut the hell up!! That was exactly my point that in order to fix an xbox 360 cable all you need is the cable and not someone preying on your console, I'v solely soldered a chip, replaced the hard drive with a 70 gig IDE ATA, installed a Samsung Drive, replaced the lens, and cleaned out my XBOX (not a 360) with no previous experience and to think someone would try to get an XBOX 360 delivered let alone a 14 year old punk really boils my blood because I know what people can be like, and really would you trust any old 14 year old punk, don't you remember what it was like to be that age?
Post taken from one of Razzy's previous posts
Quote: PS2 lasers are a "unique" make with its own custom Frameware that only Sony DVD Roms have. I.E. If a DVD ROM has a custom made frameware it looks for a specific file. Like the Xbox original DVD Rom its Frameware has it looking for defalt.xbe when a CD/DVD is inserted)
Hmmm, what the hell is frameware???????
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Suspended due to non-functional email address
8. July 2006 @ 00:25 |
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Why would i Steel a 360 when i have a fully modded one. Paul you Dip Shit for someone who dose wires for a living i tihnk i could easly fix it and oh yes PAUL i also have a modded Xbox 1 :P
just let me know if you still whant it fixed my friend!
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8. July 2006 @ 00:34 |
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I can see where your coming from i am just asking for the wire not the 360 and btw Framewire is like a BIOS for the DVD/CD Drive
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8. July 2006 @ 00:48 |
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i will completely understand if you don't want to send me the wire,
i was only trying to help! :)
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8. July 2006 @ 01:48 |
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WOW talk about something getting out of hand :) Maybe this should be carried on by pm between the 2 that it concerns rather than a full scale fight breaking out. If its wires out of the white plug you broke can you not force them back in the way the 2 wire trick is done? Post an image of the damage you done and someone can tell you the best way to fix it from there.