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help with the LGvx8100 and bitpim
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22. June 2006 @ 19:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have been using the bitpim program on my lg vx8100, recently when i go to try and open "my ringtones" my phone just turns off and restarts itself. i have heard that if i erase or rename my ringtones that will fix the problem...but if i can't get to this folder how can i then erase it?? please help! or direct me to someone who can. thanks. K
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1. July 2006 @ 10:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I can't remmember exactly how to do that in detail, although at I once used BitPim on a number of my LG's, 1 of my 8100's being the last before Ver. 4 came out; and before Frying it ! I'm just replying to Warn you, which I'm sure you've heard before, that That program is Fickile and can be Very dangerous to your handset, even to the most knoweldgeable "Hackers", not to mention how quickly it can void your warranty. I, without raising any flags or *hit, consider myself somewhat knowledgable about this stuff out of tial and costly error, and I won't mess with it anymore, escpecially with all the other avenues available even with vzw. Yea, I said vzw...If you want, you can P.M. me and I'll tell you a little more background and were you can find the answer to that plus much more. Sorry for not repling with the answer you were looking for, but I think you got a more valueble one. Just my opinion.

2. July 2006 @ 10:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks for your help... i appreciate it. my email address is if that would be of more help to you. i am pretty sure that i may have fried my phone already. the only damage though being the "my ringtones" access. i went to verizon and the customer service guy was the one that told me to try and delete the added ringtones from bitpim...but my biggest problem is deleting those ringtones when i cannot access them on my phone. > forums > mobile devices > general mobile discussion > help with the lgvx8100 and bitpim

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