Flash hacked firmware for Toshiba and Samsung dvd drive on Xbox360. Plus how to back up games.
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23. June 2006 @ 20:20 |
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Have anyone successfully flashed hacked firmware for dvd drive on Xbox360? And have anyone successfully backed up games and played backup dvd games on Xbox360?
If yes, please write an easy tutorial for everyone to follow. And I will make that thread into stickied thread. Or you can post links to the tutorials here too.
I just wonder why there is no tutorial or whether flashing hacked firmware is really complicated.
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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. June 2006 @ 20:33
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23. June 2006 @ 22:18 |
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yes there is a tut on it and its not that hard but its a pain as u have to open ur xbox to do it and a serial ata motherboard
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
23. June 2006 @ 23:10 |
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24. June 2006 @ 14:33 |
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25. June 2006 @ 13:35 |
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So have any of you successed to flash dvd drive and played backup games?
Specialist in mod, hack, crack, download, copy, install, fix, repair game consoles and computers.
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26. June 2006 @ 08:56 |
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26. June 2006 @ 08:59 |
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of course some of us have, its not that hard :P read the tutorials
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26. June 2006 @ 14:21 |
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what happen if I fuck up during the flash? will my xbox360 work again?
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26. June 2006 @ 22:19 |
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Whenever you flash your drive make a backup of your original firmware first, then flash the hacked version.If things go wrong you can go back to your original firmware. Read the tutorials in the links and you should be fine it isnt that difficult.
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28. June 2006 @ 18:36 |
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yes always make sure u back up your original just incase especially for xbox live sooner or later they might find a way to find your hacked version
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28. June 2006 @ 18:38 |
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ok thank
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29. June 2006 @ 17:15 |
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One more thing
Can I buy the SATA dvd drive then flash the hacked firmware and install it in xbox? Will it work that way?
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30. June 2006 @ 03:40 |
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no you need to use the xbox dvd drive
Junior Member
30. June 2006 @ 06:13 |
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Hi, ok just got my XBOX 360 the other day and am starting to read the tutorials. Can someone tell me the best way to connect the DVD drive to my PC? I only have a laptop at the moment and this SATA thing is a bit new to me. Is this a newer/faster/smaller connection/ version of IDE?
Junior Member
30. June 2006 @ 06:18 |
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30. June 2006 @ 06:22 |
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no, laptops don't work... You need to get a desktop with a via chipset sata adapter, to ensure a sucessfull hack
Junior Member
30. June 2006 @ 06:24 |
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:o( Thanks
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4. July 2006 @ 05:26 |
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Hi guys new here , i just wanted to ask how the 360 drive hooks up to the pc ? i have a NF4SK8AA-SLi motherboard with serial ATA built in is that what youz mean ? sorry also what if any? software for windows to detect the hard drive or dvd drive ? any answers would be great
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4. July 2006 @ 05:30 |
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there is a possibility it works. the only way to truly find out is to hook you xbox dvd drive to your onboard sata, edit the mtkflash correctly (the hardest part, but easy to do once you understand) Once you have the edited mtk, test to see if mtkflash r /sata /m orig.bin works. If it does you're all good, if it doesn't your SOL. If you have a hitachi, i wouldn't even mess with that :P
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4. July 2006 @ 06:22 |
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now next Question how do i tell the diffrence without opening it? or cracking the seal the only option? oh and do you know were to get 360iso's downloads cause igot adsl 2+ now wont be such a hasle
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6. July 2006 @ 17:16 |
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I guess you have to open it.
Specialist in mod, hack, crack, download, copy, install, fix, repair game consoles and computers.
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6. July 2006 @ 18:23 |
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just type in google samsung or the hitachi drive 360 there are pictures of the drives the samsung has 1 small hole at the end of it when u open it the hittachi has a few holes to the right of it small circle holes.
8. July 2006 @ 12:03 |
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how do back up 360 games and play
Paul Johnson
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8. July 2006 @ 12:29 |
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there are 3 ways download them use your xbox 360 and use a dvd burner u can take apart i have a manual for them or u can find online by searching through google for the guide