HELP I am a new mac user and struggling!!!!!
1. July 2006 @ 10:09 |
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I just purchased my mac yesterday..and i am ready to throw it out the window. i have all of stuff i think i need to burn a dvd but i still can't get it to work. i have mactheripper to get past the protection, i have popcorn 2 for the compression and i have toast 7 titanium for the burn but alas the thing still won't work....when i tried to upload the first time it said i had bad sectors....what??...then i tried a different all the way to burning and now it won't play in any of my dvd roommate is a pc useer and is trying his darndest to help me but can't quite figure it out either. so if someone can please help me i would appreciate it. thanks.
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1. July 2006 @ 10:52 |
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When you insert the DVD that you just burned into the Mac, does it play? I mean does
DVDPlayer open automatically and starts playing the DVD?
What version of MTR are you using?
And, if you are using PopCorn 2 for compression why don't you just let it burn the DVD? It is
the same as Toast.
Edit: What Mac do you have?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. July 2006 @ 10:56
1. July 2006 @ 12:08 |
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The dvd does not play. I am not totoally sure what version it is...
when i went to the mac store yesterday i told the guy what i wanted my mac to be able to do and he told me i would need the macbook 2.0 white... that is really all i know..i don't know computers well at all...
i wondered the same thing about having toast and popcorn but the guy said that when i purchased toast i would need a handbrake and to go to macupdate and type that in and it would walk me did for another 50 bucks....i am feeling totally screwed right now and i am not sure what to do..i just want to be able to upload and burn and i am ready to pull out my hair..
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1. July 2006 @ 13:06 |
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How did you burn the DVD in Toast? Which tab and setting did you use?
Also Toast 7 has already PopCorn 2 built-in so having both is pointless. If you bought Toast at a store go to Roxio's website and download the 7.1 update.
Junior Member
1. July 2006 @ 18:03 |
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Hi, i was reading a post from someone else and you seem to know what you are talking about w/ burning dvd's. I was just wondering if you could help me, I downloaded mac the ripper but i need the toast or popcorn so you say, but are there any free versions of either on the internet because i can't seem to find them anywhere. I would really appreciate it if ya helped me out, thanks so much!
1. July 2006 @ 21:59 |
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I used the data tab that popped up when i inserted the disc but i am not too sure about the setting...i believe the default setting was best...i am wondering now if i should use copy..the book says video is for using DivX not sure what that is...also i did get the new update for 7.1 but i am still not having any luck...
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1. July 2006 @ 22:36 |
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You burned the DVD as data. That is why it does not play on stand alone players.
Once you have ripped the DVD with MTR to your HD, open Toast , select the Video tab, in the options drawer select Formats/DVD-Video from VIDEO_TS and check "Fit-to-DVD video compression" if your Video_TS folder is bigger than 4.3GB and you want to burn it to a single layer disc, drag the Video_TS folder that MTR produced into the Toast window, insert a blank DVD and click the big red button.
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2. July 2006 @ 00:41 |
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Feeling stupid? I know I am!
Junior Member
2. July 2006 @ 02:50 |
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bbsnanny, Try using a different dvd
Apple G5 Two dual-core 2.5GHz PowerPC G5 processors 1.25GHz 1MB L2 cache per core1GB of 533MHz DDR2 SDRAM 250GB Serial ATA hard drive 16x SuperDrive (double-layer) AirPort Extreme+Bluetooth Three open PCI-Express expansion slots NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT with 256MB SDRAM 23 inch apple HD cinema display. One 600 GB external Maxtor hard drive, three external 160 GB Western digital hard drive's, four external dvd burners, two photo printers,
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. July 2006 @ 02:52
Senior Member
4. July 2006 @ 13:51 |
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toast 7
you need to do under video-->dvd-video from video_ts folder.
use only good qaulity media.. verbatims..
that would be great but then you need to buy xp, and Nero.. more money.