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FPS's I have missed
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AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
1. July 2006 @ 14:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
SO I went over to and complaied a list of FPSs sicne 03 or 04 ,I eman the last PC fps I palyed was bascily DOOM 3 (I have sicne then palyed fear,HL2,Q4,DX2,UT04)

(starts at 08 and goes down)

Bioshock coems to mind as soemthign as a MUST get *L*
mmmm havent palyed thife much....
Darkwatch was fun altho console only
Time Spliters is another odd/fun fps
IS BLack COnsole only,is it any good?
Edler Scolls 3 and 4 are worth while
Prey I want to paly
Halo PC was nice

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Oblivion (I ahte the new name :P) I want to play

HL2 was ok but I loath STEAM so the new eps I willl skipp sicne HL2 was jsut ok *L*
the New sin stuff looks ok as well but I loath steam....

How bad was Chrome and or Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth ?

Have Snowblind its medicore at best

The last realy good fps I aplyed was Clive bakers Undieing,it realy kept me on my toes,the balance was alright it could have had been ore polished but EA abandoned it rather quickly....

Can anyone recamend a fps thats been overlooked?

oh and BTW I laoth Quake 4 with ever fiber of my being I thought D 3 was off but god Q4 is the pits

Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.
6. July 2006 @ 01:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No offence. But, please use a spell checker and better grammar.

Now, to address the list of games:

- I too am looking forward to playing Bioshock. It looks absolutely incredible.
- Thief sucks.
- I have no idea what Dark Watch is.
- Time splitters was fun for a few minutes.
- Black looks nice. But, the gameplay/mechanics look terrible.
- I've never been into game worlds like that of Elder Scrolls. (and thief)
- The Prey demo was fun. Although, I hope there is more to the game than portals and firefights on walls or upsidedown.
- I have no clue what S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is.
- Half-Life 2 (and Episode One) are very lovely games.
- Halo PC failed at being good. It's the only time I'd admit to a game on a console is better than being on the PC.
- Chrome is dreadful and lacks any depth or visual stimuli.
- Call of Cthulhu would have been good if it was made five years ago, instead of looking and playing extremely dated.
- Snowblind is meh.

You should look into a game called "F.E.A.R.". It's a visually stunning fps with lots of action and a good spooky/horror story.

*yawns and hands you a dictionary*

When evolution selects its agents, it does so at a cost, makes demands in exchange for singularity, and you may be asked to do something against your very nature. This force, evolution, is not sentimental. Like the Earth itself, it knows only the hard facts of life's struggle with death. All you can do is hope and trust that when you have served its needs faithfully, there may still remain some glimmer of the life you once knew.

Dell GX240 P4 1.8ghz, 768mb PC133
Western Digital 250gb 7200rpm
Western Digital 250gb 7200rpm
Visiontek 9600xt 256mb
BenQ DW1640 (BSOB), LITEON LTD163 (GH5S-D)
Sony 8x DVD+R (YUDEN000T02)
Verbatim 8x DVD+R (MCC 003}
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6. July 2006 @ 14:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
- bioshock looks cool
- never got into Thief
- Darkwatch was pretty good
- Time splitters is great
- Black is decent
- oblivion is the best rpg ever
- havn't tried prey yet
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R. looks excellent
- Half-Life 2 is fun, especialy multiplayer
- Halo PC was alot better than halo xbox
- dont know what crome is
- Call of Cthulhu was somewhat fun
- Snowblind was a HUGE disapointment (were talking about the guys who made deus ex)

since youve played invisible war, I assume you played the first. fear is also good. dont forget C&C Renegade, one of the most overlooked games of all time. nice looking games coming out include enemy territory quake wars, UT 2k7, and BF 2142

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. July 2006 @ 14:36

AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
6. July 2006 @ 20:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Acutly Snowblind was made by crystal dynamics,not Ion storm that died a misrable death *L*

besides Dues ex 2 was overall crapy ><

bah! CLive bakers undieing is the msot over loooks Renegade was ok at best...

Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. July 2006 @ 21:02

6. July 2006 @ 23:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
what about "crysis"...
did that even come out yet?
I heard it is only for vista, but i bet somebody will figure out how to make it work with XP... after all, they made oblivion work with oldblivion....
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7. July 2006 @ 11:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
not really. Clive bakers undying didn't sell to good but people realized how good it was and lots of people started talking about it. With Renegade not many people realized how good it was. And snowblind studios has alot of people from Ion Storms on it. They were going to start Deus Ex 3 but then just decided to do a new property instead. Hopefully there is a deus ex 3 in development as snowblind was a terrible excuse for a game. oh yeah, I forgot about crysis and far cry. Zippy, you should play farcry. Crysis is looking amazing with the cry engine 2. some of the best lighting effects I have ever seen

X2 3800, A8n deluxe motherboard, 7800GT, Xion 2 case
2GB Patriot DDR 400, Audigy 2 ZS gamer, 400GB SATA RAID 0
games Im looking forward to: bioshock, SSBB, enemy territory quake wars, halo 3
currently playing: command and conquer 3, supreme commander, counter strike, shivering isles
Senior Member
7. July 2006 @ 11:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Duke nukem(series) was a great fps.
7. July 2006 @ 11:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
xytor, Crysis will never be XP compatible because it uses DirectX 10. DX10 will only be released for Vista and that's a pain since Vista and XP use different achitectures. It has been officialy said by Microsoft that DX10 will not be backwards compatible with DX9 or lower graphics and thus, a game that uses DX10 will use only DX10. Meaning, Halo2 and Crysis will never be playable on XP since they will be made to only be able to use DX10 and nothing lower.

This isn't something that a simple patch can fix to make them run on lower graphics settings. Those lower settings won't exist.

People would have to rewrite massive chunks of the game to work on DX9 videocards and XP.

So, what's DX10 and a DRM infested bloatware OS worth to you?


I forgot to add that Vista won't fit retail shelves for another two or so years. So, it's safe to say that Crysis and Halo2 will be out in mid to late '08. Also, Microsoft is dropping XP support in 2010.... yay! *grumble*

When evolution selects its agents, it does so at a cost, makes demands in exchange for singularity, and you may be asked to do something against your very nature. This force, evolution, is not sentimental. Like the Earth itself, it knows only the hard facts of life's struggle with death. All you can do is hope and trust that when you have served its needs faithfully, there may still remain some glimmer of the life you once knew.

Dell GX240 P4 1.8ghz, 768mb PC133
Western Digital 250gb 7200rpm
Western Digital 250gb 7200rpm
Visiontek 9600xt 256mb
BenQ DW1640 (BSOB), LITEON LTD163 (GH5S-D)
Sony 8x DVD+R (YUDEN000T02)
Verbatim 8x DVD+R (MCC 003}

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. July 2006 @ 11:21

AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
7. July 2006 @ 11:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ah, ya Undieing did have the people support just not EAs 0-o

Red faction 1 was good altho 2 was felt like a cheap Renegade knock off 0-o

bah dues ex 2 is a horrable excuse for a game,Snowblind was medicore as medicore gets but on a whole its better than DX2.
AS for DX3...I dont know DX2 was poorly done SNowblinds controll shceme is not the best.... I mean bascily as I see it DX3 will be a cross between snowblind and DX2..and that gives me nightmares *L*
they need to dump everything from DX2 I MEAN EVERYTHIGN,look at DX1 and then build from there.....

I have far cry around here somewhere its ok,AI is pretty sharp I think it was as good or better than fears...mmmm

Dude Duke 3d and Blood are the pinnelcal of FPSs they might not have the best of story or writeing but they do have fun gamepaly,great level design,fun weapons,aot of weapons,alot of mosnters.
I love blood the most tho :P
As neat as Undieing was BLood 3d is jsut more fun *L*

tryign to think of top 5 FPS's

3.Duke 3d
4.Unreal gold
5.System shock 2 (Screw oblivion :P)

But realy Obliviion and Morrowind are ture frist person RPGs ,System SHock and deus ex are frist person shooters with RPG elements *L*

Meh hopefuly 1-2 years after Vista is released the mod comunity will FIX it,if that means blocking all and any updates from MS so be it.

but right nw I am happy with XP SP1 and dont paln on going to SP2 untill MS stops updateing that damn WGA/validation thing,I just spent 9 hors yesterday fixing my uncels comp after validation desided that even tho its gunine it had to be deactivated and kept loging him out.
so I spent 2-3 hours fooling with it and the rest just reinstalling it...I hate SP2 ......probly be useing SP1 for acupole years into vista....

the only way I'll touch vista is if I get moeny and can build a comp around it....

I have heard rumors some are starting work on a DX10 hack for XP,DX10 is as clingy to vista as IE was to 98 mabye they can do soemthign with it mabye they cant it will take a few years regardless.
Spekaing of upgrade woes if I bulit a 98 machine are thier any good simi new 98 anti virus and such programs?

Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 7. July 2006 @ 11:38

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10. July 2006 @ 09:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I cant remember what its called but its the sequal to this classic arcade game in which you controlled a tank in first person and the graphics were bassicly outlines. the sequal was pretty good. it was set in scifi and you could order construction bots to build turrets and vehicles and stuff

X2 3800, A8n deluxe motherboard, 7800GT, Xion 2 case
2GB Patriot DDR 400, Audigy 2 ZS gamer, 400GB SATA RAID 0
games Im looking forward to: bioshock, SSBB, enemy territory quake wars, halo 3
currently playing: command and conquer 3, supreme commander, counter strike, shivering isles > forums > software, operating systems and more > windows - games > fps's i have missed

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