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21. July 2006 @ 21:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just came by this website today in the hopes of finding a way to back up my 360 collection. I've already had two discs ruined because my friend moved the 360 while it was on. Anyways, while I've been browsing the topics in this forum, I need to know one thing first and foremost (although I feel rather stupid asking this).

Question: How do you tell whether you have the Hitachi DVD Drive or the Samsung?

EDIT: I have already found out that I have the Hitachi DVD Drive.

I've looked in many topics, but there aren't any explanations as to how to tell the difference. It just seems that people already know which one they have. I believe someone said that the information can be found on the box that the 360 comes in, but I can't confirm that.

To be honest, I am still a bit skeptical about modding my 360. I have no prior experience to modding, and I think that I'll probably mess something up. After all, we're talking about $400 of equipment. How many of you have actually screwed up to the point of ruining your 360 entirely? Or is is actually easy enough to do that you don't have to worry so much?

Also, about how much can I expect to pay to get the required materials to mod my 360? If someone could provide a list for me, that would be greatly appreciated.

I've looked through quite a few guides, but it seems that a lot of them are intended for those who have decent knowledge about the subject. I, however, am pretty clueless about all of this. If someone could lead me to a newbie guide to all of this, that would be great.

I apologize for the pretty long post, but I'm just trying to learn a lot more about this. Thank you.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. July 2006 @ 11:50

Suspended permanently
22. July 2006 @ 07:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
its quite easy to carry out. easier in fact with the samsung drive. dont worry, the hardest bit is to open the xbox 360 actually. if ur gud with computers u dont have a problem den!
AfterDawn Addict
22. July 2006 @ 07:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
A few different guides:

DO ALOT OF READING FIRST. Modding your 360 is not as easy as modding a ps2 or original xbox (yet can be done quicker and for FREE). There's alot of people here who'll help you out. But read up first and make sure you want to proceed.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. July 2006 @ 07:20

22. July 2006 @ 12:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Actually, I realized that I have the Hitachi drive, which I hear isn't as good as the Samsung because that one recognized more media formats. One website said that I had the correct LOG # found on the box to be a Toshiba, but other websites had pictures of the disc tray that shows that I have a Hitachi. I'm going to go with the pictures and say that I have a Hitachi.

I have little knowledge in computers. I know how to do the very basic things on a computer, but a lot of things I read on about computers and such just goes over my head. I find myself having to do a lot more reseacrch just so I can sort of understand some of the guides.

I have thoroughly read that first one, because I heard of xbox-scene somewhere on this forum. Actually, I read one that had a bit more information than the one you provided. I remember it having pictures for disassembling the 360, but I couldn't find them while looking at the guide again. Don't worry, because I'll just try to find that guide I initially read.

Since I realized that I actually don't have the Samsung, the second link you provided doesn't do me so good. Do they have the same sort of guide for the Hitachi drive? I read through the guide anyways, and I seemed to understand it, thanks to the other numerous guides that I read through last night.

I've never modded my PS2 or an XBOX, so I wouldn't know how comparatively easy it is to modding a 360.

One thing that confuses me (and I feel kind of retarted for asking), is that some of the guides that I have read say nothing about a mod chip of any sort. I was under the impression that you have to have a chip in order to play back-ups. Do some procedures (like the second link you provided) remove the need of a chip to play backups, or is that something they just leave out for a different guide to impliment? So after completing that guide, would I still have to install a mod chip? That is the part that I'm worried about most is having to solder in a mod chip.

Thank you both so much for helping me out with this.
AfterDawn Addict
22. July 2006 @ 15:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Never feel "retarded" for asking any q's.... that's what these forums are for. And everyone started out in as a noob.

Here's a pretty good guide for disassembling the 360:

And here's a list of different guide available on xbox scene:

Really, that guide in the first post is pretty good after you got your 360 apart.

As for the mod chip, you don't need one for the 360 (although there is a couple available if you don't want to flash the firmware). A mod chip was used in the other systems to bypass the bios. With the 360 all that is altered is the firmware in the dvd drive.

23. July 2006 @ 09:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
With that first link, would I have to do just the first two guides "Opening the 360" and "Removing the Case"? The third guide explains how to take all of the parts out of the 360, but I don't think I have to do all of that to do the firmware hack do I? Isn't it just dealing with the DVD Drive?

On the Xbox-Scene link you provided, it shows that there are different versions for the Hitachi and Samsung drives. How do I tell which version I have? Well, is there a way to tell before opening it up? I saw something that showed the information on the drive itself after opening it up, but I was just wondering if that was the only way of knowing.

Besides getting the Torx T10 and T8 drivers, what else do I need to buy to do the firmware hack. I keep reading about a SATA cable. Is that something already found in the 360 that I can just use to plug in the PC or is it something I'll have to buy? BTW, how common are those T10 and T8 drivers? I've never heard of them before researching all of this. Could I easily find them, for example, at Wal-mart?

There is one topic that I've been reading on xbox-scene that talks about how people are making it so you don't have to open the case each time you want to make backups and such. Here is the url.
The more I read on it, the more confused I am getting. Will I have to do this? Also, will I have to open up my PC to connect the 360 or can I plug whatever it is to somewhere located in the back? I'm not too sure I can/want to do what that topic concerns.

If I didn't do what is in that topic, is this what I would have to do? Open the 360, take out the drive, plug the SATA cable into my PC (still clueless as to where), and do this each time that I want to create a backup? Which do you recommend that I do? The people in that topic talk about how it's somewhat difficult to find the necessary materials unless buying online. I, for one, want to avoid buying things over the net as much as possible. I'm fine with just shopping around town for things. Is it worth having to disassemble the 360 each time? I mean, wouldn't I get used to it after a while so it isn't so complicated?
AfterDawn Addict
23. July 2006 @ 11:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'll address each question you asked in the same order in which you asked.

When taking apart the 360, all you have to do is the "opening the 360" and "removing the case". You just want to get to where you can see the dvd drive and be able to lift it out. That guide covers COMPLETELY tearing the 360 apart.

By "telling the different versions" of the Hit/Sam drives, you mean the different firmwares? If so then you do have to see whats listed on top of the drive. Although you shouldn't be too worried because I believe there are firmware hacks out for all the different Hit. drives.

Besides the 2 Torx drivers, I also used a small electronics flat-head screwdriver for popping off the side panels and to release the tabs in the back to remove the cover. Those Torx drivers are very common and you should be able to get them pretty cheap. You will need a sata cable to plug your 360 drive into your pc. When it comes to your pc you have a few options.
1-your pc motherboard must have sata ports.
2-if not then you'll have to buy sata pci card
3-if you want to hold off just a little longer, Team Xecuter has a sata to usb adapter which works with the Hitachi and should be for sale real soon. Here's a link:
Scroll down about a 1/4 of the page and you'll see Xecuter Xbox360 HDD/DVD to PC USB Converter

That link you posted about making the 360 so it won't have to be reopened multiple time is not necessary. It's just a convenience. If you want to create your own backups the 360 drive must be connected to your pc to extract the security sector from the original game disc. What they're doing is running the sata cable outside the 360 so they can just unplug the 360 drive from the 360 motherboard and connect the 360 drive to their pc.

At the most the only parts you'd have to buy would be the torx drivers, a pci sata card, and a sata cable. The card might be kind of hard to find around town. And if you do have to buy a card it should come with a sata cable.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. July 2006 @ 11:24

Senior Member

1 product review
23. July 2006 @ 11:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well said behetrick...

btw: so those v32, v36, v39... are fireware version of the drive? no hardware versioning?


23. July 2006 @ 13:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I was just trying to make sure about how far in disassembling it I had to go. What threw me off was that I heard some people take out extra things so they can attach that SATA cable thing.

I asked about the versions because some of the guides I saw would say "V.47 only" and such like that for the Hitachi, but the Samsung supported more than one. I just didn't want to open my 360 only to find that I actually can't do it because of my firmware version.

Are SATA cables pretty cheap? I'm guessing they would be around the $5 - $10 range. I read about that HDD/DVD to PC USB adaptor for Hitachi drives already, and that sounds like the thing I need. I hope it is for sell in actual retail stores instead of online only like most of their products are. I believe that it said it was going to go to retail. I might wait for a while to hear more about that.

However, if there is a SATA cable in the 360, can't I just use that to plug into the PC? Or is the required SATA cable like an extention cable? I was going to say that I don't have a problem having my 360 next to the computer. And if it is an extention cable of sorts, is it because the SATA cable in the 360 is simply way to short?

Also, are there any programs that I have to pay for to download? I used to have an Alcohol 120% trial, but I think that ran out already.
AfterDawn Addict

1 product review
23. July 2006 @ 13:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The SATA cable in the 360 isn't long enough to attach to your PC and still have the DVD drive attached to 360 for power. A SATA cable should run $5-10, but if you have to buy a PCI SATA card it should come with a cable. You'll need CloneCD and DVDinfo. Both have trials that will run out. Then you have to pay.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. July 2006 @ 13:48

23. July 2006 @ 13:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have Clone DVD. Will that work, or is Clone CD the only one that will? I've never heard of DVD Info, at least while thumbing through various guides. But alright, I'll take your word on it.
AfterDawn Addict
23. July 2006 @ 15:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Physically, the Hitachi drives are all the same. It's just the firmware (v32, v36, v40, etc.) which is different. And ya... the sata which is in the 360 is too short. Clone DVD (an EXCELLENT program) won't work for this. It's the latest version of Clone CD which is needed to properly burn the game image to a DVD+R DL.

You can also use DVD Decrypter (it's free) to burn the game image if you don't want to purchase Clone CD:
There's just more steps to follow with Decrypter.
23. July 2006 @ 15:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Alright, because I have heard about DVD Decrypter a lot more than Clone CD, and I'm guessing the price is why. Is it freeware, or is it just going to be a free trial thing? I think I'll download that because it seems simple enough so that the extra steps won't matter much.
AfterDawn Addict
23. July 2006 @ 18:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
DVD Decrypter is freeware.
23. July 2006 @ 20:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think I might just have to wait until I do this. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to be pretty busy during the weekdays, so I won't have too much time to myself. Also, I want to hear more word on that HDD/DVD to PC USB connector. I really hope that gets shipped nationwide to retail stores. In the meantime, I'll continue reading more and more guides. Thank you all for helping me, especially bhetrick.

I'll update this topic whenever I get the time to actually have at this and I get more questions. > forums > consoles > xbox 360 - modding & hacking > totally new to this

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