Ok, a short story: when i bought my ps2, the first game i bought was the original smackdown vs raw (svr). To be honest, i was blown away!!!
A while later i heard that svr2006 was coming out...i couldn't wait, & bought it immediately. And at first i was blown away yet again...Graphics were better and cooler "legends" to unlock.
Soon after starting my 1st match, i reallised that everything is not so polished as the original svr.
Firstly, the game (in my opinion) is riddled with glitches, and the most annoying one (which up to now i havent seen anyone mention), is the "running" glitch. So, you irish-whip your opponent, and for 2 or 3 steps he runs normally, but then magically starts sliding on his way on only 1 leg...problem in animation i guess, but it sucks!!! i cant believe that a game gets released like this,where a basic action is running, and it doesnt work properly. I even went to a store to test another copy to see if i maybe had a faulty one, but same problem...not good...
Like mentioned in other posts, what is up with the locker room? maybe leave that out next time?? it serves no proper purpose!!!
The camera seems to be more "inside the action" in 1-on-1 matches, but sometimes all you see is the wrestlers lower body, and the camera cuts off their heads...
Not doing a move off the top turnbucle triggers a slight "jump" on screen when you get off normally. And here and there the animation is not really seemless either...especially during grapple moves while on the mat.
The ladder match AI is horrible, as also mebntioned in other posts. Your opponent goes for the belt immediately, without putting up a fight. So you basically spend the entire match trying to keep him off the ladder...well, since thats the purpose of the match, it might be understood wrong. Its not so much fun if the opponent goes for the ladder before attempting to at least beat you up a little...also, the "swing by the legs" move that pulls your opponent off the belt in the ladder match is very badly glitced, to the point of frustration!!!!! For one, you or your opponent can be outside
the ring, and as soon as the other hangs by the belt, u just press "O", and by some form of Vince MacMahon trickery, you are in the ring hanging by the opponent's legs, or vice versa, even if you were far away from the other guy!!!