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Something other than an iPod. Suggestions Please!
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7. August 2006 @ 08:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am looking into getting an MP3 player. Probably around 30 gigabytes. I would get an iPod, but the two ipods i have used have broken. Any other suggestions? Something with good quality and doesnt have many problems. If you could, provide a link with a description in your post.

I really appreciate it!
7. August 2006 @ 13:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
uhhh the only other one ive really looked into is this ..... an iriver and i know its only 2gb(but you can play whatever you want on it)) .....

but the video files have to be MPEG-4 QVGA....
also here are some specs of it Ultrabright 2.2" color display

Built-in digital FM tuner; integrated voice recorder

Play downloaded games (wooo)

High-speed USB 2.0 interface for blazing transfer speeds

Built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery for extended playback time

Easy Start CD included

PlaysForSure compatible

Upgradable to future formats and features

PC compatible

i would also look into something like this next year or a 30 gb ipod because i hate my nano because to watch videos you have to put IPL on it and im not so good at it .....
Senior Member
7. August 2006 @ 16:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah I think they are makeing a new iPod soon because the Apple factory refurbished iPods went down a lot about 33% and up. I would look into the Creative Zen Vision: M if you want an mp3 player now. Here's the link:

sig made by AcidMagna
7. August 2006 @ 16:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah it looks cool but for me to buy any MP3 player it has to have a video player cause that is big for me and other ppl
AfterDawn Addict
8. August 2006 @ 00:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I had a look around and found this one that you might want to consider? lol

It's nice but not what I would go for lol

it has to have a video player cause that is big for me and other ppl

The Vision:M by Creative does have video and is by far the best mp3 on the market in my opinion as I am not a fan of iPods.

*edit spelling lol*

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. August 2006 @ 00:05

8. August 2006 @ 03:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
wow thats nice ....and i like the backround of windows in the interface and it looks nice to ....sometimes i get anoyyed at ipod (nanos especially cause no video) because your limited to what you can have ( file types) and everybody has them so that makes me not want maybe when my nano is 2 years old (its almost one) ill look into the one you showed me or one similar
AfterDawn Addict
8. August 2006 @ 03:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Cool. Glad I helped. I hate ipods - breakability lol

I like sturdy gear :D


8. August 2006 @ 04:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah they are so sensitive hear more ipods breaking than any other mp3 player...also ipod lacks some of the simple things ( radio (idk who listens to it when they got mp3s),voice command/recorder,fm tunner that recordes radio(i think ive seen something like that before...uhhh harder cases (like the mini) not the 2 peice thing or make it so it doesnt get scratched easily
AfterDawn Addict
8. August 2006 @ 06:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes, I like to look for features such as radio and voice recording - you never know when that comes in handy ;) - but the only iPod I've ever even considered is the mini cos it's much more sturdy than the other - and i like the range of colours better lmao!

Just a quickie - I think there are a few new upcoming ones that will shame the others lol. Have you seen Phillips mp3 players? Cos some of they're Hdd ones are pretty sleek looking and tick the boxes - not sure about the video on them though (will look)

*edit typo*

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. August 2006 @ 06:03

8. August 2006 @ 06:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oh cool if i have some time after football today maybe ill look into it
AfterDawn Addict
8. August 2006 @ 07:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This is the Philips' one I was on about

I think it is one of the nicest looking ones around.Shame there's
no video playback - so probs not an option for you but meh - see what you think.

AfterDawn Addict
8. August 2006 @ 08:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Another option I forgot to mention is Multimedia Players. If you are big on portable video, but want some audio with it, then this is probably a better option. Depends on your price range/limit but you can get them strting from $200, however a good one will cost you about $400, so rather pricy.

These are two of my fav. players which I would recommend.

Check them out...

8. August 2006 @ 09:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
those are nice ...all of them are cool ...i like the phillps but it has no video so that might not be good for me .....i like the seconed one ripper showed me but yeah very pricy
AfterDawn Addict
8. August 2006 @ 09:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey. Yeah, I thought the Phillips might be a No cos of the lack of video playback...
And tell me about it, multimedia players are pricy - out of my reach lol - so what kinda price range are you looking at?

Or is a multimedia player not an option for you?

Get back to me...

*quick edit - rather than post again*

Check this out v pricy but OMG! lol

It's more than you want but thought I'd drop it in the mix anywho...

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. August 2006 @ 11:38

8. August 2006 @ 11:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah that one looks price range is 200 300 MAX cause sometimes i fall asleep listinging to podcasts at night so i wouldnt get a 400 + one....

haha( i dont fall asleep cause the podcast is boring its because im so then i fall asleep and roll around and every thing and im surprised i didnt squash my ipod because im a big fooball player haha)
AfterDawn Addict
8. August 2006 @ 11:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Cool. You can do good things - media wise ;) - with a say 250$ budget - but i'm a brit so wouldn't know much about football (part from your big and hench lmao) as you have it in usa but thank god i'm on your good side :P lol

I can help you have a look around - are multimedia players out of the question for you - or not if they're right price?

8. August 2006 @ 12:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
uhh it would depend because the next mp3 i want s definatly gunna have video....yeah im a sick dline man for my jv9 team(woo) and im quick and strong so that helps....yeah anything that you find that is in my price range would be cool and thanks for the advice on the mp3s

also i used to just be oh ipods the best hands down...but now im realizing there are other crazy mp3/video players out there and they are as much as and ipod or around the same price and you can do more and they look better (most) and you arent limited to what you can use on
your mp3/video player
AfterDawn Addict
8. August 2006 @ 12:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey. Cool - football does look like a gr8 sport in USA though :) I'm the right build to play too - shame we don't have it in Uk :( Gd luck with it!

Np's, I can check around for anything video/mp3 with all the right boxes ticked and get back to you on it... Check here or I might Pm you.
And I agree when iPods first came out it was all "hail iPod" lol cos of their - and you have to say it - good looks and v shallow but apple branding... But once i discovered things like creative... iPod shmiPod! lawl!

Gd talking...
*edit spelling! lol*

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. August 2006 @ 00:50

8. August 2006 @ 12:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah haha ...yeah if the UK had american football i would defintly move there when i got old enough but even some were like new zeland cause i think the US is boring and hawaii sometimes had better girls haha or new zeland sometimes has girls that are good from down under
AfterDawn Addict
8. August 2006 @ 12:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lol yeah girls from down under and hawiai - spelt wrong lol - you know how to party ;) lol jkes. Anywho Ye Uk rules! lol Not that I'm bias ey?!? lol

lol And back on topic - for the threads sake :P - I'm loking at several options atm will post tomoz.

Off now cos UK is like 5 hours ahead so it's 10pm over here lmao so I should go rofl.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. August 2006 @ 00:49

8. August 2006 @ 13:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ha oh yeah i for got you 5 hrs ahead haha im from new york and its 5 pm...yeah i sorta have a g/f (BF w. benifts cause its summer and we dont see each other much so yeah ) and im only 14 so i have some time ahead b4 i go crazy parting i just know my stuff haha > forums > mobile devices > general mobile discussion > something other than an ipod. suggestions please!

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