I've just had my 360 console flashed with the Extreme firmware (not sure which version).
I bought a brand new core pack with a Sammy drive, and seem to have problems with a couple of games........
PGR 3 loads fine but after the 2nd lap of any London course, starts to load all sorts of weird shapes, blocks and the roads turn to water?
Prey loads fine, but freezes on the 2nd level also.
I've tried playing off-line, taking the HDD off, deleted my game saves (in case they were corrupt)? But get the same result each time.
I have about 8 other games (backups) that seem to work perfect.
Is it the firmware at fault? I did have the 'Stealth' patch installed, but took it off.
Any comments ?
it dosent sound like the firmware to me it sounds like the discs as if it was the firmware the othere games would be faulty as well if u got chance try backing them up again but try on a slowere speed if u can and check the discs as well as some times they have a mad mark on them u have to look close tho
not true burninas, if the backup is on a POS disk, you're computer will not have any problems reading it, just the xbox... so image it onto your computer, then reburn on a verb. Backup the backup.
The 2 games in question were lent to me by a friend, so not sure what speed they were burnt at sorry.
I have backuped 2 games for myself (PDZ & GRAW) and they work fine, with Verbatims on a Philips DVDR 1640P.