Need a good PC game
Junior Member
28. August 2006 @ 18:16 |
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So I just got myself a new gaming pc (in my sig). But im already bored of all the games I got on it (NFSMW, all the CS's, GTA's) so I was wondering if anyone knows a good PC game. Thanks
AMD AM2 3500+ w/HT
Western Digital 250GB hard drive
XFX Geforce 6800GS XXX Edition PCI-E
PS2 w/Swap Magic 3.6
Senior Member
28. August 2006 @ 23:56 |
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Yes there are many of coarse....It really depends on what your looking for.I would check out a site like gamespot's pc section for some reviews.
p.s. it's not in your sig;)
Junior Member
29. August 2006 @ 06:06 |
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I've checked all those gaming sites, cant really find anything... Im really looking at shooters/racers/action adventure...
PS: is the specs of my comp in my sig????? :S
AMD AM2 3500+ w/HT
Western Digital 250GB hard drive
XFX Geforce 6800GS XXX Edition PCI-E
PS2 w/Swap Magic 3.6
29. August 2006 @ 06:26 |
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flatout 2 looks really good u might want to check that out
29. August 2006 @ 23:47 |
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AMD 4200+ x 2 over clocked to 2.6
BFG Geforce 7800 GT OC 256mb PCI-E
2 GB pc 3200 Corsair Ram
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. August 2006 @ 23:47
Junior Member
3 product reviews
23. September 2006 @ 18:45 |
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go back to NFSU2 lol, (i never get tired of NFSU2)
23. September 2006 @ 20:02 |
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A really long and challenging game that is really good on pc for its graphics is half life 2 it is such a long game and really takes time to complete :)
Senior Member
28. September 2006 @ 17:29 |
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You could try Halo, and if you like RTS the Blizzard ___Craft Series are good.
Junior Member
30. September 2006 @ 02:30 |
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Command and Conquer General + Zero Hour Expansion Pack, this is an action/strategy + violence/shooter. I really like this game, as it also has online multiplayer capabilities. I think this game RULES!!! But also, try the Sims II and all its expansion packs, its a good simulation game. :D Hope this helps, but at the end of it, it's all down to personal preferance :)
Senior Member
1. October 2006 @ 15:28 |
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oh and age of empires 3 is godly if you have the specs for it
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2. October 2006 @ 11:54 |
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get command and conquer first decade (all command and conquer games included as well as bonus features) and elder scrolls iv oblivion. also, chronicles of riddick escape from butcher bay is a great game
X2 3800, A8n deluxe motherboard, 7800GT, Xion 2 case
2GB Patriot DDR 400, Audigy 2 ZS gamer, 400GB SATA RAID 0
games Im looking forward to: bioshock, SSBB, enemy territory quake wars, halo 3
currently playing: command and conquer 3, supreme commander, counter strike, shivering isles
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2. October 2006 @ 12:20 |
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do you like sports games?
5. October 2006 @ 14:52 |
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I haven't played F.E.A.R. but it looks very good.
Maybe you should check it out.
Call of Duty 2 is fun, but it gets boring after a couple of hours..
For Racing, I don't know, because I don't play too many Racing games myself, and I don't know any good for PC, so sorry.
If you'r into comedy, then try Lesuire Suit Larry, I haven't played it, for I am only 13, and my parents would never by me it, but it looks pretty funny, and interesting...
Happy Gaming!!
Junior Member
5. October 2006 @ 16:29 |
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Im not to big a fan of sports games.. rather actually go play thme in life =D I have Fear the C&C series and Oblivion, also have the Call of duty series... I got flatout. Its an insane game for the first couple hours but then i kinda got bored (to similar to burnout on ps2). So I guess the new question is any good looking games for the future? Also does anyone think Lost Planet, Eight Days and Saints Row will ever come to the PC?
Thanks for everyones help
AMD AM2 3500+ w/HT
Western Digital 250GB hard drive
XFX Geforce 6800GS XXX Edition PCI-E
PS2 w/Swap Magic 3.6
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6. October 2006 @ 07:19 |
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I like to play as lebron tho! lol when I'm 6'8 and can bite the rim, I'll stop playing sports games.
30. October 2006 @ 14:22 |
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Underground 2, Battlefield 2, Grand Theft Auto San Andres and Need for Speed Carbon(comming Soon)
30. October 2006 @ 18:57 |
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As for fps there is always Quake 4 and Doom 3 + Expansion.
Junior Member
31. October 2006 @ 12:00 |
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ya carbon looks insane, got the quake series and doom.. any good future games, crysis looks good.
AMD AM2 3500+ w/HT
Western Digital 250GB hard drive
XFX Geforce 6800GS XXX Edition PCI-E
PS2 w/Swap Magic 3.6
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31. October 2006 @ 14:29 |
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oh, tons of great games coming in the future, theres bioshock, C&C 3, suprememe commander, crysis, enemy terrirtory quake wars, gears of war, and probably a lot more. right now, you should check out company of heroes and battlefield 2412
X2 3800, A8n deluxe motherboard, 7800GT, Xion 2 case
2GB Patriot DDR 400, Audigy 2 ZS gamer, 400GB SATA RAID 0
games Im looking forward to: bioshock, SSBB, enemy territory quake wars, halo 3
currently playing: command and conquer 3, supreme commander, counter strike, shivering isles
4. November 2006 @ 21:32 |
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I like Everquest II you should try it out its a MMORPG or mabye
WoW (world of warcraft)
Junior Member
6. November 2006 @ 13:13 |
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the best game right now, strategy game. Dawn of war, dark crusade. (wow)this game is good.
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6. November 2006 @ 16:18 |
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if your willing to pay a monthly fee ($12 or $15 depending on how you pay)get world of warcraft, if not and you still want a good MMO, get the guild wars games. Dark Crusade and age of empires 3 are pretty good, though IMO, not quite as good as the command and conquer games. If you want a good strategy game get one of the battle for middle earth games (theyre made by the same teem as generals), the first one if you care about the campaign mode and overall single player experience, the second if you mainly want to play online and scrimmage.
X2 3800, A8n deluxe motherboard, 7800GT, Xion 2 case
2GB Patriot DDR 400, Audigy 2 ZS gamer, 400GB SATA RAID 0
games Im looking forward to: bioshock, SSBB, enemy territory quake wars, halo 3
currently playing: command and conquer 3, supreme commander, counter strike, shivering isles
Junior Member
22. November 2006 @ 04:49 |
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Play WoW awsome game yull like it
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